

  • 前言
  • 1 基本数据结构
    • 1.1 例子
  • 2 一些题目
    • 2.1 Construct completely balanced binary trees
  • 总结



1 基本数据结构

data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)deriving (Show, Eq)
leaf x = Branch x Empty Empty

1.1 例子

-- A binary tree consisting of a root node only
tree2 = Branch 'a' Empty Empty-- An empty binary tree
tree3 = Empty-- A tree of integers
tree4 = Branch 1 (Branch 2 Empty (Branch 4 Empty Empty))(Branch 2 Empty Empty)

2 一些题目

2.1 Construct completely balanced binary trees

要求构成平衡二叉树 :
二叉树:一个Branch只有两个sub tree

λ> cbalTree 4
-- permutation 1
--     x
--    / \
--   x   x
--        \
--         x
Branch 'x' (Branch 'x' Empty Empty) (Branch 'x' Empty (Branch 'x' Empty Empty)),-- permutation 2
--     x
--    / \
--   x   x
--      /
--     x
Branch 'x' (Branch 'x' Empty Empty) (Branch 'x' (Branch 'x' Empty Empty) Empty),-- permutation 3
--     x
--    / \
--   x   x
--    \
--     x
Branch 'x' (Branch 'x' Empty (Branch 'x' Empty Empty)) (Branch 'x' Empty Empty),-- permutation 4
--     x
--    / \
--   x   x
--  /
-- x
Branch 'x' (Branch 'x' (Branch 'x' Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch 'x' Empty Empty)

Answer 1:

cbalTree 0 = [Empty]
cbalTree 1 = [leaf 'x']
cbalTree n = if n `mod` 2 == 1 then [ Branch 'x' l r | l <- cbalTree ((n - 1) `div` 2), r <- cbalTree ((n - 1) `div` 2) ] else concat [ [Branch 'x' l r, Branch 'x' r l] | l <- cbalTree ((n - 1) `div` 2), r <- cbalTree (n `div` 2) ]
  1. 要注意最后得到的是一个tree list
  2. list comprehension 去罗列所有可能的tree
  3. 只有两种情况 : 完全balence ; 不完全balence
  4. concat 使用注意去掉一层括号

Answer 2:
可以用于其他场景: 左树比右树高2;3;4…

main = putStrLn $ concatMap (\t -> show t ++ "\n") balTreeswhere balTrees = filter isBalancedTree (makeTrees 'x' 4)isBalancedTree :: Tree a -> Bool
isBalancedTree Empty = True
isBalancedTree (Branch _ l r) = abs (countBranches l - countBranches r) <= 1&& isBalancedTree l && isBalancedTree r
isBalancedTree _ = FalsecountBranches :: Tree a -> Int
countBranches Empty = 0
countBranches (Branch _ l r) = 1 + countBranches l + countBranches r-- makes all possible trees filled with the given number of nodes
-- and fill them with the given value
makeTrees :: a -> Int -> [Tree a]
makeTrees _ 0 = []
makeTrees c 1 = [leaf c]
makeTrees c n = lonly ++ ronly ++ landrwhere lonly  = [Branch c t Empty | t <- smallerTree]ronly = [Branch c Empty t | t <- smallerTree]landr = concat [[Branch c l r | l <- fst lrtrees, r <- snd lrtrees] | lrtrees <- treeMinusTwo]smallerTree = makeTrees c (n-1)treeMinusTwo = [(makeTrees c num, makeTrees c (n-1-num)) | num <- [0..n-2]]

concat 是在2 个for循环的情况下


  1. Haskell里的循环要多考虑list comprehension。
  2. 循环要注意考虑条件的分级, 比如代码中要对同一棵树取fst snd
  3. 循环分级时需用concat
  4. 从最基本的树开始分析,一层一层往上照,总归会找出规律,Haskell递归的本质就是,发现规律并表示出来。

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