Hugo Awards

author:Jocelyn Liu, Will Kirkby,

源自:百词斩爱阅读Hugo Awards,笔记整理:lch


See if you can recognize this following story:

​ 来看看你是否能辨认出下面的故事:

A scientist stumbles across a message from an alien planet, which introduces its history, describes its apocalyptic climate plight, and announces its plan to invade Earth.

​ 一位科学家偶然发现了一条来自外星的消息,这条消息介绍了这个星球的历史、描述了该星球上毁灭性的气候困境,并宣布了其将要入侵地球的计划。

The scientist later joined hands with some other scientists to collect data about this alien force and address the upcoming invasion.

​ 这位科学家随后与其他科学家携手共同收集这股外星势力的数据,准备对付即将到来的入侵。

However, since its members entertain different views as to the future of humanity, their secret society splits, and the world is no longer the same.

​ 然而由于这个组织中的成员对于人类的未来持有不同的观点,他们的秘密组织分裂了,世界从此不同于以前。

Ring any bells? The story I just inelegantly summarized is Liu Cixin’s Three-Body Problem. The novel itself is way more bold and stunning.

​ 想起来了吗?刚刚粗略总结的故事便是刘慈欣的《三体》。小说本身当然更加大胆、令人震撼。

When the creator of this original science-fiction novel won the Hugo Awards for Best Novel in 2015, he was the first Asian writer to be laureled with this honor.

​ 当这部原创科幻小说的作者在2015年获得雨果奖最佳小说后,他也称为了首位获此殊荣的亚洲作家。

Coinciding with the swell of nation-wide fame conferred upon this writer was the growing popularity of the Hugo Awards in China.

​ 随着该作家的名气在全国范围内与日俱增,雨果奖在中国的知名度相应地也不断增涨。

Before that, it was a relatively unknown name.

I know what you are thinking. “Obviously, the award is named after Victor Hugo, the much-celebrated author of Les Miserables!”

I also made the same assumption when I first heard about it. It turned out that I was sorely mistaken.

The Hugo Awards had little to do with this eminent French writer, except for the tenuous connection of how they are both inspirations for writers around the world.

In fact, the name, Hugo Award, can find its origin in Hugo Gernsback, a science fiction writer.

It has since become one of the most prominent awards for science fiction and fantasy works.

​ 从此雨果奖成为了科幻小说和奇幻作品最突出的奖项之一。

A quick glimpse into its past winners and nominees will tell you this much. J.K. Rowling won it for Harry Potter, and George R.R. Martin was nominated several times.

To this day, there are fifteen award categories.

Apart from the award for best novel, there are also categories that focus on short stories, novellas, and even fan art.

Over the years, the award has sparked debates both inside and outside the circle of science-fiction writers about the value of this genre.

​ 近年来,该奖在科幻作者圈子内外引发了关于作品类型价值的辩论。

and whether the award nominations tend to lean towards certain groups of people with certain agendas.

​ 辩论也涉及到奖项提名是否倾向于有特定议题的某些人群。

The debate is still ongoing, but the bottom line is that awards like this shouldn’t demonstrate any preference for any creed, gender, or race.

​ 辩论还在继续,但底线是这样的奖项不应该显示出在信仰、性别或者种族上的任何偏好。

The year of 2018 was a monumental year both for the Hugo Awards and the genre of science fiction as female writers dominated the board of winners.

​ 2018年对雨果奖和科幻小说类型来说,都是有纪念意义的一年,因为女性作家在获奖名单上占据主要地位。

Such a result signaled a critical turning point:

science fiction is not merely male writers’ arena, and the Hugo Awards validate female writers’ ingenious efforts.

Perhaps in the end, when it comes to what science fiction can offer, it all boils down to exploring the multifarious sides of humanity and imagining how we can perceive this world differently.

​ 或许到最后,当谈到科幻小说能带来什么的时候,可以归结为探索人性的多面性和想象我们可以如何不同地感知这个世界。

And those are the literary experiences that we all deeply resonate with, no matter who we are.

​ 不论我们是谁,那些都是能够引起我们强烈共鸣的文学体验。


(1)New words:
words paraphrases
apocalyptic adj.预示灾祸的、启示的;
tenuous adj.纤细的、稀薄的、贫乏的、脆弱的;
eminent adj.显赫的、杰出的;
multifarious adj.多种的、各种各样的;
laurel n.殊荣、月桂树;vt.授予荣誉;
inelegantly adv.不雅的、粗野的;
sorely adv.疼痛的、非常的剧烈的;
entertain v.心怀(想法、希望、感觉);v.使快乐
novellas 中篇小说
fan art 同人作品

eg. She entertained a doubt about the authority of this statement.

phrases paraphrases illustrative sentence
stumble across 偶然发现 They stumble across a short cut to go to school.
join hands with 携手合作 We are willing to join hands with you in business.
coincide with1 与…一致 He happened to coincide with you on this point.
confer upon 授予 The principal confers academic degrees upon graduates.
apart from2 除…之外 I’ ve finished apart from the last question.
boil down to 归结为 what it all seemed to boil down to was money.
(3)Excellent Sentence:

Coinciding with the swell of nation-wide fame conferred upon this writer was the growing popularity of the Hugo Awards in China.

  1. 近义:be consistent with;be in accordance with; ↩︎

  2. 近义:except for;in addition to; ↩︎

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