在系统开发上线过程中,难免会遇到在测试过程中没有覆盖到的场景,而且还有可能生成脏数据。这个时候就需要对错误数据进行一一修改了。如果遇到需要修改的数据量比较少,那么可以进行手动的编辑 SQL。如果数据量过大的时候,进行手动编辑 SQL 不仅耗时还很容易出现错误。做为一个 coder 我们可以使用程序来解决这个问题。


  • 首先,需要订正的数据以 CSV 文件格式下载下来
  • 然后,把需要修订的 SQL 模板确定下来,比如 update order set status = 1, update_time = now() where order_id = {}
  • 接着通过程序读取 CSV ,读取里面的订单 ID,接着遍历数据把 SQL 写入文件并确认一下 SQL
  • 最后只需要在线上执行上面生成的 SQL 文件就可以了

从上面的 {} 符就可以看出这个和日志打印的占位符替换一样,因为我是把 log4j2 里面的占位符替换扒拉了下来做为 SQL 模板的变量替换。

下面的项目依赖了以下 Jar 包:

  • lombok:简化 java pojo 对象
  • commons-csv : apache 提供的 csv 操作框架
  • fastjson:alibaba 提供的 json 操作工具


从 log4j 框架里面直接获取到的一个工具类


public class StringBuilders {/*** Appends a text representation of the specified object to the specified StringBuilder,* if possible without allocating temporary objects.** @param stringBuilder the StringBuilder to append the value to* @param obj the object whose text representation to append to the StringBuilder*/public static void appendValue(final StringBuilder stringBuilder, final Object obj) {if (!appendSpecificTypes(stringBuilder, obj)) {stringBuilder.append(obj);}}public static boolean appendSpecificTypes(final StringBuilder stringBuilder, final Object obj) {if (obj == null || obj instanceof String) {stringBuilder.append((String) obj);} else if (obj instanceof CharSequence) {stringBuilder.append((CharSequence) obj);} else if (obj instanceof Integer) { // LOG4J2-1437 unbox auto-boxed primitives to avoid calling toString()stringBuilder.append(((Integer) obj).intValue());} else if (obj instanceof Long) {stringBuilder.append(((Long) obj).longValue());} else if (obj instanceof Double) {stringBuilder.append(((Double) obj).doubleValue());} else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {stringBuilder.append(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue());} else if (obj instanceof Character) {stringBuilder.append(((Character) obj).charValue());} else if (obj instanceof Short) {stringBuilder.append(((Short) obj).shortValue());} else if (obj instanceof Float) {stringBuilder.append(((Float) obj).floatValue());} else if (obj instanceof Byte) {stringBuilder.append(((Byte) obj).byteValue());} else {return false;}return true;}}


