The numberic keypad on your mobile phone looks like below:
 suppose you are holding your mobile phone with single hand. Your thumb points at digit 1. Each time you can 1)press the digit your thumb pointing at.2)moveyour thumb right,3)move your thumb down. Moving your thumb left or up is not allowed.
 By using the numeric keypad under above constrains, you can produce some numbers like 177 or 480 while producing other numbers like 590 or 52 is impossible.

Given a number K, find out the maximum number less than or equal to K that can be produced.









using namespace std;
void locate(int digit,int &x,int &y){digit=digit?--digit:10;x=digit/3;y=digit%3;
int reach(int digit1,int digit2){int x1,y1;int x2,y2;locate(digit1-'0',x1,y1);locate(digit2-'0',x2,y2);return x1<=x2&&y1<=y2;
int main(){#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGEfreopen("input.txt","r",stdin);#endif int n;cin>>n;while(n--){string str;cin>>str;for(int i=0;i<str.size()-1;i++){while(!reach(str[i],str[i+1])){str[i+1]--;if(str[i+1]<0){str[i]--;i--;}for(int j=i+2;j<str.length();j++){str[j]='9';}}}cout<<str<<endl;} return 0;

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