1 之一 one of + 名词的复数形式

1、《水浒传》(Water Margin)中国文学四大经典小说之一

Water Margin is one of
the four classical novels
of(表示的意思:A of B 是指 B的A)
Chinese literature.

Water Margin is one of the four classical novels of Chinese literature.


Ming dynasty is described as one of

定语从句:which has ruled China for 276 years

Ming dynasty ,which has ruled China for 276 years,is described as one of

最伟大的时代:the greatest times(periods)
治理有序、社会稳定:steady society and orderly governance
在人类历史上:in the human history

Ming dynasty ,which has ruled China for 276 years,is described as one of the greatest times(periods) of(的) steady society and orderly governance in the human history.

2 越来越

2.1 越来越多

A growing number of +
An increasing number of +
more and more 越来越多


Find sth adj

More and more(a growing number of
foreign readers also find the stories
in this novel vivid, touching and interesting.

三个及以上并列 前几个用逗号隔开 最后用and连接


With the rapid development/growth of Chinese economy and improvement of global influence, a growing number of people from other countries started to learn Chinese too.

的 前后都是名词 of A of B B的A

In recent years, more and more museums in China are open to the public free of charge.

1 open 开放的
2 free of charge 免费


Nowadays, there are more and more different forms of exhibition.


More and more people also travel by high-speed rail on holidays.

by high-speed rail 乘高铁


Now, more and more Chinese people also like to ride bikes to keep fit.

2.2 Increasingly+形容词

Increasingly beautiful 越来越美丽

3 无主句(没有主语的句子)




3、there be句型


1、Over thousands of years, Chinese people have created many poetry and drawings to praise peony牡丹

2、Over thousands of years, a large number of poetry(不可数名词) and drawings have been created to praise peony.


3.2 普通大众也都喜爱梅花,春节期间常用于家庭装饰

1、Ordinary people also like plum blossom, which is often used for family decoration during Spring Festival.

2、Common people also like plum blossom

during Spring Festival,people usually use it to decorate house.或者during Spring Festival,it is often used to decorate house.

3.3 方言被认为是当地文化的一个组成部分

1、Dialects are considered an integral part of local culture
2、Dialects are considered as a component of local cultures.
3、People consider dialects as a component of local cultures.

3.4 成语在日常会话和文学创作中广泛使用

Idioms are widely used in everyday conversation and in literary creation.

3.5 近年来,也出现了许多数字图书馆,从而节省了存放图书所需的空间

In recent years, many digital libraries have also emerged, thus saving the space needed to store books.

4 原因状语从句 (as/since+句子)


However,since Chinese characters have a unique written form,they have hardly any difficulty in communicating./they can communicate without any difficulty.


As/With the rapid growth of Chinese economy and improvement of global influence,a growing number of people from other countries started to learn Chinese too.


It can be predicted/expected that with/as the constant improvement of sports facilities, more and more/a growing number of people will go to the gym to keep fit/work out/exercise.


As the air pollution becomes more and more serious, nowadays more and more people choose to buy new energy cars

5 有


I have money.拥有、占有

2、there are/is/were/was/have been/will be

There are 2 people in the class room. 存在


With this car,i will no longer be late.伴随

5.1 作为中国的国宝,武术有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式

1、As a national treasure of China, there are hundreds of different styles of Wushu, which is the most practiced form of martial arts in the world.

2、As a national treasure,Chinese martial arts have hundreds of different styles and are the most practiced form of martial arts in the world.

3、As a national treasure,there are hundreds of different styles of Chinese martial arts.It is the most practiced form of martial arts in the world.

4、As a national treasure,there are hundreds of different styles of Chinese martial arts,which are the most practiced form of martial arts in the world.

5.2 华山过去很少有人光临,因为上山的道路极其危险

There were few people visited Mount Hua, because the road up the mountain was extremely dangerous.

5.3 他们可以乘飞机到达所有大城市,还有很多城市也在筹建机场

They can fly to all the big cities. travel to all big cities by plane
There are many other cities, which are planning to build airports.

6 时间(…以来 / 过去几年里)

1、…以来:Over、For + 时间段 + 完成时态

6.1 数百年来,当地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市

For hundreds of years, local people/locals have built houses and markets along the river bank.

6.2 自上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加

1、The number of visitors has increased considerably since the installation of the cable car in the 1990s.

2、Since the installation of the cable car in the 1990s,the number of visitors has increased a lot(greatly).

在过去几十年里:Over the past decades

6.3 在过去几十年里,政府采取了各种措施防止灾害发生

Over the past decades, the government has taken various measures to prevent disasters.

6.4 几千年来,长江一直被用于供水、运输和工业生产

For thousands of years, the Yangtze River has been used for water supply, transportation and industrial production.

7 可以追溯到

1、be traced back to(被动)
2、go back to(goes back to)


The origin of Chinese martial arts 中国武术起源
can be traced back to / goes back to
the need of self-defense 自卫需要


The story goes back to the middle of 19th century.


8 因…而闻名

1、be known as
2、be famous for


Weifang is known as the “Kite Capital”, and has a history of flying kites for nearly 2,400 years


it has a unique view, and is especially famous for its sunrise and sea of clouds

9 坐落在

be located +介词(in、on、along)


Wuzhen, an ancient water town in Zhejiang Province, is located along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal


The world’s largest hydropower station lies on the Yangtze River


Mount Tai is located in the west of Shandong Province.



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