
.NET and C# are great languages for programming emulators. Specifically retrogaming and retroarcade emulators. In fact, there's a long history of emulators written in C#. Here's just a few.

.NET和C#是编程模拟器的绝佳语言。 特别是Retrogaming和Retroarcade模拟器。 实际上,用C#编写模拟器已有很长的历史。 这只是几个。

  • Emulating a PlayStation 1 (PSX) entirely with C# and .NET

    完全使用C#和.NET模拟PlayStation 1(PSX)

  • Virtu, an Apple Emulator in C# for Silverlight, WPF and XNA


  • A multi-player server-side GameBoy Emulator written in .NET Core and Angular

    用.NET Core和Angular编写的多人服务器端GameBoy模拟器

  • Commodore 64 Emulator

    Commodore 64仿真器

Today, David Whitney is deep into writing CoreBoy, a GameBoy Emulator written in C# and .NET Core, using WinForms, and I also spy the Avalonia cross-platform open source WPF-like framework. Head over to and give the gent a STAR. It even has a headless mode and you could use it as a Library in your own software. Who doesn't want a GameBoy library in their app?

如今,David Whitney致力于使用WinForms编写用C#和.NET Core编写的GameBoy模拟器CoreBoy ,并且还监视了类似Avalonia跨平台的开源WPF框架。 前往,并给绅士一个STAR。 它甚至具有无头模式,您可以在自己的软件中将其用作库。 谁希望在自己的应用程序一的GameBoy库?

I cloned and built it with Core in just a few minutes. Lovely. I enjoy a clean codebase. Assuming you have a backup of one of the many physical GameBoy games you own like me, you can load a binary dump in CoreBoy as a *.gb or *.gbc file and you'll get something this:

我在短短几分钟内就使用 Core进行了克隆和构建。 可爱。 我喜欢一个干净的代码库。 假设您像我一样拥有许多物理GameBoy游戏之一的备份,则可以在CoreBoy中将二进制转储文件加载为* .gb或* .gbc文件,您将获得以下内容:

Sweet! Sure it's a little buggy and slow but figuring these things out is the fun of it all! I love that David Whitney is taking us on this journey with him.

甜! 当然,这有点麻烦和缓慢,但是弄清楚这些事情是所有事情的乐趣! 我爱戴维·惠特尼(David Whitney)带我们一起踏上这一旅程。

There's even already a MonoGame-based graphics surface using DesktopGL and "nilllzz" has it running on Ubuntu!

甚至已经有一个使用DesktopGL的基于MonoGame的图形界面,“ nilllzz”使其在Ubuntu上运行!

Emulators are always fun projects to read and learn from. Here, David has a clear separation of concerns between the emulator (handling the CPU, loading instructions, etc.) and the graphics surface that is ultimately responsible for putting pixels on screen.

模拟器始终是有趣的项目,可供您阅读和学习。 在这里,David明确区分了模拟器(处理CPU,加载指令等)和最终负责将像素显示在屏幕上的图形表面之间的关注点。

It looks like he hasn't got it working yet (some issues with command line parsing), but in a few minutes with a little hard-coding I was able to switch to ASCII mode with David's SillyAsciiArtCreator that takes a Pixel and RGB value and maps it to ASCII art that looks awesome in the Windows Terminal.

看来他还没有开始工作(命令行解析存在一些问题),但是在几分钟的时间里,通过一点点硬编码,我就可以使用David的SillyAsciiArtCreator切换到ASCII模式,该模式需要Pixel和RGB值,将其映射到在Windows Terminal中看起来很棒的ASCII艺术。

Which is kind of awesome. Why would you do this? BECAUSE YOU CAN

真棒。 你为什么要这样做? 因为你能

I look forward to seeing what comes of this cool new emulator and I'll be reading its code in more detail in the weeks to come! Great stuff, David!

我期待看到这个炫酷的新模拟器的功能,在接下来的几周中,我将更详细地阅读其代码! 好东西,大卫!




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