The System Thinking Laws from Peter Senge’s book “The Fifth Discipline” applied to Software Development.


1.Today’s problems come from yesterday’s solutions(今天的问题源自昨天的解决方案).
We, humans, are happy when we solve problems. We often don’t think much about consequences. Surprisingly, our solutions
could strike back and create new problems.
[1]A company decides to reward few key members of the very successful team with bonuses and promotions. The rest of the
      team feel unfairness and loss of motivation. Eventually tension between members is increased. The following projects are no 
      longer successful.
[2]A project manager frequently asks developers to fix a new bug or work on urgent requests from customers. Developers do
      their best to fulfil these requests. Frequent distractions prevent them from finishing their main tasks for the iterations. Project
      shows only little progress.
2.The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back(用力越大,系统的反作用力也越大).

We have this stubborn reaction to push our way through when things are not working out as we want. We charge without time to
stop, think and find better alternatives. Sometimes we solve problems, but often we find ourselves up to ears in the swamp of other
[1]Managers keep pushing people to work overtime and meet deadline when a system is far from completion. The number of bugs is
      increasing and overall quality is rapidly dropping causing more delays. More and more effort is required to launch the software system. 
[2]Developers heroically stretch the same architecture for the new system requirements, which don’t fit into the old rigid way. They are
      so busy doing it that don’t have time to stop, analyze and change approach. The system degrades. 
3.Behavior grows better before it grows worse(福兮祸之所伏).
Short-term solutions give us a short break and temporary improvement, but don’t eliminate fundamental problems. These problems will make
situation worse in the long run.
[1]A company gives customers hefty discounts and run expensive advertisement – many people buy the software.
     Customers are unhappy after purchase, because software is unusable and unreliable. 
     公司为顾客提供丰厚的优惠并投入巨资宣传,让很多人购买软件 。但是,顾客购买之后很不满意,因为软件无法
[2]Management promises development team big bonuses if they finish system in time. A team work hard, but soon realize that it is impossible.
      Developers becomes cynical and unmotivated. 
4.The easy way out usually leads back in(最容易出去的方法往往会导致返回来).
We learn few solutions in our life, which brought easy success earlier. We try to vigorously apply them in any situation disregarding particular
context and people.
[1]Agile coach is forcing full Extreme Programming implementation when developers are not ready to accept some practices as pair programming
      or TDD. It creates stress, conflicts and allergy to any Agile approach. 
[2]Developers apply design patterns everywhere unnecessarily complicating the system. 
5.The cure can be worse than the disease(治疗带来的结果可能会比疾病导致后果更严重).
Some familiar solutions could be even dangerous like drinking beer while programming to reduce stress for unreal deadlines.
[1]A company hires various contractors to work on core features, because doesn’t trust full-time developers. As a result, the system doesn’t
      have conceptual integrity, in-house developers don’t understand and cannot change it. Domain knowledge, interpretation and concepts are
      missing from the brains of company employees. 
[2]Developers make many shortcuts, copy and paste code for similar functionality to please management and deliver first version fast. They
      do quick progress at the beginning, but code eventually becomes Big Ball of Mud. 
6.Faster is slower(欲速则不达).
When we feel smell of success we start advance at the full speed without much caution. However, the optimal rate of growth usually is much
slower than the fastest growth possible.
[1]Managers add many people to already successful project. The overall progress becomes slower, because of communication overhead
     and loss of team coherence. 
[2]Developers quickly add new features to the system without proper refactoring and improving existing code. System becomes difficult
      to understand and modify. 
7.Cause and effect are not closely related in time and space(在时间和空间上,因果并不密切相关).
We are good at finding causes to our problems, even if they are just symptoms and far from real root causes.
[1]Development team stops accepting requirement changes from customers to finish a system in time. Customers are unhappy with delivered
[2]After few incidents with a live system, management compel developers to get approval and write detailed technical specification before
      implementing any change in the system. Developers lose motivation for any improvements in the system and start procrastinating. 
8.Small changes can produce big results-but the areas of highest leverage are often the least obvious(微小的改变可以产生明
Most obvious grand solutions like changing company policy, vision or tag line often don’t work. Small ordinary, but consistent changes could
make a huge difference.

[1]Developers have everyday interactions with customer and make most decisions. As a result, customer needs are well understood, decisions
are better and solutions are optimal.

[2]Developers build automated unit tests for each function in the system. As a result, design is flexible, people are confident, the system is fully
tested after each change.
9.You can have your cake and eat it too – but not at once(鱼与熊掌可以兼得,但不是同时兼得).
We often face rigid “either-or” choices. Sometimes they are not dilemmas if we change our perspective and rules of the system.
[1]Experience managers know that we cannot increase the number of features and reduce time and cost simultaneously. However, it could be
     possible to achieve if we just improve flow of ideas, find right people and avoid over-engineering. 

[2]Developers believe that they should follow either Transaction Script or Domain Model architecture patterns. However high performance
     solution in the complex domain can combine both for the best effect. 

10. Dividing an elephant in half does not produce two small elephants(把一头大象分两半不会得到两头大象).
Inability to see the system as a whole could often lead to suboptimal decisions.
[1]A manger evaluates developers based on the number of lines of codes they produce or points they implemented during iteration. Developers
     produce a lot of useless code. 
[2]Management promises testers $5 dollars for any found bug in the system. Testers are no longer interested in cooperating with developers and
     prevent root causes of the bugs. Good and productive relations between teams disappear. 

11. There is no blame(无可非议).
We like to blame and point fingers to other people or circumstances, sometimes we even believe in this. But we and cause of our problems are
part of the System.

[1]It is Joe fault that the team didn’t release system this morning. He didn’t fix all the bugs overnight even though PM kindly gave him free pack
     of beer, T-shirt and pizza. 
[2]People don’t use a company’s excellent Web 2.0 social application. Users are simply stupid and don’t appreciate
     hard work. 
    人们不会使用一个公司优秀的Web 2.0社会化应用,用户喜欢简单实用的东西,并且不会感激你辛勤工作的成果。

So what(然后呢)?
These 11 laws of The System Thinking show that all our solutions have consequences, sometimes bad and unexpected. Systems around us are
what they are, and we shouldn’t blame, but learn them. To master The System Thinking and control these systems we should
[1]understand what are the systems we are dealing with, either human or software. 
[2]consciously learn relations, cause and effect chains 
[3]perceive the systems as a whole and as the part of other systems 
There are many challenges to the system thinking. Many we can defeat with gaining and using knowledge how systems work. But the most serious
challenge is our own contradictory human nature. Our passions, emotions and instincts could easily defy the rational and systematic way of thinking.
First step to master the system thinking is to learn how to cooperate with ourselves.

Question: What is your experience with the system thinking (or absence) in software development?

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