原文链接: http://www.iforce2d.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=142

"Snap to grid" is scoring quite high in the feature voting. I am starting to think about ways to implement it, but since the item types in a Box2D scene are quite different, there does not seem to be any one specific way to handle them all. I'm wondering if people who have something specific in mind could comment here about what would help them out. Mainly I'm looking for people who have actually come across this issue in real situations in the past, rather than a general brainstorm.

Firstly the grid dimensions would need to be defined, which would go in the scene settings dialog, with x,y sizes for grid cells, for each edit mode (body, fixture, vertex, image, joint).

For some edit modes it seems quite straightforward, eg. for bodies, joints and vertices, I guess the position of the body/anchor/vertex could snap to the grid. For fixtures and images though it's not so simple. There does not seem to be any obvious way to align these with a grid, especially fixtures which are not even restricted to being rectangular. Any comments about this would be appreciated.

"Snap to grid"可以翻译成非连续的变换或者网格对齐,它在功能投票中拥有很高的分数,然后我就开始思考着怎么去实现它,但是在box2d中不同类型组件之间是相当不同的,好像没有一个很好的办法去处理所有的组件,我希望大家可以在这里讨论一下,怎么样用最好的方法来实现它,我也期盼有人在以前的软件开发中也碰到过这样相同的问题并且解决了它,这样比来一次头脑风暴更好。

首先,格子的尺寸需要被在【scene settings】对话框中被定义,用x,y尺寸来定义一个单元格,并且适用于所有的编辑模式。


My understanding of snap to grid is simply that whatever you're dragging gets snapped to a grid point. Whether it's fixture vertices, bodies or joints, I don't see what the difference is?

I use this feature in Box2d Body Editor for creating large static fixtures for levels, e.g. mazes. I use arbitrarily shaped polygons but often need various points from different fixtures to line up along the same x/y plane. Without snap to grid, the only way to align them is manually setting the location in the Property panel.

Can you not implement it globally as a modifier to the mouse x/y coordinates if snap to grid is on?




The difference is that a body is a single point, which is easy and intuitive to snap to a grid, while a fixture can have hundreds of points.
Take this for example:



It's all very well to say "just snap it to the grid" but how exactly? The only way I can think of is to have every point of the fixture checking for the closest grid-line to itself, and then choose the closest among them. Seems like a reasonable solution, but I was wondering if there was a better way.

You say that you line fixtures up along the same x/y plane... does this involve rotating them? Are we still talking about a grid, or are they being snapped to the position of other fixtures?

Yes, it would be implemented as a modifier to the mouse coordinates.




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