ios 访问网络共享

Syncing files between your computer and your iOS device via iTunes can be tedious and requires that you tether to your computer. Break free and enjoy wireless access to shared files from anywhere on your network—and beyond.

通过iTunes在计算机和iOS设备之间同步文件可能很繁琐,并且需要您将计算机连接到计算机。 不受限制,并可以从网络上的任何地方以及其他地方无线访问共享文件。

One of the great things about the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad is how portable they. As a result, however, it’s really easy to find yourself upstairs, out in the backyard, or somewhere far from your computer when you want access to files that are elsewhere on your network. Rather than put off reading that ebook, watching that movie, or listening to that music, you can easily access the files over your wireless network and save yourself the hassle of dragging yourself to your computer. As an added bonus you’ll also be circumventing your device’s limited storage by temporarily caching the files (and only copying them over if you want to have permanent access to them on device).

iPhone,iPod Touch和iPad的一大优点是它们的便携性。 因此,当您想要访问网络上其他位置的文件时,很容易在楼上,后院或远离计算机的地方找到自己。 无需推迟阅读电子书,看电影或听音乐,您可以轻松地通过无线网络访问文件,从而省去了拖到计算机上的麻烦。 此外,您还可以通过临时缓存文件来避免设备有限的存储空间(并且仅在您希望永久访问设备上的文件时才将其复制)。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this tutorial you’ll need the following:


  • An iOS DeviceiOS设备
  • A copy of the iOS application FileBrowser (iPad/$3.99) or NetPortal (iPhone, iPod Touch/$2.99)

    iOS应用程序FileBrowser (iPad / $ 3.99)或NetPortal(iPhone,iPod Touch / $ 2.99)的副本

  • A computer on your Wi-Fi network to host the file sharesWi-Fi网络上的一台用于托管文件共享的计算机

Both FileBrowser and NetPortal are products of Stratospherix. This tutorial will focus on the iPad and FileBrowser but the steps we go through to set everything up should translate almost identically to NetPortal (the scaled down version of Filerowser suited for the smaller iPhone/iPod Touch screen).

FileBrowser和NetPortal都是Stratospherix的产品。 本教程将重点介绍iPad和FileBrowser,但我们设置所有步骤所用的步骤应与NetPortal(适用于较小的iPhone / iPod Touch屏幕的Filerowser的缩小版本)几乎完全相同。

In addition to an iOS device running one of the aforementioned applications you will also need a computer somewhere on your network with simple Samba file shared enabled. This could be a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer or even a stand alone NAS computer with simple file sharing. This tutorial won’t provide step-by-step instructions for configuring file shares. If you need help configuring file sharing on your machine we’d suggest checking out our past tutorials for Windows, Mac, and Linux simple file sharing. Take a moment before we go any further to make sure you have at least one folder shared for testing purposes.

除了运行上述应用程序之一的iOS设备之外,您还需要在网络中启用了简单Samba文件共享的计算机。 这可能是Windows,Mac或Linux计算机,甚至是具有简单文件共享功能的独立NAS计算机。 本教程将不提供有关配置文件共享的分步说明。 如果您需要在计算机上配置文件共享的帮助,建议您查看我们过去针对Windows , Mac和Linux简单文件共享的教程。 请花一点时间,我们再进行下一步工作,以确保您共享至少一个文件夹以进行测试。

One final note before we continue. FileBrowser and NetPortal are designed to help you access shares on your local network (or remotely access those shares if you have configured your router to allow outside access). If you’re looking for access to your Dropbox files we’d recommend grabbing a copy of the excellent and free Dropbox app for your iOS device (we have a walkthrough of the iPhone version here).

我们继续前的最后一点。 FileBrowser和NetPortal旨在帮助您访问本地网络上的共享(如果已将路由器配置为允许外部访问,则可以远程访问这些共享)。 如果您正在寻找对Dropbox文件的访问权限,我们建议您获取适用于您的iOS设备的出色且免费的Dropbox应用程序的副本(我们在这里提供iPhone版本的演练)。

Alternately if you’re interested in accessing a variety of cloud-based and server-based sources like Dropbox, MobileMe, WebDAV, and FTP, you should check out Air Sharing ($2.99-6.99). (Although if you’re just in it for Dropbox, use the native Dropbox app as it’s just as good and completely free.)

