
  By the end of the period,many foreign universities basically had paper to write,and both the number of words and the content were very strict.What made many Chinese students in the paper writing difficult was to put forward and demonstrate ideas,and the cohesion and coupling of words.It is very difficult for us Chinese students to write a paper that is coherent,fluent,clear,and forceful.Accurate words and grammar can help you write a paper with high accuracy,but for experienced Tutor,your paper lacks depth and logical thinking ability.The ability of logical thinking can not be developed overnight.Now there are papers to hand in,so many foreign students tend to be flustered.How can paper writing be logical and hierarchical?Let's have a look


  1、Pay attention to the arrangement of the logical relationship between sentences and paragraphs in the text


  Paper writing is a very logical process.When you write many papers in your third and fourth year of college,you will find that English writing has strict logical forms,such as the consistency of person,number and case in terms of words;A sentence should have a subject predicate structure;Use more related words between paragraphs and sentences;Pay attention to the correspondence and explicit cohesion of sentence paragraph forms.The cohesion between sentences and paragraphs in an excellent paper must be very appropriate.When you are writing paper,you should pay attention to that:articles that want to be completed by mechanical piling of sentences are not allowed.An article is an organic whole.There is a strict logical relationship between sentences,paragraphs and paragraphs.For example:

  1、Every summer,I go to traveling with my family or my best friends.When thenew term comes,I will surprisingly find my oral English is much improved.So I firmly believe book is not only the source of knowledge.

  我们很多留学生都能写出这样水平的句子,的确是没有语法问题,但读起来是否感觉总少点什么?没错,缺少逻辑关系:go to traveling with my family与后面的myoral English is much improved并没有必然联系,逻辑上讲不通,大家再来看下面这个例子效果就截然相反;

  Many of our foreign students can write sentences at this level.It is true that there is no grammar problem,but do they feel less when reading?Yes,there is no logical relationship:go to traveling with my family is not necessarily related to the following myoral English is much improved,which is illogical.If you look at the following example,the effect will be completely opposite;

  2、AIDS seems to follow a pattern of recognizable symptoms.First,after beingexposed to the virus,the AIDS patients tend to complain of a fever,sore throat,sore muscles,and diarrhea.Then there seems to be a dormant period,which canlast for three years or longer.Finally,after this period,more serioussymptoms begin to emerge.


  The above sentences are logically linked,and each of them is indispensable.Is the effect much better than the first sentence?


  It is not enough to do a good job of logical cohesion between sentences,but also to do a good job of cohesion between paragraphs.To write a paper with clear logic,it is necessary to achieve the cohesion and coherence of sentences and paragraphs in the full text.Therefore,it is important for everyone to use connectors and semantic connections when writing on paper.Common conjunctions in English thesis writing include because,as,while,it,however,there,alter hough,similarly,consecutively,and never the less,which belong to"clear conjunction"."Concealed undertaking"refers to semantic undertaking.It is written through the undertaking relationship between contexts,such as indicating the content of the previous sentence through demonstrative pronouns,personal pronouns,etc.,or reporting and explaining the keywords of the previous sentence,so as to form a natural undertaking relationship.


  2、Consciously carry out logical thinking training in daily study


  Due to the differences between Chinese and Western education methods,domestic middle schools and even universities have not carried out good logical thinking training,which is one of the reasons why the quality of our overseas paper writing is not high.The lack of logical thinking will lead to language barrier,confusion of levels,and unclear theme.To write a paper with rigorous thinking and clear context,students must master the basic logic laws:the law of exclusion of the middle,the law of identity,and the law of contradiction.

  排中律是指文章的立意要明确,旗帜鲜明,不要拖泥带水。比如:Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead ofliving at home.Do you agree or disagree?

  The law of exclusion of the middle means that the intention of the article should be clear and clear.For example,Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead of ofliving at home Do you agree or disagree?

  这个thesis statement立意不够明确,应该直接表达出对上寄宿学校的赞同或者反对,而不是模棱两可,观点不清。

  The purpose of this statement is not clear enough.It should directly express the approval or opposition to boarding schools,rather than ambiguous and unclear views.

  同一律是指在思考过程中,使用的概念或判断必须始终不变,保持同一。这也是文章立意符合要求、语体风格得体的必要条件。比如:Judging from the current tendency,I am inclined to believe thattraditional shopping will disappear gradually and the reasons are as follows:For one thing,the online shopping can bring convenience to people's life…Foranother,the merchandizes in online shops are much cheaper than that in thosereal shops because...Everybody tends to choose the online shopping in thiscase.


  The above paragraph violates the principle of identity and is inconsistent.The argument given in the first part is that traditional shopping will gradually disappear,while the later argument process is about the benefits of online shopping.The two have lost their identity and can not be connected.There is obviously a contradiction between them.

  矛盾律是指文章论述必须首尾相贯,避免出现自相矛盾,跑题离题的现象。比如这样的题目:Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea

  The law of contradiction refers to the fact that the article must be consistent from beginning to end to avoid self contradiction and digression.For example:Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea


  When writing,we should explain the benefits of students'evaluation of teachers,instead of focusing on the disadvantages of students'grading.


  3、Cultivate logical thinking through a lot of reading and thinking

  如果大家想把自己的观点论述清楚,不仅仅要掌握语言技巧,更要有足够的知识储备。爱因斯坦说:“If you can't explain it simply,you don't understand it well enough.”试想,你对你自己确立的观点没有基本的知识储备,空谈语言技巧和逻辑思维方法没有任何意义。清晰的逻辑和有力的论证肯定是要建立在足够深入了解话题的基础上。

  If you want to make your views clear,you should not only master language skills,but also have enough knowledge.Einstein said,"If you can't explain it simply,you don't understand it well enough.".Clear logic and strong argument must be based on a thorough understanding of the topic.


  Through the introduction of the above requirements and training methods for logical thinking ability,I hope you will have good logical thinking ability in the future paper writing.


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