从 log4j 框架里面直接 copy 的工具类,用于占位符替换。


public class ParameterFormatter {/*** Prefix for recursion.*/static final String RECURSION_PREFIX = "[...";/*** Suffix for recursion.*/static final String RECURSION_SUFFIX = "...]";/*** Prefix for errors.*/static final String ERROR_PREFIX = "[!!!";/*** Separator for errors.*/static final String ERROR_SEPARATOR = "=>";/*** Separator for error messages.*/static final String ERROR_MSG_SEPARATOR = ":";/*** Suffix for errors.*/static final String ERROR_SUFFIX = "!!!]";private static final char DELIM_START = '{';private static final char DELIM_STOP = '}';private static final char ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\';private ParameterFormatter() {}/*** Replace placeholders in the given messagePattern with arguments.** @param messagePattern the message pattern containing placeholders.* @param arguments      the arguments to be used to replace placeholders.* @return the formatted message.*/public static String format(final String messagePattern, final Object... arguments){final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();final int argCount = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.length;formatMessage(result, messagePattern, arguments, argCount);return result.toString();}/*** Replace placeholders in the given messagePattern with arguments.** @param buffer the buffer to write the formatted message into* @param messagePattern the message pattern containing placeholders.* @param arguments      the arguments to be used to replace placeholders.*/public static void formatMessage(final StringBuilder buffer, final String messagePattern,final Object[] arguments, final int argCount) {if (messagePattern == null || arguments == null || argCount == 0) {buffer.append(messagePattern);return;}int escapeCounter = 0;int currentArgument = 0;int i = 0;final int len = messagePattern.length();for (; i < len - 1; i++) { // last char is excluded from the loopfinal char curChar = messagePattern.charAt(i);if (curChar == ESCAPE_CHAR) {escapeCounter++;} else {if (isDelimPair(curChar, messagePattern, i)) { // looks ahead one chari++;// write escaped escape charswriteEscapedEscapeChars(escapeCounter, buffer);if (isOdd(escapeCounter)) {// i.e. escaped: write escaped escape charswriteDelimPair(buffer);} else {// unescapedwriteArgOrDelimPair(arguments, argCount, currentArgument, buffer);currentArgument++;}} else {handleLiteralChar(buffer, escapeCounter, curChar);}escapeCounter = 0;}}handleRemainingCharIfAny(messagePattern, len, buffer, escapeCounter, i);}/*** Returns {@code true} if the specified char and the char at {@code curCharIndex + 1} in the specified message* pattern together form a "{}" delimiter pair, returns {@code false} otherwise.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 22 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static boolean isDelimPair(final char curChar, final String messagePattern, final int curCharIndex) {return curChar == DELIM_START && messagePattern.charAt(curCharIndex + 1) == DELIM_STOP;}/*** Detects whether the message pattern has been fully processed or if an unprocessed character remains and processes* it if necessary, returning the resulting position in the result char array.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 28 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void handleRemainingCharIfAny(final String messagePattern, final int len,final StringBuilder buffer, final int escapeCounter, final int i) {if (i == len - 1) {final char curChar = messagePattern.charAt(i);handleLastChar(buffer, escapeCounter, curChar);}}/*** Processes the last unprocessed character and returns the resulting position in the result char array.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 28 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void handleLastChar(final StringBuilder buffer, final int escapeCounter, final char curChar) {if (curChar == ESCAPE_CHAR) {writeUnescapedEscapeChars(escapeCounter + 1, buffer);} else {handleLiteralChar(buffer, escapeCounter, curChar);}}/*** Processes a literal char (neither an '\' escape char nor a "{}" delimiter pair) and returns the resulting* position.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 16 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void handleLiteralChar(final StringBuilder buffer, final int escapeCounter, final char curChar) {// any other char beside ESCAPE or DELIM_START/STOP-combo// write unescaped escape charswriteUnescapedEscapeChars(escapeCounter, buffer);buffer.append(curChar);}/*** Writes "{}" to the specified result array at the specified position and returns the resulting position.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 18 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void writeDelimPair(final StringBuilder buffer) {buffer.append(DELIM_START);buffer.append(DELIM_STOP);}/*** Returns {@code true} if the specified parameter is odd.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 11 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static boolean isOdd(final int number) {return (number & 1) == 1;}/*** Writes a '\' char to the specified result array (starting at the specified position) for each <em>pair</em> of* '\' escape chars encountered in the message format and returns the resulting position.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 11 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void writeEscapedEscapeChars(final int escapeCounter, final StringBuilder buffer) {final int escapedEscapes = escapeCounter >> 1; // divide by twowriteUnescapedEscapeChars(escapedEscapes, buffer);}/*** Writes the specified number of '\' chars to the specified result array (starting at the specified position) and* returns the resulting position.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 20 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void writeUnescapedEscapeChars(int escapeCounter, final StringBuilder buffer) {while (escapeCounter > 0) {buffer.append(ESCAPE_CHAR);escapeCounter--;}}/*** Appends the argument at the specified argument index (or, if no such argument exists, the "{}" delimiter pair) to* the specified result char array at the specified position and returns the resulting position.*/// Profiling showed this method is important to log4j performance. Modify with care!// 25 bytes (allows immediate JVM inlining: < 35 bytes) LOG4J2-1096private static void writeArgOrDelimPair(final Object[] arguments, final int argCount, final int currentArgument,final StringBuilder buffer) {if (currentArgument < argCount) {recursiveDeepToString(arguments[currentArgument], buffer, null);} else {writeDelimPair(buffer);}}/*** This method performs a deep toString of the given Object.* Primitive arrays are converted using their respective Arrays.toString methods while* special handling is implemented for "container types", i.e. Object[], Map and Collection because those could* contain themselves.* <p>* It should be noted that neither AbstractMap.toString() nor AbstractCollection.toString() implement such a* behavior. They only check if the container is directly contained in itself, but not if a contained container* contains the original one. Because of that, Arrays.toString(Object[]) isn't safe either.* Confusing? Just read the last paragraph again and check the respective toString() implementation.* </p>* <p>* This means, in effect, that logging would produce a usable output even if an ordinary System.out.println(o)* would produce a relatively hard-to-debug StackOverflowError.* </p>* @param o The object.* @return The String representation.