
You might think it Christmas crackers to believe a beardy, old sleigh driver donning a red hat, has anything remotely in common with an internet-based hosting solution – but you’d be wrong. Both of them, in their own unique ways, can bring us many benefits. So, as Christmas approaches and we begin to let our minds wander away from work and towards the festivities, here’s a more seasonal and humorous post for you to enjoy. Here are the reasons why cloud hosting is like Santa Claus.

您可能会认为,圣诞节骗子相信一个戴红色帽子的笨拙的老雪橇司机与基于Internet的托管解决方案在远程方面有任何共同点-但您会错的。 两者都可以以自己独特的方式为我们带来很多好处。 因此,随着圣诞节的临近,我们开始让我们的思想从工作中转移到庆祝活动中,这是一本更为季节性和幽默的文章供您欣赏。 这就是为什么云托管就像圣诞老人一样的原因。

When it comes to running critical operations, Santa relies on his sleigh just as much as businesses need their applications. Downtime for either can be disastrous. Sleigh failure can result in millions of unhappy children waking up to empty stockings – an unimaginable reputational disaster for the world’s most trusted brand. For others, the standstill caused by server failure not only damages reputations but can also result in significant losses.

在运行关键操作时,Santa依赖于他的雪橇,就像企业需要其应用程序一样。 任何一个的停机时间都将是灾难性的。 雪橇故障可能导致数以百万计的不快乐的孩子醒来清空袜子,这对于世界上最受信任的品牌来说是无​​法想象的声誉灾难。 对于其他人来说,服务器故障导致的停顿不仅损害声誉,而且还可能造成重大损失。

圣诞老人和企业都不喜欢停机 (Neither Santa nor businesses like downtime)

While Santa relies on magic reindeer dust to keep his sleigh in action, for businesses, the best option is to migrate to cloud hosting where the possibility of downtime due to server failure is non-existent. The virtual nature of a cloud environment means that it delivers consistent performance with guaranteed 100% uptime. This is because its hyper-converged design protects against everything from hard disk failure to an entire server failure, enabling critical apps to be always available.

尽管圣诞老人依靠魔术驯鹿的灰尘来维持运转,但对于企业而言,最好的选择是迁移到不存在因服务器故障而导致停机的可能性的云托管。 云环境的虚拟性质意味着它可提供一致的性能并保证100%的正常运行时间。 这是因为其超融合设计可防止从硬盘故障到整个服务器故障的所有情况,从而使关键应用程序始终可用。

驯鹿快速表现 (Reindeer fast performance)

Speed is essential for both Santa and modern businesses. For Santa, dropping off presents to the world’s 2 billion children in a single night means he has to work fast. It’s been scientifically calculated that he needs to travel at approximately 650 miles per second to get everything done in time and to achieve this, he needs more than your average reindeer. Indeed, the average reindeer can only manage 15mph and most of those would be flagging after half an hour of pulling all that weight.

速度对于圣诞老人和现代企业都是至关重要的。 对于圣诞老人来说,在一个晚上向全世界20亿儿童送礼物就意味着他必须快速工作。 根据科学计算,他需要以大约650英里/秒的速度行进,以便及时完成所有工作,并且要实现这一目标,他需要比您的平均驯鹿更多的东西。 确实,驯鹿的平均速度只能达到15英里/小时,而大部分驯鹿在拉下所有重量半小时后就会下降。

What makes everything possible for Santa is that he uses the cloud. Rather than taking the sleigh over rugged terra firma, riding high in the cloud provides an almost friction less environment to travel and where gravity has less of an impact. This massively improves his speed.

圣诞老人使一切成为可能的原因是他使用了云。 而不是将雪橇滑过崎firm的地面,而是在云层中高空骑行,可以提供几乎无摩擦的行驶环境,并且重力影响较小。 这极大地提高了他的速度。

That same cloud, or one very similar to it, can also help boost the speed of your data. Indeed, as data is weightless, it can travel even faster through the cloud than reindeer, almost at the speed of light. And with high-performance servers featuring powerful Intel Xeon CPUs and super-fast SSD drives you can perform critical tasks quicker than an elf can say ‘Merry Christmas’.

同一云或与之非常相似的云也可以帮助提高数据速度。 确实,由于数据没有重量,因此它几乎可以光速通过驯鹿,甚至比驯鹿还要快。 借助配备功能强大的Intel Xeon CPU和超快速SSD驱动器的高性能服务器,您可以比小精灵所说的“圣诞快乐”更快地执行关键任务。

Santa has been so impressed with cloud technology, he’s now adopted load balancing to prevent his sleigh tipping over on tight corners. For cloud hosting users, load balancing maximises speed and capacity utilisation so that when servers are busy, the load is distributed. This ensures that no server suffers from performance problems and, with multiple data centres at their disposal, cloud providers can always ensure optimised performance.

