
 * 例如二叉树*      1*     / \*    2   3*   /\* 4  5




// Recursive C program for level order traversal of Binary Tree
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct node
{int data;struct node* left, *right;
};/* Function protoypes */
void printGivenLevel(struct node* root, int level);
int height(struct node* node);
struct node* newNode(int data);/* Function to print level order traversal a tree* 方法一:* 方法二见05* */
void printLevelOrder(struct node* root)
{int h = height(root);int i;for (i=1; i<=h; i++)printGivenLevel(root, i);
}/* Print nodes at a given level */
void printGivenLevel(struct node* root, int level)
{if (root == NULL)return;if (level == 1)printf("%d ", root->data);else if (level > 1){//递归调用printGivenLevel(root->left, level-1);printGivenLevel(root->right, level-1);}
}/* Compute the "height" of a tree -- the number ofnodes along the longest path from the root nodedown to the farthest leaf node.*/
int height(struct node* node)
{if (node==NULL)return 0;else{/* compute the height of each subtree */int lheight = height(node->left);int rheight = height(node->right);/* use the larger one */if (lheight > rheight)return(lheight+1);else return(rheight+1);}
}/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newNode(int data)
{struct node* node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));node->data = data;node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;return(node);
}/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
{struct node *root = newNode(1);root->left   = newNode(2);root->right    = newNode(3);root->left->left = newNode(4);root->left->right = newNode(5);printf("Level Order traversal of binary tree is \n");printLevelOrder(root);return 0;


Level Order traversal of binary tree is
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_Q_SIZE 500
/*构造树的结点* 一个树有一个数据域,一个左孩子指针,一个右孩子指针*/
struct node {int data;struct node *left;struct node *right;
struct node **createQueue(int *, int *);//创建一个队列,用双指针
void enQueue(struct node **, int *, struct node *);//第一个参数是双指针
struct node *deQueue(struct node **, int *);//出队/*创建一个队列,这个队列是以struct node属性的数组存储的* 此队列,相当于一个数据类型是struct node的数组*/
struct node **createQueue(int *front, int *rear) {//为队列申请内存,这里用双指针struct node **queue = (struct node **) malloc(sizeof(struct node *)*MAX_Q_SIZE);//初始化的时候,一定记得*front = *rear处于同一位置*front = *rear = 0;return queue;
void enQueue(struct node **queue, int *rear, struct node *new_node) {queue[*rear] = new_node;//现将结点放到*rear的位置(*rear)++;//加一
struct node *deQueue(struct node **queue, int *front)
{(*front)++;return queue[*front - 1];
struct node * newNode(int data){//要构造新节点,首先要想到的就是为结点申请内存struct node *node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));node->data = data;node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;return node;
void printLevelOrder(struct node* root){//定义变量int front,rear;//创建队列,传地址&struct node **queue = createQueue(&front,&rear);//创建一个临时的树结点,将root指针指向的结点地址赋值指针temp_node//因为root已经是指针类型,所以可以直接赋值struct node *temp_node = root;//遍历。指针temp_node处的结点存在while (temp_node){//打印printf("%d ",temp_node->data);//如果左孩子存在,左孩子入队if (temp_node->left){enQueue(queue,&rear,temp_node->left);}//如果右孩子存在,右孩子入队if (temp_node->right){enQueue(queue,&rear,temp_node->right);}//出队一个结点指针,使他赋值给temp_node指针temp_node = deQueue(queue,&front);}
}/*** BFS 广度优先遍历* 对于每个树的结点来说:* 第一次访问这个结点后,就将这个结点的的孩子结点放入先进先出的队列中* @return*/
int main() {//初始化一个根结点struct node *root = newNode(1);root->left = newNode(2);root->right = newNode(3);root->left->left = newNode(4);root->left->right = newNode(5);printf("Level Order traversal of binary tree is \n");printLevelOrder(root);return 0;


Level Order traversal of binary tree is
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