react 对象克隆

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. - "Litany Against Fear," Frank Herbert, Dune

我一定不要害怕。 恐惧是心灵的杀手。 恐惧是带来彻底灭绝的小死。 我将面对我的恐惧。 我将允许它通过我并通过我。 当它过去时,我会转向内在的目光,看看它的路径。 恐惧消失的地方将一无所有。 只有我会留下来。 -《反对恐惧的植物学》,弗兰克·赫伯特,沙丘

You may be wondering, "What does fear have to do with a React app?" First of all, there's nothing to fear in a React app. In fact, in this particular app, we banned fear. Isn't that nice?

您可能想知道,“恐惧与React应用程序有什么关系?” 首先,在React应用程序中没有什么可担心的。 实际上,在这个特定的应用程序中,我们禁止了恐惧。 那不是很好吗?

Now that you're ready to be fearless, let's discuss our app. It's a mini Yelp clone where instead of reviewing restaurants, users review planets from the classic sci-fi series, Dune. (Why? Because there's a new Dune movie coming out... but back to the main point.)

现在您已经准备好无所畏惧,让我们讨论一下我们的应用程序。 这是一个微型Yelp克隆,用户无需查看餐厅,而是查看经​​典科幻电视剧Dune中的行星。 (为什么?因为有一部新的《沙丘》电影上映……但又回到了重点。)

To build our full-stack app, we'll use technologies that make our lives easy.


  1. React: Intuitive, compositional front-end framework, because our brains like to compose things.

    React :直观的,组成性的前端框架,因为我们的大脑喜欢组成事物。

  2. GraphQL: You may have heard many reasons why GraphQL is awesome. By far, the most important one is developer productivity and happiness.

    GraphQL :您可能已经听说了GraphQL很棒的许多原因。 到目前为止,最重要的是开发人员的生产力和幸福感

  3. Hasura: Set up an auto-generated GraphQL API on top of a Postgres database in under 30 seconds.

    Hasura :在30秒内在Postgres数据库的顶部设置一个自动生成的GraphQL API。

  4. Heroku: To host our database.

    Heroku :托管我们的数据库。

而GraphQL给我带来怎样的幸福? (And GraphQL gives me happiness how?)

I see you're a skeptical one. But you'll most likely come around as soon as you spend some time with GraphiQL (the GraphQL playground).

我看到你是一个怀疑的人。 但是,一旦在GraphiQL(GraphQL游乐场)上花了一些时间,您很可能很快就会出现。

Using GraphQL is a breeze for the front-end developer, compared to the old ways of clunky REST endpoints. GraphQL gives you a single endpoint that listens to all your troubles... I mean queries. It's such a great listener that you can tell it exactly what you want, and it will give it to you, nothing less and nothing more.

与笨拙的REST端点的旧方法相比,使用GraphQL对于前端开发人员而言是轻而易举的事。 GraphQL为您提供了一个侦听所有麻烦的终结点……我的意思是查询。 这是一个很棒的听众,您可以准确地告诉它您想要什么,它将为您提供任何帮助。

Feeling psyched about this therapeutic experience? Let's dive into the tutorial so you can try it ASAP!

对这种治疗经验感到不安? 让我们深入本教程,以便您可以尽快尝试!

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