play 应用商店

Getting hands-on time with apps, games, and other software before they’re technically ready for prime time can be fun. And it’s not only cool for you, but your feedback also helps the developers fine tune the experience on multiple devices and under varying sets of circumstances. Google gets this, so it actually has a special section of the Play Store just for early release software.

在应用,游戏和其他软件在技术上准备好迎接黄金时段之前动手实践,这很有趣。 而且这不仅对您很酷,而且您的反馈还可以帮助开发人员在多种情况下以及多种情况下微调在多种设备上的体验。 Google可以做到这一点,因此它实际上在Play商店中有专门的部分,专门用于早期发行的软件。

This “Early Access” arena is exactly what it sounds like: a place for developers to upload nearly-finished-but-not-complete apps and games for people to try out. These apps and games are stable enough for you to install and play around with, but they may have certain quirks or errors that can potentially hinder the experience. Like I said, the idea is to let you get an idea of what to expect, as well as help the developer work out any kinks as they arise. It’s a win-win.

这个“抢先体验”的舞台听起来确实像是这样:开发人员可以在这里上传几乎完成但不完整的应用程序和游戏,以供人们试用。 这些应用程序和游戏足够稳定,可供您安装和使用,但它们可能存在某些可能会阻碍体验的怪癖或错误。 就像我说过的那样,其目的是让您了解预期的结果,并帮助开发人员解决可能出现的各种问题。 这是双赢。

Accessing this section of the Play Store is actually really simple. First, open the Play Store. You’ll find it in the app drawer and basically any and every Android device.

实际上,访问Play商店的这一部分非常简单。 首先,打开Play商店。 您会在应用程序抽屉以及几乎所有的Android设备中找到它。

Assuming you haven’t opened it in a while, it should start on the Apps & Games page. If not, open the menu by sliding in from the left side of the screen and select “Apps & games.”

假设您有一段时间没有打开它,它应该在“应用程序和游戏”页面上启动。 如果不是,请从屏幕左侧滑入以打开菜单,然后选择“应用和游戏”。

On the main Apps & Games page, there are advertisements for new or other highlight-worthy apps, with a carousel or keywords and categories just below. Cycle through these keywords by swiping and eventually you’ll see one labeled “Early Access.” Tap that little guy.

在“应用程序和游戏”主页面上,有新的或其他值得关注的应用程序的广告,其下方带有轮播或关键字和类别。 通过滑动浏览这些关键字,最终您会看到一个标记为“早期访问”的关键字。 点击那个小家伙。

Like magic, you’ll be swept away to a land of Early Access software—not quite beta, but not quite stable. Welcome to the in-between stage of software. Get giddy.

就像魔术一样,您将被抢先体验抢先体验的软件领域-不太beta,但不太稳定。 欢迎来到软件的中间阶段。 快点

This section is broken down into two simple sections: “Unreleased Apps” and “Games in Development.” A handful of each will be displayed beneath each subheading, with the option to view the full catalog by tapping the “More” link beside the respective listing.

本节分为两个简单的部分:“未发布的应用程序”和“开发中的游戏”。 每个子标题下都会显示少数几个子目录,您可以通过点击相应列表旁边的“更多”链接来查看完整目录。

Google curates this section pretty heavily from what I can tell, so don’t expect a massive catalog to choose from. Instead, you’ll be looking at 15-20 different apps or games to take a closer look at, which is nice.

Google根据我的判断精心策划了本节,因此不要指望有大量目录可供选择。 取而代之的是,您将查看15-20种不同的应用程序或游戏,以进行仔细研究,这很好。

From here, the app or game will install like any other—just tap on the one you’d like to check out, then hit the “Install” button. The main difference that you’ll see here is the disclaimer just below said button, letting you know that the app is still in development and be unstable.

从这里,该应用程序或游戏将像其他任何应用程序一样安装-只需轻按您要签出的应用程序或游戏,然后单击“安装”按钮即可。 您将在此处看到的主要区别是上述按钮下方的免责声明,让您知道该应用程序仍在开发中并且不稳定。

Otherwise, the app will install and update just like any other app from the Play Store. Keep it simple, you know?

否则,该应用程序将像Play商店中的其他任何应用程序一样安装和更新。 保持简单,你知道吗?

It’s worth keeping in mind that this is entirely different than Google’s software beta program, which allows developers  to upload beta versions of existing apps, keeping them on a separate channel from the stable version but still under the same Play Store listing. Users are then able to sign up for beta access, at which point their stable app will be updated to the beta channel.

值得注意的是,这与Google的软件测试版程序完全不同,后者允许开发人员上传现有应用程序的测试版,将其与稳定版保持在独立的渠道上,但仍在同一Play商店列表中。 然后,用户可以注册Beta版访问权限,届时他们的稳定应用将更新为Beta版通道。


play 应用商店

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