
The idea of a home page has kind of fallen by the wayside with modern browsers, what with their auto-recall tabs and syncing across devices. But it doesn’t help that Chrome, arguably the most popular browser on full desktop operating systems, isn’t entirely clear on exactly what your home page is. This can be especially frustrating if your home page changes without your knowledge.

主页的概念已被现代浏览器所抛弃,它们的自动调用选项卡以及跨设备同步的功能。 但是,Chrome(可以说是完整桌面操作系统上最流行的浏览器)并不能完全清楚您的主页是什么,这无济于事。 如果您的主页在您不知情的情况下发生更改,这尤其令人沮丧。

主页和新标签页之间的区别 (The Difference Between the Home Page and the New Tab Page)

For some reason, Chrome makes a distinction between the New Tab page (the address that opens when launch Chrome, open a new window, or open new tab) and the Home Page (the address that opens  when you press the Home button in Chrome or on your keyboard). Both of these have distinct behaviors by default. If you haven’t dug into your Settings menu, the default starting page for a new window or tab probably looks like this:

出于某些原因,Chrome区分“新标签页”(启动Chrome,打开新窗口或打开新标签页时打开的地址)和“首页”(按Chrome中的“主页”按钮时打开的地址)在键盘上)。 默认情况下,这两种行为都有不同的行为。 如果您尚未进入“设置”菜单,则新窗口或标签的默认起始页面可能如下所示:

If you click the Home button next to the address bar or on your computer’s keyboard, you might get another site:


And if you’re wondering why I chose to use Yahoo as my home page in Chrome—I didn’t. Some unscrupulous program I installed changed that setting without my permission. This happens a lot, since search engines like to pay developers to hide that sort of thing in the installation process.

而且,如果您想知道为什么我选择使用Yahoo作为我在Chrome中的主页,那么我没有。 我安装了一些不道德的程序,未经我的许可更改了该设置。 这种情况经常发生,因为搜索引擎喜欢付钱给开发人员以在安装过程中隐藏这种东西。

如何手动更改主页和新标签页 (How to Manually Change Home Pages and New Tab Pages)

You can manually change both the new tab page and the home page in Chrome’s “Settings” menu. Click the three-dot button in the upper-right corner, and then click the “Settings” option.

您可以在Chrome的“设置”菜单中手动更改新标签页和首页。 单击右上角的三点按钮,然后单击“设置”选项。

Under the “Appearance” section, you can see a couple of options under the “Show home button” header. Turning off the “Show home button” toggle removes the Home button from your address bar (though the Home button on your keyboard will still work).

在“外观”部分下,您可以在“显示主页按钮”标题下看到几个选项。 关闭“显示主页按钮”开关会从地址栏中删除“主页”按钮(尽管键盘上的“主页”按钮仍然可以使用)。

Under that toggle (while it’s turned on), you can choose whether the Home button opens the New Tab page, or opens a different Home page that you manually type in. I’ve changed the Home page to google.com for this demonstration.


Now scroll down a bit to the “On startup” section. Here you can choose what happens when Chrome starts up. You can have it open your New Tab page, a specific page or set of pages (which is nice if you keep certain tools like Gmail constantly open), or simply open up the same tabs you had active the last time you had Chrome running. For this demonstration, I’m going to set it to open a single tab to howtogeek.com.

现在,向下滚动到“启动时”部分。 您可以在此处选择Chrome启动时发生的情况。 您可以通过它打开“新标签页”,一个特定的页面或一组页面(如果您始终保持打开某些工具(如Gmail),则很好),也可以打开与上次运行Chrome时相同的标签。 对于此演示,我将其设置为打开一个单独的选项卡到howtogeek.com 。

Now we have a manually-set home page, a new tab page, and a startup page. I’m going to close Chrome and demonstrate how these settings affect its use. Opening up Chrome again, we get the assigned startup page, How-To Geek:

现在,我们有了一个手动设置的主页,一个新的标签页和一个启动页。 我将关闭Chrome,并演示这些设置如何影响其使用。 再次打开Chrome,我们得到分配的启动页面,How-To Geek:

If we press the Home button on the address bar, we get the Google.com web page:


And if we press the New Tab button, we get the default New Tab page, with a search bar and my most frequently-visited websites.


Note that if you’d rather not think about any of this, you can manually set all three settings to either an assigned web page or the New Tab page. If you see any of them change (as often happens when downloading free programs), simply go back to the Settings menu and switch them back. Also be aware that some extensions can take charge of your New Tab page. When this is the case, Chrome will list the extension controlling the page in the Settings menu.

请注意,如果您不想考虑任何这些,可以将所有三个设置手动设置为已分配的网页或“新建标签”页面。 如果您看到其中的任何更改(下载免费程序时经常发生这种情况),只需返回到“设置”菜单,然后再将它们切换回去即可。 另请注意,某些扩展程序可以管理“新标签页”页面。 在这种情况下,Chrome会在“设置”菜单中列出控制该页面的扩展程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/333256/why-did-my-chrome-home-page-change/



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