*/static String deepToString(final Object o) {if (o == null) {return null;}// Check special types to avoid unnecessary StringBuilder usageif (o instanceof String) {return (String) o;}if (o instanceof Integer) {return Integer.toString((Integer) o);}if (o instanceof Long) {return Long.toString((Long) o);}if (o instanceof Double) {return Double.toString((Double) o);}if (o instanceof Boolean) {return Boolean.toString((Boolean) o);}if (o instanceof Character) {return Character.toString((Character) o);}if (o instanceof Short) {return Short.toString((Short) o);}if (o instanceof Float) {return Float.toString((Float) o);}if (o instanceof Byte) {return Byte.toString((Byte) o);}final StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();recursiveDeepToString(o, str, null);return str.toString();}/*** This method performs a deep toString of the given Object.* Primitive arrays are converted using their respective Arrays.toString methods while* special handling is implemented for "container types", i.e. Object[], Map and Collection because those could* contain themselves.* <p>* dejaVu is used in case of those container types to prevent an endless recursion.* </p>* <p>* It should be noted that neither AbstractMap.toString() nor AbstractCollection.toString() implement such a* behavior.* They only check if the container is directly contained in itself, but not if a contained container contains the* original one. Because of that, Arrays.toString(Object[]) isn't safe either.* Confusing? Just read the last paragraph again and check the respective toString() implementation.* </p>* <p>* This means, in effect, that logging would produce a usable output even if an ordinary System.out.println(o)* would produce a relatively hard-to-debug StackOverflowError.* </p>** @param o      the Object to convert into a String* @param str    the StringBuilder that o will be appended to* @param dejaVu a list of container identities that were already used.*/static void recursiveDeepToString(final Object o, final StringBuilder str, final Set<String> dejaVu) {if (appendSpecialTypes(o, str)) {return;}if (isMaybeRecursive(o)) {appendPotentiallyRecursiveValue(o, str, dejaVu);} else {tryObjectToString(o, str);}}private static boolean appendSpecialTypes(final Object o, final StringBuilder str) {return StringBuilders.appendSpecificTypes(str, o) || appendDate(o, str);}private static boolean appendDate(final Object o, final StringBuilder str) {if (!(o instanceof Date)) {return false;}final Date date = (Date) o;final SimpleDateFormat format = getSimpleDateFormat();str.append(format.format(date));return true;}private static SimpleDateFormat getSimpleDateFormat() {SimpleDateFormat result = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");return result;}/*** Returns {@code true} if the specified object is an array, a Map or a Collection.*/private static boolean isMaybeRecursive(final Object o) {return o.getClass().isArray() || o instanceof Map || o instanceof Collection;}private static void appendPotentiallyRecursiveValue(final Object o, final StringBuilder str,final Set<String> dejaVu) {final Class<?> oClass = o.getClass();if (oClass.isArray()) {appendArray(o, str, dejaVu, oClass);} else if (o instanceof Map) {appendMap(o, str, dejaVu);} else if (o instanceof Collection) {appendCollection(o, str, dejaVu);}}private static void appendArray(final Object o, final StringBuilder str, Set<String> dejaVu,final Class<?> oClass) {if (oClass == byte[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((byte[]) o));} else if (oClass == short[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((short[]) o));} else if (oClass == int[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((int[]) o));} else if (oClass == long[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((long[]) o));} else if (oClass == float[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((float[]) o));} else if (oClass == double[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((double[]) o));} else if (oClass == boolean[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((boolean[]) o));} else if (oClass == char[].class) {str.append(Arrays.toString((char[]) o));} else {if (dejaVu == null) {dejaVu = new HashSet<>();}// special handling of container Object[]final String id = identityToString(o);if (dejaVu.contains(id)) {str.append(RECURSION_PREFIX).append(id).append(RECURSION_SUFFIX);} else {dejaVu.add(id);final Object[] oArray = (Object[]) o;str.append('[');boolean first = true;for (final Object current : oArray) {if (first) {first = false;} else {str.append(", ");}recursiveDeepToString(current, str, new HashSet<>(dejaVu));}str.append(']');}//str.append(Arrays.deepToString((Object[]) o));}}private static void appendMap(final Object o, final StringBuilder str, Set<String> dejaVu) {// special handling of container Mapif (dejaVu == null) {dejaVu = new HashSet<>();}final String id = identityToString(o);if (dejaVu.contains(id)) {str.append(RECURSION_PREFIX).append(id).append(RECURSION_SUFFIX);} else {dejaVu.add(id);final Map<?, ?> oMap = (Map<?, ?>) o;str.append('{');boolean isFirst = true;for (final Object o1 : oMap.entrySet()) {final Map.Entry<?, ?> current = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) o1;if (isFirst) {isFirst = false;} else {str.append(", ");}final Object key = current.getKey();final Object value = current.getValue();recursiveDeepToString(key, str, new HashSet<>(dejaVu));str.append('=');recursiveDeepToString(value, str, new HashSet<>(dejaVu));}str.append('}');}}private static void appendCollection(final Object o, final StringBuilder str, Set<String> dejaVu) {// special handling of container Collectionif (dejaVu == null) {dejaVu = new HashSet<>();}final String id = identityToString(o);if (dejaVu.contains(id)) {str.append(RECURSION_PREFIX).append(id).append(RECURSION_SUFFIX);} else {dejaVu.add(id);final Collection<?> oCol = (Collection<?>) o;str.append('[');boolean isFirst = true;for (final Object anOCol : oCol) {if (isFirst) {isFirst = false;} else {str.append(", ");}recursiveDeepToString(anOCol, str, new HashSet<>(dejaVu));}str.append(']');}}private static void tryObjectToString(final Object o, final StringBuilder str) {// it's just some other Object, we can only use toString().try {str.append(o.toString());} catch (final Throwable t) {handleErrorInObjectToString(o, str, t);}}private static void handleErrorInObjectToString(final Object o, final StringBuilder str, final Throwable t) {str.append(ERROR_PREFIX);str.append(identityToString(o));str.append(ERROR_SEPARATOR);final String msg = t.getMessage();final String className = t.getClass().getName();str.append(className);if (!className.equals(msg)) {str.append(ERROR_MSG_SEPARATOR);str.append(msg);}str.append(ERROR_SUFFIX);}/*** This method returns the same as if Object.toString() would not have been* overridden in obj.* <p>* Note that this isn't 100% secure as collisions can always happen with hash codes.* </p>* <p>* Copied from Object.hashCode():* </p>* <blockquote>* As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by* class {@code Object} does return distinct integers for distinct* objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal* address of the object into an integer, but this implementation* technique is not required by the Java™ programming language.)* </blockquote>** @param obj the Object that is to be converted into an identity string.* @return the identity string as also defined in Object.toString()*/static String identityToString(final Object obj) {if (obj == null) {return null;}return obj.getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(obj));}}