圣诞老人对云技术印象深刻,他现在采用了负载平衡以防止雪橇在狭窄的角落翻倒。 对于云托管用户,负载平衡可最大程度地提高速度和容量利用率,以便在服务器繁忙时分散负载。 这样可以确保没有服务器遭受性能问题的困扰,并且由于拥有多个数据中心,云提供商可以始终确保优化的性能。

圣诞老人和云托管均可为您省钱 (Both Santa and cloud hosting save you money)

Whether you are buying presents for your children or cloud hosting for your business, it is important that what you buy offers you value for money. What’s great about the cloud is that you can save on the costs of running a data centre and the capital expenditure needed to pay for hardware. Everything you need is provided by the host. There will be no need to pay for premises, electricity, physical security, maintenance or insurance.

无论您是为孩子购买礼物还是为企业购买云托管,购买的商品都应物有所值,这一点很重要。 云计算的优点在于,您可以节省运行数据中心的成本以及购买硬件所需的资本支出。 您需要的一切均由房东提供。 无需支付房地,电,人身安全,维护或保险的费用。

Similarly, with Santa, those who have well-behaved children can save on the cost of buying presents. Instead of spending a fortune on Amazon, simply get your ‘nice list’ kids to write a letter to Santa and put it in the nearest post box. Doing this automates the process of putting presents in stockings and under the tree on Christmas Eve. Although a small delivery fee of a mince pie and a shot of something warming is required, the savings are dramatic, especially when your child has an eye for expensive electronic gadgetry.

同样,在圣诞老人的陪伴下,那些举止得体的孩子可以节省购买礼物的成本。 不用花大笔的钱在亚马逊上,只需让您的“好名单”孩子给圣诞老人写一封信,然后把它放在最近的邮箱中。 这样可以自动在圣诞节前夕将礼物放入长袜和树下的过程。 尽管需要少量的碎肉馅饼送货费和一些保暖物,但是节省的费用是惊人的,尤其是当您的孩子有昂贵的电子产品时。

Unfortunately. If you have naughty kids, you’ll have to supply your own presents or make do with the small bag of coal that ‘bad list’ children get left.

不幸。 如果您有顽皮的孩子,那么您将必须提供自己的礼物或用小袋子装的煤“坏名单”孩子留下。

两者都有专业的小帮手 (Both come with expert little helpers)

When you have significant workloads, it pays to have experts on hand to help you get things done. Santa, for example, has an army of elves who spend their days creating the presents, wrapping them up and loading them onto the sleigh. They’ll also manage the naughty and nice list and organise the presents in a way that enables delivery to be done with awe-inspiring efficiency.

如果您的工作量很大,那么请专家帮忙就可以了。 例如,圣诞老人有一群精灵,他们花费大量的时间来制作礼物,将它们包裹起来并装到雪橇上。 他们还将管理调皮的清单,并以一种使人敬畏的效率完成交付的方式组织礼物。

If Santa has a technical problem, Mrs Clause offers 24/7 support, together with tea and biscuits, to help him find an effective solution. Last year, for example,Rudolph’s nose was a bit dim and Mrs Clause provided the right type of carrot to add to Rudolph’s food ‘til the luminous glow was restored.

如果圣诞老人遇到技术问题,克劳斯夫人会提供24/7的支持以及茶和饼干,以帮助他找到有效的解决方案。 例如,去年,鲁道夫的鼻子有点昏暗,克劳斯太太提供了正确的胡萝卜以添加到鲁道夫的食物中,直到发光恢复。

Users of cloud hosting also benefit from expert little helpers. Working away behind the scenes is an army of engineers and technicians who ensure that your hosting is expertly managed. They’ll monitor and maintain the servers, update the software, scan for intruders and malware,and generally make sure your hosting is working as effectively as possible.

云托管用户还可以从专家的小帮手中受益。 在幕后工作的是一支由工程师和技术人员组成的队伍,他们确保对托管进行专业的管理。 他们将监视和维护服务器,更新软件,扫描入侵者和恶意软件,并通常确保您的主机尽可能有效地工作。

At the same time, should you have any issues, a good cloud host will provide their own 24/7technical support. While they may not know one end of a reindeer from the other, they will have expert skills in helping you with all your hosting needs and will be available by phone, live chat or ticket.

同时,如果您有任何问题,一个好的云主机将提供自己的24/7技术支持。 尽管他们可能不知道驯鹿的另一头,但他们将具有帮助您满足所有托管需求的专业技能,并且可以通过电话,实时聊天或票证获得。

结语 (Wrapping up )

So, as you can see, it is possible to compare Santa with cloud hosting. Comparing,however, doesn’t mean you have to choose between them. If you’re clever and have been good all year, you can have both. Now, that is good tidings.

因此,如您所见,可以将圣诞老人与云托管进行比较。 但是,比较并不意味着您必须在它们之间进行选择。 如果您很聪明并且一年四季都很好,那么您可以同时拥有。 现在,这是个好消息。

If you are looking for cloud hosting for your business, check out our cloud solutions.

如果您正在寻找适合您业务的云托管,请查看我们的云解决方案 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/4-ways-cloud-hosting-is-like-santa/



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