
Kim is a popular Korea actress.

She’s 28 years old, slim, and beautiful.

She has a large fan club, and her movies are very popular.

Everywhere she goes, her fans want her autograph.

But Kim wants more.

She wants to be popular all over the world.

Tomorrow is a special day for her.

She’s leaving for Hollywood.

She’s going to Hollywood to meet with some top movie executives.

The meeting is scheduled the day aftertomorrow.

If the meeting goes well, she’ll be in a Hollywood movie.

This is her chance to become a star.

She met the movie’s director last year.

He came to Korea and saw her latest movie.

After that he decided to use her in his new movie.

Fortunately, Kim’s English is excellent, so she can play the role.

The director wants her to play a major role in the movie.

The movie story will take pl

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