
Key to symbols


S(1 bit) : Start bit开始位

P(1 bit) : Stop bit结束位

Rd/Wr (1 bit) : Read/Write bit. Rd equals 1, Wr equals 0.

A, NA (1 bit) : Accept and reverse accept bit.应答位和不应答位

Addr(7 bits): I2C 7 bit address. Note that this can be expanded as usual to

get a 10 bit I2C address.

Comm(8 bits): Command byte, a data byte which often selects a register on

the device.

Data(8 bits): A plain data byte. Sometimes, I write DataLow, DataHigh

for 16 bit data.

Count (8 bits): A data byte containing the length of a block operation.

[..]: Data sent by I2C device, as opposed to data sent by the host adapter.

Simple send transaction简单发送传输


This corresponds to i2c_master_send.

S Addr Wr [A] Data [A] Data [A] ... [A] Data [A] P

Simple receive transaction简单接收传输


This corresponds to i2c_master_recv

S Addr Rd[A] [Data] A [Data] A ... A [Data] NA P

Combined transactions复合传输


This corresponds to i2c_transfer.

They are just like the above transactions, but instead of a stop bit P,a start bit S is sent and the transaction continues. An example of a byte read, followed by a byte write:

S Addr Rd [A] [Data] NA S Addr Wr [A] Data [A] P

Modified transactions


We have found some I2C devices that needs the following modifications:


In a combined transaction, no 'S Addr Wr/Rd [A]' is generated at somepoint. For example, setting I2C_M_NOSTART on the second partial message generates something like:

S Addr Rd[A] [Data] NA Data [A] P

If you set the I2C_M_NOSTART variable for the first partial message, we do not generate Addr, but we do generate the startbitS. This will probably confuse all other clients on your bus, so don't try this.


This toggles theRd/Wrflag. That is, if you want to do a write, but Normally message is interrupted immediately if there is[NA]from the client. Setting this flag treats any[NA]as[A], and all of message is sent.

These messages may still fail to SCL lo->hi timeout.


In a read message, master A/NA bit is skipped.



When we talk about I2C, we use the following terms:

Bus-> Algorithm


Device -> Driver


An Algorithm driver contains general code that can be used for a whole class of I2C adapters. Each specific adapter driver either depends on one algorithm driver, or includes its own implementation.

A Driver driver (yes, this sounds ridiculous, sorry) contains the general code to access some type of device. Each detected device gets its own data in the Client structure. Usually, Driver and Client are more closely integrated than Algorithm and Adapter.

For a given configuration, you will need a driver for your I2C bus, and drivers for your I2C devices (usually one driver for each device).

At this time, Linux only operates I2C (or SMBus) in master mode; you can't use these APIs to make a Linux system behave as a slave/device, either to speak a custom protocol or to emulate some other device.



static const struct file_operations i2cdev_fops = {

.owner= THIS_MODULE,

.llseek= no_llseek,

.read= i2cdev_read,

.write= i2cdev_write,

.unlocked_ioctl= i2cdev_ioctl,

.open= i2cdev_open,

.release= i2cdev_release,


实际使用时, i2cdev_read和i2cdev_write使用比较少,不建议使用,因为他们不具有太强的通用性。使用的时候一般就使用i2cdev_ioctl,当然i2cdev_open与i2cdev_release也是需要使用的。

要使用i2c-dev,首先必须把I2C support里面的I2C device interface选上。



* hongtao_liu <>


#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define I2C_RETRIES 0x0701

#define I2C_TIMEOUT 0x0702

#define I2C_SLAVE   0x0703

#define I2C_RDWR    0x0707

/*********定义struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data和struct i2c_msg,要和内核一致*******/

struct i2c_msg


unsigned short addr;

unsigned short flags;

#define I2C_M_TEN 0x0010

#define I2C_M_RD 0x0001

unsigned short len;

unsigned char *buf;


struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data


struct i2c_msg *msgs;

int nmsgs;

/* nmsgs这个数量决定了有多少开始信号,对于“单开始时序”,取1*/


#define SLAVE_ADD  0x50


int main()


int fd,ret;

struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data e2prom_data;








perror("open error");



/*因为操作时序中,最多是用到2个开始信号(字节读操作中),所以此将e2prom_data.nmsgs配置为2 */

e2prom_data.msgs=(struct i2c_msg*)malloc(e2prom_data.nmsgs*sizeof(struct i2c_msg));



perror("malloc error");





/***write data to e2prom**/


(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).len=3; //1个 e2prom 写入目标的地址和1个数据

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).addr=SLAVE_ADD;//e2prom 设备地址

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).flags=0; //write

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf=(unsigned char*)malloc(3);

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf[0]=0x10;// e2prom 写入目标的地址

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf[1]=0x55;//the data to write

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf[2]=0xaa;//the data to write

ret=ioctl(fd,I2C_RDWR,(unsigned long)&e2prom_data);



perror("ioctl error1");



/******read data from e2prom*******/


(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).len=1; //e2prom 目标数据的地址

(e2prom_data.msgs[0]).addr=SLAVE_ADD; // e2prom 设备地址




(e2prom_data.msgs[1]).addr=SLAVE_ADD;// e2prom 设备地址


(e2prom_data.msgs[1]).buf=(unsigned char*)malloc(2);//存放返回值的地址。



ret=ioctl(fd,I2C_RDWR,(unsigned long)&e2prom_data);



perror("ioctl error2");




return 0;


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