从 CSV 提取出关心的字段,这里主要关心订单 ID 以及 商户号。


public class Order {private String merchantId;private String orderId;}


CSV 文件处理类,首先读取 CSV 文件把关心订单相关的数据设置到 Order 对象当中得到需要修改的 Order 对象集合。然后遍历集合替换占位符生成 SQL 并写入文件当中。


public class CSVProcessor {String[] HEADERS = {"author", "title"};private static final String CSV_FILE_PATH = "/Users/carl/Desktop/order.csv";private static final String SQL_FILE_PATH = "/Users/carl/Desktop/order.sql";private static final String SQL_TEMPLATE = "update tb_order set status = '1',update_time = now(),extension = '{}' " +"where order_id = '{}' and merchant_id = '{}';\n";public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {List<Order> orders = readCSV(CSV_FILE_PATH);JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();jo.put("reason", "订单状态订正-20200708");String extension = JSON.toJSONString(jo);for (Order order : orders) {String sql = ParameterFormatter.format(SQL_TEMPLATE, extension, order.getOrderId(), order.getMerchantId());writeFile(SQL_FILE_PATH, sql);}}private static List<Order> readCSV(String filePath) throws Exception {List<Order> result = new ArrayList<>();Reader fileReader = new FileReader(filePath);Iterable<CSVRecord> records = CSVFormat.DEFAULT
//                .withHeader(HEADERS).withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse(fileReader);for (CSVRecord record : records) {Order order = new Order();order.setMerchantId(record.get(2));order.setOrderId(record.get(3));result.add(order);}return result;}private static void writeFile(String targetFile, String content) {File file = new File(targetFile);try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile(), true);BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)) {// if file doesnt exists, then create itif (!file.exists()) {file.createNewFile();}bufferedWriter.write(content);bufferedWriter.flush();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}


以下是生成 SQL 的部分截图。

我们把 SQL 检测一下数据是否比对的上,然后通过 Mysql 客户端在非生产环境执行一下其中的一条 SQL 看是否满足 SQL 语法。最后就可以在生产环境上面执行上面生成文件中的 SQL 语句了。


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