
I a history class

II a student & a librarian

III a student & a professor

IV a student & a bookstore clerk

I A History Class

its definition

II a student & a librarian

assistance(n) help or aid
recommend(v) to mention favorably
memorize(v) to learn by heart; to commit to memory
initially(ad) occurring at the beginning
narrow(v) to have limited or restricted something
arrange(v) to put into a specific order
straightforward(a) plain and open
category(n) a general class of ideas that relate to one another


The librarian was happy to help and explained to the student that the library was organized using the Dewy Decimal System.


She told the student that this particular system of categorizing books broke the book categories down into ten broad areas.


The librarian told the student that after she determined what category her book fell under, she should locate the card catalog.


The librarian continued to explain that, within the card catalog, each of the ten categories was further broken down into subcategories.


The student looked up her book number in the card catalog, wrote down the number on a slip of paper, and located the book on the shelf.

III a student & a professor

lag(v) to fail to maintain a desired pace
consideration(n) careful thought
absurd(a) obviously senseless
spreadsheet(n) a piece of paper with rows and columns to record data
relationship(n) a connection between two or more people
improve(v) to get better


to contend with difficluties
undertake(v) to commit oneself to something

a viral infection(also known as influenza)


She had been lagging behind in her studies and had missed quite a number of classes.

lag behind落后;拖欠


The student then proceeded to ask if she could be given special consideration and receive a good grade despite not performing well in class.


The professor was not impressed with her question and told her that she was forcing him to consider making an unethical decision.

unethical adj.不道德的,不合乎道德标准的(尤指职业道德)


He told her that the only way she could go forward and learn from this experience was to take responsibility for her actions and work harder in class.

IV a student & a bookstore clerk

indicate(v) to point out or point to


a postponement


arrears(n) something overdue in payment
stipulation(n) a condition or demand
purchase(v) to buy
possession(n) the sate of owning something
borrow(v) to recieve something on loan


The clerk told the student that she'd asked to make a deferred payment but they'd never received her money.

a deferred payment 延期付款


The student was suddenly very apologetic since she had forgotten that what she'd really paid for through the mail was a set of folders, not the two textbooks.


She offered to put the book back in order to have enough money to pay for the previous two.

V a student & a professor

requirement(n) a thing demanded or obligatory
register(v) to enter or record on an official list
prerequisite(n) something required beforehand
appointment(n) a scheduled meeting
consideration(n) a careful thought
definitely(ad) for certain
suspect(v) to surmise to be true; to imagine
afford(v) to manage

Registering for courses and completing the necessary requirements for a major.

(于 2023-04-11 22:18:53 发布)

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