
  1. 安装依赖包

sudo yum install -y gcc-c++
sudo yum install libnl* libpopt*
sudo yum install -y popt-static
  1. 下载源码包

wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/ipvsadm/ipvsadm-1.31.tar.gz
  1. 编译安装

tar xzvf ipvsadm-1.31.tar.gz
cd ipvsadm-1.31
sudo make install
  1. 验证是否可用

[ec2-user@etcd1 ipvsadm-1.31]$ sudo ipvsadm -h
ipvsadm v1.31 2019/12/24 (compiled with popt and IPVS v1.2.1)
Usage:ipvsadm -A|E virtual-service [-s scheduler] [-p [timeout]] [-M netmask] [--pe persistence_engine] [-b sched-flags]ipvsadm -D virtual-serviceipvsadm -Cipvsadm -Ripvsadm -S [-n]ipvsadm -a|e virtual-service -r server-address [options]ipvsadm -d virtual-service -r server-addressipvsadm -L|l [virtual-service] [options]ipvsadm -Z [virtual-service]ipvsadm --set tcp tcpfin udpipvsadm --start-daemon {master|backup} [daemon-options]ipvsadm --stop-daemon {master|backup}ipvsadm -hCommands:
Either long or short options are allowed.--add-service     -A        add virtual service with options--edit-service    -E        edit virtual service with options--delete-service  -D        delete virtual service--clear           -C        clear the whole table--restore         -R        restore rules from stdin--save            -S        save rules to stdout--add-server      -a        add real server with options--edit-server     -e        edit real server with options--delete-server   -d        delete real server--list            -L|-l     list the table--zero            -Z        zero counters in a service or all services--set tcp tcpfin udp        set connection timeout values--start-daemon              start connection sync daemon--stop-daemon               stop connection sync daemon--help            -h        display this help messagevirtual-service:--tcp-service|-t  service-address   service-address is host[:port]--udp-service|-u  service-address   service-address is host[:port]--sctp-service    service-address   service-address is host[:port]--fwmark-service|-f fwmark          fwmark is an integer greater than zeroOptions:--ipv6         -6                   fwmark entry uses IPv6--scheduler    -s scheduler         one of rr|wrr|lc|wlc|lblc|lblcr|dh|sh|sed|nq|fo|ovf|mh,the default scheduler is wlc.--pe            engine              alternate persistence engine may be sip,not set by default.--persistent   -p [timeout]         persistent service--netmask      -M netmask           persistent granularity mask--real-server  -r server-address    server-address is host (and port)--gatewaying   -g                   gatewaying (direct routing) (default)--ipip         -i                   ipip encapsulation (tunneling)--masquerading -m                   masquerading (NAT)--tun-type      type                one of ipip|gue|gre,the default tunnel type is ipip.--tun-port      port                tunnel destination port--tun-nocsum                        tunnel encapsulation without checksum--tun-csum                          tunnel encapsulation with checksum--tun-remcsum                       tunnel encapsulation with remote checksum--weight       -w weight            capacity of real server--u-threshold  -x uthreshold        upper threshold of connections--l-threshold  -y lthreshold        lower threshold of connections--connection   -c                   output of current IPVS connections--timeout                           output of timeout (tcp tcpfin udp)--daemon                            output of daemon information--stats                             output of statistics information--rate                              output of rate information--exact                             expand numbers (display exact values)--thresholds                        output of thresholds information--persistent-conn                   output of persistent connection info--tun-info                          output of tunnel information--nosort                            disable sorting output of service/server entries--sort                              does nothing, for backwards compatibility--ops          -o                   one-packet scheduling--numeric      -n                   numeric output of addresses and ports--sched-flags  -b flags             scheduler flags (comma-separated)
Daemon Options:--syncid sid                        syncid for connection sync (default=255)--sync-maxlen length                Max sync message length (default=1472)--mcast-interface interface         multicast interface for connection sync--mcast-group address               IPv4/IPv6 group (default= port                   UDP port (default=8848)--mcast-ttl ttl                     Multicast TTL (default=1)
[ec2-user@etcd1 ipvsadm-1.31]$


  1. fatal error: netlink/netlink.h: No such file or directory错误,具体错误日志信息

[ec2-user@etcd1 ipvsadm-1.31]$ make
make -C libipvs
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ec2-user/ipvsadm-1.31/libipvs'
gcc -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL   -DHAVE_NET_IP_VS_H  -c -o libipvs.o libipvs.c
In file included from libipvs.h:13,from libipvs.c:23:
ip_vs.h:15:10: fatal error: netlink/netlink.h: No such file or directory15 | #include <netlink/netlink.h>|          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [Makefile:39: libipvs.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ec2-user/ipvsadm-1.31/libipvs'
make: *** [Makefile:87: libs] Error 2
[ec2-user@etcd1 ipvsadm-1.31]$ 

解决方法:需要安装sudo yum install libnl* libpopt*后修复

  1. fatal error: popt.h: No such file or directory错误,具体错误信息

[ec2-user@etcd1 ipvsadm-1.31]$ make
make -C libipvs
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ec2-user/ipvsadm-1.31/libipvs'
gcc -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL -I/usr/include/libnl3   -DHAVE_NET_IP_VS_H  -c -o libipvs.o libipvs.c
gcc -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL -I/usr/include/libnl3   -DHAVE_NET_IP_VS_H  -c -o ip_vs_nl_policy.o ip_vs_nl_policy.c
ar rv libipvs.a libipvs.o ip_vs_nl_policy.o
ar: creating libipvs.a
a - libipvs.o
a - ip_vs_nl_policy.o
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libipvs.so -o libipvs.so libipvs.o ip_vs_nl_policy.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ec2-user/ipvsadm-1.31/libipvs'
gcc -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g  -DVERSION=\"1.31\" -DSCHEDULERS=\""rr|wrr|lc|wlc|lblc|lblcr|dh|sh|sed|nq|fo|ovf|mh"\" -DPE_LIST=\""sip"\"  -DHAVE_NET_IP_VS_H -c -o ipvsadm.o ipvsadm.c
ipvsadm.c:114:10: fatal error: popt.h: No such file or directory114 | #include "popt.h"|          ^~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make: *** [Makefile:142: ipvsadm.o] Error 1
[ec2-user@etcd1 ipvsadm-1.31]$ 

解决方法:执行sudo yum install -y popt-static修复


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