

$ ls
barcode.sql                 drop_tables.sql  orderline.sql
create_tables-bpsimple.sql  item.sql         PostgreSQL.md
customer.sql                orderinfo.sql    stock.sql


$ su
# su - postgres
$ createdb bpsimple



$ psql -U postgres -d bpsimple -f create_tables-bpsimple.sql
Password for user postgres:
  • 其中create_tables-bpsimple.sql中的内容如下:
CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id serial , title char(4) ,fname varchar(32) , lname varchar(32) NOT NULL, addressline varchar(64) , town varchar(32) , zipcode char(10) NOT NULL, phone varchar(16) , CONSTRAINT customer_pk PRIMARY KEY(customer_id)
);CREATE TABLE item ( item_id serial , description varchar(64) NOT NULL, cost_price numeric(7,2) , sell_price numeric(7,2) , CONSTRAINT item_pk PRIMARY KEY(item_id)
);CREATE TABLE orderinfo ( orderinfo_id serial , customer_id integer NOT NULL, date_placed date NOT NULL, date_shipped date , shipping numeric(7,2) , CONSTRAINT orderinfo_pk PRIMARY KEY(orderinfo_id)
); CREATE TABLE stock ( item_id integer NOT NULL, quantity integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT stock_pk PRIMARY KEY(item_id)
);CREATE TABLE orderline ( orderinfo_id integer NOT NULL,item_id integer NOT NULL, quantity integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT orderline_pk PRIMARY KEY(orderinfo_id, item_id)
); CREATE TABLE barcode ( barcode_ean char(13) NOT NULL, item_id integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT barcode_pk PRIMARY KEY(barcode_ean)
  • 其他文件也按照此方法即可创建这个数据库。下面见结果(此处注意语句末尾的“;”):
$ psql -U postgres -d bpsimple
Password for user postgres:
psql.bin (10.4)
Type "help" for help.bpsimple=# table item
bpsimple-# ;item_id |  description  | cost_price | sell_price
---------+---------------+------------+------------1 | Wood Puzzle   |      15.23 |      21.952 | Rubik Cube    |       7.45 |      11.493 | Linux CD      |       1.99 |       2.494 | Tissues       |       2.11 |       3.995 | Picture Frame |       7.54 |       9.956 | Fan Small     |       9.23 |      15.757 | Fan Large     |      13.36 |      19.958 | Toothbrush    |       0.75 |       1.459 | Roman Coin    |       2.34 |       2.4510 | Carrier Bag   |       0.01 |       0.0011 | Speakers      |      19.73 |      25.32
(11 rows)
bpsimple=# \dtList of relationsSchema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner
--------+-----------+-------+----------public | barcode   | table | postgrespublic | customer  | table | postgrespublic | item      | table | postgrespublic | orderinfo | table | postgrespublic | orderline | table | postgrespublic | stock     | table | postgres
(6 rows)
bpsimple=# table customer;customer_id | title |   fname   |  lname  |   addressline    |   town    |  zip
code   |  phone
-------+----------1 | Miss  | Jenny     | Stones  | 27 Rowan Avenue  | Hightown  | NT2
1AQ    | 023 98762 | Mr    | Andrew    | Stones  | 52 The Willows   | Lowtown   | LT5
7RA    | 876 35273 | Miss  | Alex      | Matthew | 4 The Street     | Nicetown  | NT2
2TX    | 010 45674 | Mr    | Adrian    | Matthew | The Barn         | Yuleville | YV672WR   | 487 38715 | Mr    | Simon     | Cozens  | 7 Shady Lane     | Oakenham  | OA3
6QW    | 514 59266 | Mr    | Neil      | Matthew | 5 Pasture Lane   | Nicetown  | NT3
7RT    | 267 12327 | Mr    | Richard   | Stones  | 34 Holly Way     | Bingham   | BG4
2WE    | 342 59828 | Mrs   | Ann       | Stones  | 34 Holly Way     | Bingham   | BG4
2WE    | 342 59829 | Mrs   | Christine | Hickman | 36 Queen Street  | Histon    | HT3
5EM    | 342 543210 | Mr    | Mike      | Howard  | 86 Dysart Street | Tibsville | TB3
7FG    | 505 548211 | Mr    | Dave      | Jones   | 54 Vale Rise     | Bingham   | BG3
8GD    | 342 826412 | Mr    | Richard   | Neill   | 42 Thatched Way  | Winersby  | WB3
6GQ    | 505 648213 | Mrs   | Laura     | Hardy   | 73 Margarita Way | Oxbridge  | OX2
3HX    | 821 233514 | Mr    | Bill      | Neill   | 2 Beamer Street  | Welltown  | WT3
8GM    | 435 123415 | Mr    | David     | Hudson  | 4 The Square     | Milltown  | MT2
6RT    | 961 4526
(15 rows)



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