Oracle REST DataServices(ORDS):Authentication认证

Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) : Authentication 认证

OAuth : Client Credentials
The client credentials flow is a two-legged process that seems the most natural to me as I mostly deal with server-server communication, which should have no human interaction. For this flow we use the client credentials to return an access token, which is used to authorize calls to protected resources. The example steps through the individual calls, but in reality it would be automated by the application.

Remember to clean up the OAUTH metadata, as described in the Deleting OAUTH Metadata section.

Create a client with the grant type of "client_credentials".

CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1

   p_name           => 'emp_client',
   p_grant_type     => 'client_credentials',
   p_owner          => 'My Company Limited',
   p_description    => 'A client for Emp management',
   p_support_email   => '',
   p_privilege_names => 'emp_priv'


-- Display client details.

SELECT id, name, client_id, client_secret
FROM   user_ords_clients;

ID NAME                CLIENT_ID                       CLIENT_SECRET
---------- -------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    10316 emp_client          3NvJRo_a0UwGKx7Q-kivtA..        F5WVwyrWxXj3ykmhSONldQ..


-- Display client-privilege relationship.
SELECT name, client_name
FROM  user_ords_client_privileges;

NAME                CLIENT_NAME
-------------------- ------------------------------
emp_priv            emp_client

Associate the client with the role that holds the correct privileges for the resources it needs to access.

   p_client_name => 'emp_client',
   p_role_name   => 'emp_role'


-- Display client-role relationship.
COLUMN client_name FORMAT A30
COLUMN role_name FORMAT A20

SELECT client_name, role_name
FROM  user_ords_client_roles;

CLIENT_NAME                   ROLE_NAME
------------------------------ --------------------
emp_client                    emp_role

In order to access the web service, we must first retrieve an access token using the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET we queried from the USER_ORDS_CLIENTS view.

CLIENT_ID    : 3NvJRo_a0UwGKx7Q-kivtA..
OAUTH URL    : https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/oauth/token
The example below retrieves the access token. Notice the user format of "CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET". It is easy to miss the ":" when you look at this for the first time.

$ curl -i -k --user 3NvJRo_a0UwGKx7Q-kivtA..:F5WVwyrWxXj3ykmhSONldQ.. --data "grant_type=client_credentials" https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/oauth/token
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 12:07:02 GMT

We can now use the access token to call our web service. Notice the "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" entry in the header of the call.

$ curl -i -k -H"Authorization: Bearer -zYl-sFyB2iLicAHw2TsRA.." https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/employees/7788
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
ETag: "jtC17IXyetESUjSkxB2ani/a1TnFh28yfor+fLmxxUzGr6G9IFxQ77+/Gd71W4Qzz0rSxf90Qqbl+ICwezTayQ=="
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 12:07:31 GMT

We successfully accessed the protected web service.

OAuth : Authorization Code
The authorization code flow is a three-legged process. The user accesses a URL in a browser, which prompts for credentials. Once authorized, the browser is redirected to a specified page with an authhorization code as one of the parameters in the URL. That authorization code is used in a call to generate an access token, which is used to authorize calls to protected resources. With the exception of the user confirmation, all the other steps in the flow should be handled by the application. All the steps will be presented separately in the example that follows.

This flow sounds complicated, but the important point to remember is the calling application never sees the user credentials. ORDS handles the user login and sends an authorization code back to the application, so it can continue with the authorization process.

Remember to clean up the OAUTH metadata, as described in the Deleting OAUTH Metadata section. The first-party authentication must be working for this flow to work.

Create a client using the grant type of "authorization_code". The redirect and support URLs are not real, but we will be able to follow the example through anyway.

CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1

   p_name           => 'emp_client',
   p_grant_type     => 'authorization_code',
   p_owner          => 'My Company Limited',
   p_description    => 'A client for Emp management',
   p_redirect_uri   => 'https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/redirect',
   p_support_email   => '',
   p_support_uri    => 'https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/support',
   p_privilege_names => 'emp_priv'


-- Display client details.

SELECT id, name, client_id, client_secret
FROM   user_ords_clients;

ID NAME                CLIENT_ID                       CLIENT_SECRET
---------- -------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    10333 emp_client          gxqNSyxPbLUJhSj1yBe8qA..        E-_mKJBlOTfTdHc_zISniA..

