cpu软改vista 驱动

By now most people have likely already upgraded to Windows Vista Service Pack 1, but one of the smaller feature upgrades might have passed most people by: You can now configure automatic defragmenting for All drives, as well as defragment all of your drives at the same time.

到目前为止,大多数人可能已经升级到Windows Vista Service Pack 1,但是较小的功能升级之一可能已使大多数人受益:您现在可以为所有驱动器配置自动碎片整理,以及在同一驱动器上对所有驱动器进行碎片整理时间。

Note: This article is courtesy of a conversation I had yesterday with my good friend Ross, who runs the excellent SimpleHelp blog that you should check out (and subscribe to).


Set Automatic Defrag Options


Launch Disk Defragmenter by typing dfrgui into the start menu search or run box (or you could just search for defrag in the start menu or control panel)


Once you are there, you will notice the new “Select volumes” button that wasn’t there before Service Pack 1:

到达那里后,您会注意到Service Pack 1之前没有的新“选择卷”按钮:

This will launch a dialog where you can choose which drives should be automatically defragmented at the scheduled time:


Of course, you can also use this same new feature to manually defragment all your drives at once, instead of having to use a batch file.


There’s really not much to it, is there?


Note: Vista most likely already scheduled all your drives to be defragmented by default, or at least it did in my testing.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/set-automatic-defrag-options-for-all-drives-in-vista-service-pack-1/

cpu软改vista 驱动

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