
  • argsParser.h
  • namespace
  • struct的繼承
  • caffe特有參數
  • UFF格式
  • 不需要typedef struct xxx yyy?
  • struct初始化
  • struct option,getopt_long
  • inline
  • DLA
  • 參考連結


/** Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/
#define TENSORRT_ARGS_PARSER_H#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "..\common\windows\getopt.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#include <iostream>namespace samplesCommon
//! \brief The SampleParams structure groups the basic parameters required by
//!        all sample networks.
struct SampleParams
{int batchSize{1};                  //!< Number of inputs in a batchint dlaCore{-1};                   //!< Specify the DLA core to run network on.bool int8{false};                  //!< Allow runnning the network in Int8 mode.bool fp16{false};                  //!< Allow running the network in FP16 mode.std::vector<std::string> dataDirs; //!< Directory paths where sample data files are storedstd::vector<std::string> inputTensorNames;std::vector<std::string> outputTensorNames;
//! \brief The CaffeSampleParams structure groups the additional parameters required by
//!         networks that use caffe
// 在SampleParams的基礎上加上caffe特有的參數
struct CaffeSampleParams : public SampleParams
{std::string prototxtFileName; //!< Filename of prototxt design file of a networkstd::string weightsFileName;  //!< Filename of trained weights file of a networkstd::string meanFileName;     //!< Filename of mean file of a network
//! \brief The OnnxSampleParams structure groups the additional parameters required by
//!         networks that use ONNX
struct OnnxSampleParams : public SampleParams
{std::string onnxFileName; //!< Filename of ONNX file of a network
//! \brief The UffSampleParams structure groups the additional parameters required by
//!         networks that use Uff
struct UffSampleParams : public SampleParams
{std::string uffFileName; //!< Filename of uff file of a network
//! /brief Struct to maintain command-line arguments.
struct Args
{bool runInInt8{false};bool runInFp16{false};bool help{false};int useDLACore{-1};int batch{1};std::vector<std::string> dataDirs;//?bool useILoop{false};
//! \brief Populates the Args struct with the provided command-line parameters.
//! \throw invalid_argument if any of the arguments are not valid
//! \return boolean If return value is true, execution can continue, otherwise program should exit
//解析argv,將所得到的資訊存入args這個struct Args型別的變數內
inline bool parseArgs(Args& args, int argc, char* argv[])
{//無窮迴圈。等到參數解析完了,arg會自動變成-1,接著跳出迴圈while (1){int arg;static struct option long_options[] = {{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"datadir", required_argument, 0, 'd'},{"int8", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"fp16", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"useILoop", no_argument, 0, 'l'},{"useDLACore", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"batch", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}};int option_index = 0;// getopt_long用於解析傳入的參數,定義於Linux系統自帶的getopt.h,// 亦或是samples/common/windows/getopt.c// 在getopt_long被呼叫的過程中,option_index會隨之變化,代表該次解析的是long_options裡的第幾個參數//getopt_long的回傳值是struct option裡最後一個元素,即'h','d','i','f','l','u','b'或0//注意到d後面跟著一個冒號,這代表-d後面還跟著一個參數//為何這裡optstring只有'h','d','i','u',少了'f','l','b'及0?arg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hd:iu", long_options, &option_index);// 如果所有可選參數都解析完了,則getopt_long回傳-1if (arg == -1){break;}switch (arg){//parseArgs的參數args傳入時是空的,在這個block裡依不同情況來為args設值case 'h': args.help = true; return true;case 'd'://optarg定義於samples/common/windows/getopt.c,由getopt_long間接地被賦值,表示可選參數//-d後跟著的參數會被解析到optarg內if (optarg){args.dataDirs.push_back(optarg);}else{std::cerr << "ERROR: --datadir requires option argument" << std::endl;return false;}break;case 'i': args.runInInt8 = true; break;//'f'不在optstring內,能被解析出來?case 'f': args.runInFp16 = true; break;//?//'l'不在optstring內,能被解析出來?case 'l': args.useILoop = true; break;case 'u'://在optstring中,u後面沒加冒號,為何這裡可以有參數?if (optarg){args.useDLACore = std::stoi(optarg);}break;case 'b'://'b'不在optstring內,能被解析出來?if (optarg){args.batch = std::stoi(optarg);}break;//如果傳入的參數不是上面的任一個,則程序執行失敗default: return false;}}return true;
}} // namespace samplesCommon#endif // TENSORRT_ARGS_PARSER_H


代碼中定義了名為samplesCommon的namespace。關於namespace,詳見C++ namespace。


關於struct的繼承,詳見C++ struct的繼承。


  • prototxtFileName:預期的參數是以.prototxt結尾的檔名,代表網路結構定義

  • weightsFileName:預期的參數是以.caffemodel結尾的檔名,代表網路權重

  • meanFileName:預期的參數是以.binaryproto結尾的檔名,代表圖像的平均值


摘自4.3.1. Example 1: Adding A Custom Layer To A TensorFlow Model:

In order to run a TensorFlow network with TensorRT, you must first convert it to the UFF format.


不需要typedef struct xxx yyy?

記得在C語言中,定義完一個struct之後,我們通常還會加上typedef,用以簡化之後與該struct相關的代碼。但是在argsParser.h中,定義完Args這個結構體後,我們卻可以直接在parseArgs函數裡使用它,這是為什麼呢?詳見C++ typedef struct v.s. struct。


parseArgs函數中定義了一個struct option型別的變數long_options,對它初始化的方式就像在初始化array一樣。關於struct的初始化方式,詳見C++ struct初始化。

struct option,getopt_long

parseArgs函數中定義了一個struct option型別的變數long_options,還用到了getopt_long這個函數,詳見C getopt.h。


parseArgs函數被宣告為inline function,關於inline function,詳見C++ inline function。




4.3.1. Example 1: Adding A Custom Layer To A TensorFlow Model





C++ namespace

C++ struct的繼承

C++ typedef struct v.s. struct

C++ struct初始化

C getopt.h

C++ inline function


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