We then attempt to request an authorization code. Notice we are using the CLIENT_ID from the USER_ORDS_CLIENTS view along with a unique string that will represent the state.

CLIENT_ID    : gxqNSyxPbLUJhSj1yBe8qA..
State        : 3668D7A713E93372E0406A38A8C02171
URL          : https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/oauth/auth?response_type=code&client_id={client_id}&state={state}
Access the following URL from a browser.

You are presented with a 401 message, which includes a "sign in" link. Click the link, sign in with the ORDS credentials you created earlier (emp_user) and you will be directed to an approval page. Click the "Approve" button, which will take you to the redirect page you specified for the client.

The redirect page we specified for the client doesn't really exist, but we can get the authorization code and state from the URL.

The application should check the state string matches the one used in the initial call. We use the authorization code to retrieve the access token.

CLIENT_ID    : gxqNSyxPbLUJhSj1yBe8qA..
Data         : grant_type=authorization_code&code={authorization-code}
URL          : https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/oauth/token
The following call retrieves the access token.

$ curl -i -k --user gxqNSyxPbLUJhSj1yBe8qA..:E-_mKJBlOTfTdHc_zISniA.. --data "grant_type=authorization_code&code=FF-APuIMukuBlrver1XU2A.." https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/oauth/token
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 12:38:52 GMT

We can now access the protected resource using the access token.

$ curl -i -k -H"Authorization: Bearer cOYb2hFK_SyxOh8o9n6R7A.." https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/employees/7788
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
ETag: "jtC17IXyetESUjSkxB2ani/a1TnFh28yfor+fLmxxUzGr6G9IFxQ77+/Gd71W4Qzz0rSxf90Qqbl+ICwezTayQ=="
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 12:40:34 GMT

As mentioned before, this looks complicated, but it allows a calling application to authenticate to a web service without seeing the user credentials. The application just has to know the CLIENT_ID and SECRET that were registered for it, and go through the user approval process to get the authorisation code.

OAuth : Implicit
The implicit flow is a two-legged process that requires user interaction. The user accesses a URL in a browser, which prompts for credentials. Once authorized, the browser is redirected to a specified page with an access token as one of the parameters in the URL. That access token is used to authorize calls to protected resources. The example steps through the individual calls, but in reality everything but the user interaction would be automated by the application.

Remember to clean up the OAUTH metadata, as described in the Deleting OAUTH Metadata section.

Create a client using the grant type of "implicit". The redirect and support URLs are not real, but we will be able to follow the example through anyway.

CONN testuser1/testuser1@pdb1

   p_name           => 'emp_client',
   p_grant_type     => 'implicit',
   p_owner          => 'My Company Limited',
   p_description    => 'A client for Emp management',
   p_redirect_uri   => 'https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/redirect',
   p_support_email   => '',
   p_support_uri    => 'https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/support',
   p_privilege_names => 'emp_priv'


-- Display client details.

SELECT id, name, client_id, client_secret
FROM   user_ords_clients;

ID NAME                CLIENT_ID                       CLIENT_SECRET
---------- -------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    10325 emp_client          0docHbkL8__7Ic58n7GCBA..

We then attempt to request an access token. Notice we are using the CLIENT_ID from the USER_ORDS_CLIENTS view along with a unique string that will represent the state.

CLIENT_ID    : 0docHbkL8__7Ic58n7GCBA..
State        : 3668D7A713E93372E0406A38A8C02171
URL          : https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/oauth/auth?response_type=code&client_id={client_id}&state={random-string}
Access the following URL from a browser.

You are presented with a 401 message, which includes a "sign in" link. Click the link, sign in with the ORDS credentials you created earlier (emp_user) and you will be directed to an approval page. Click the "Approve" button, which will take you to the redirect page you specified for the client.

The redirect page we specified for the client doesn't really exist, but we can get the access token from the URL.

The application should check the state string matches the one used in the initial call. We can now access the protected resource using the access token.

$ curl -i -k -H"Authorization: Bearer 5SVR_NVP5N_OnDQt6iSxJg.." https://localhost:8443/ords/hr/employees/7788
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
ETag: "jtC17IXyetESUjSkxB2ani/a1TnFh28yfor+fLmxxUzGr6G9IFxQ77+/Gd71W4Qzz0rSxf90Qqbl+ICwezTayQ=="
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 12:15:35 GMT


-- 刘轶鹤转


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