或者,如果您有兴趣访问各种基于云和基于服务器的源,例如Dropbox,MobileMe,WebDAV和FTP,则应查看Air Sharing (2.99-6.99美元)。 (尽管如果您只在Dropbox中使用它,请使用它本身的功能,并且完全免费,使用原生Dropbox应用。)

安装和配置FileBrowser (Installing and Configuring FileBrowser)

If you haven’t already downloaded FileBrowser to your iPad (or NetPortal to your other iOS device so you can follow along) now is the time to do so. Once installed, tap the icon for the initial launch—seen in the screenshot above.

如果尚未将FileBrowser下载到iPad(或将NetPortal下载到其他iOS设备,以便您可以继续进行),现在是时候这样做了。 安装完成后,请点击图标以进行首次启动,如上面的截图所示。

Tap on the + symbol to add a machine to your list of local machines. The right pane will fill in with the New Machine menu like so:

点击+符号,将一台计算机添加到本地计算机列表中。 右窗格将用“新计算机”菜单填充,如下所示:

Here you need to fill in the the host name such as \\MyComputerName or (as we opted to do) you can use the IP address. Toggle Show More Settings on, enter a display name,  a user name, and a password. You can opt to leave the username and password slots blank but you will be prompted to enter them every time you access the share. You can skip messing around in the Advanced Settings menu, in all our testing we didn’t run into an instance where it was necessary to mess around with some of the more arcane Samba settings you’ll find there.

在这里,您需要填写主机名,例如\\ MyComputerName或(可以选择使用)IP地址。 启用“ 显示更多设置 ”,输入显示名称,用户名和密码。 您可以选择保留用户名和密码插槽为空白,但是每次访问共享时都会提示您输入用户名和密码。 您可以在“高级设置”菜单中跳过混乱的情况,在我们进行的所有测试中,我们都没有遇到过需要弄乱您在其中找到的一些更神秘的Samba设置的情况。

When you’re done, tap Save in the upper right corner. You should then see your new machine listed under Remote Files in the left hand column. Time to start exploring files.

完成后,点击右上角的保存 。 然后,您应该在左栏中的“ 远程文件”下看到新计算机。 是时候开始探索文件了。

访问和保存文件 (Accessing and Saving Files)

If you tap on the new machine entry you created in the previous step, you’ll be greeted with all the shared folders on that machine.


If we explore inside we find the sub-folders and files we shared. Let’s take a look at how Filebrowser handles files. It can natively view a wide number of files including text, rich text, and PDF documents as well as Office documents such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. All the audio and video formats natively supported by the device will display in the application, and for any file type that it can’t open natively it will suggest and alternative application.

如果我们在内部浏览,则会找到我们共享的子文件夹和文件。 让我们看一下Filebrowser如何处理文件。 它可以本地查看大量文件,包括文本,RTF和PDF文档以及Office文档(如Word,Excel和Powerpoint)。 设备本机支持的所有音频和视频格式都将显示在应用程序中,并且对于无法本机打开的任何文件类型,它将建议和替代应用程序。

When we open up a movie file that is natively supported either by the OS or by FileBrowser it opens right within the application as it does when we open this QuickTime movie:


When you attempt to access a file that isn’t natively supported (such as an AVI file) FileBrowser asks you if you want to download the file even though it’s not natively supported. When you run into this, tap on the blue arrow on the right side of each file entry. A menu will pop up with options for file renaming, deletion, and—most important for our purposes—Open in…, tap Open In to begin downloading the file. The file will then be cached locally to your device.

当您尝试访问本机不支持的文件(例如AVI文件)时,FileBrowser询问您是否要下载该文件,即使本机不支持该文件。 遇到此问题时,请点击每个文件条目右侧的蓝色箭头。 将会弹出一个菜单,其中包含用于文件重命名,删除的选项,以及(对于我们而言最重要的)“ 打开方式...” ,点击“打开方式”以开始下载文件。 然后,该文件将被本地缓存到您的设备。

When the file has finished downloading, tap again on the blue arrow and select Open In. This time you’ll see a selection of applications that are suitable matches for opening the file.

文件下载完成后,再次点击蓝色箭头,然后选择“ 打开方式” 。 这次,您将看到与打开文件相匹配的一系列应用程序。

Suitable matches, it would sometimes seem, is open to a wide interpretation. Here FileBrowser gives us four choices, three of which are video players and the fourth of which is another place to store our files. Let’s fire it up in VLC and see how it looks:

有时看起来合适的比赛有广泛的解释。 FileBrowser在这里为我们提供了四个选择,其中三个是视频播放器,而第四个是另一个存储文件的地方。 让我们在VLC中启动它,看看它的外观:

Looks beautiful to us, the playback was silky smooth as though we’d previously synced the video to our device instead of shuttling it remotely over the network.


将文件复制到设备 (Copying Files to Your Device)

In the last example, where we played an unsupported video file, we simply cached the file locally for playback. If you want to store files on your device for later use you’ll need to copy them over to FileBrowsers local structure.

在上一个示例中,我们播放了不受支持的视频文件,我们只是将文件缓存在本地以进行播放。 如果要将文件存储在设备上以供以后使用,则需要将其复制到FileBrowsers本地结构中。

First you need to create some folders. Tap on My Files as seen in the screenshot above. At the bottom of the file browsing pane you’ll see a a small square with an arrow. Tap that arrow to add a new folder.

首先,您需要创建一些文件夹。 点击上面的屏幕快照中的我的文件 。 在文件浏览窗格的底部,您将看到一个带有箭头的小方块。 点击该箭头以添加一个新文件夹。

We’re going to create a movie folder to copy over the movie we just watched. Locate whatever file it is you want to copy over and tap on the blue arrow beside the file name again. From the list of available options select Copy. FileBrowser will prompt you to confirm you wish to copy the file, click Confirm. Now click on My Files again to navigate to the folder you wish to dump the file into. Since we’re copying a movie file we’ll head back to the folder we just created and tap the square with the arrow again.

我们将创建一个电影文件夹,以复制刚刚观看的电影。 找到要复制的文件,然后再次点击文件名旁边的蓝色箭头。 从可用选项列表中选择“ 复制” 。 FileBrowser会提示您确认您要复制文件,单击“ 确认” 。 现在,再次单击“ 我的文件”以导航到要将文件转储到的文件夹。 由于我们正在复制电影文件,因此我们将回到刚才创建的文件夹,然后再次点击带有箭头的正方形。

If the file has been locally cached (because you already watched it) the transfer is almost instant. If you’re selecting files you haven’t opened on the device then it will transfer from the remote share. If you’re on iOS 4.2+ Filebrowser will transfer files in the background so you can get back to playing Angry Birds.

如果文件已在本地缓存(因为您已经看过),则传输几乎是即时的。 如果您选择的文件尚未在设备上打开,则它将从远程共享传输。 如果您使用的是iOS 4.2+,则Filebrowser将在后台传输文件,以便您可以重新开始播放《愤怒的小鸟》。

One last note before we leave the section on transferring files. If you have a lot of files to transfer, especially large files like movies or big PDFs, FileBrowser does support synching with iTunes. Load up iTunes, dump all the files you want to transfer into the FileBrowser directory into the File Sharing section under the Apps tab in iTunes, and then sort the files on your device once the sync is complete. The focus of this tutorial was to get away from being tethered to iTunes all the time, but there are some instances where a USB-based transfer makes more sense.

在离开文件传输部分之前,请注意最后一点。 如果您有很多文件要传输,尤其是电影或大PDF等大文件,则FileBrowser确实支持与iTunes同步。 加载iTunes,将您要传输的所有文件转储到FileBrowser目录中的iTunes的“应用程序”选项卡下的“文件共享”部分,然后在同步完成后对设备上的文件进行排序。 本教程的重点是摆脱一直束缚在iTunes上的麻烦,但是在某些情况下,基于USB的传输更有意义。

That’s all there is to it! You can access, stream, copy, and enjoy your files anywhere your Wi-Fi network reaches (and beyond, with properly forwarded ports).

这里的所有都是它的! 您可以访问,流式传输,复制和欣赏Wi-Fi网络到达的任何位置(以及经过正确转发的端口)的文件。


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