
Format the details section to display in multiple columns:

1. Right-click on the Details section, to open the Section Expert dialog box.

2. On the Sections list, click the details section.

3.On the Common tab, select Format with multiple columns check box. A new tab called Layout appears.

4. On the Layout tab, specify the formatting for the columns: Enter the width of the column in the Width box (you can set the height by dragging the section borders in the Design view of the report).

5. Enter the space between labels going across the page in the Horizontal gap checkbox.

6. Enter the space between labels going down the page in the Vertical gap box.

7. Select the printing direction, Across then Down or Down then Across.

If the report is grouped, and you would like the group headers and footers to display in multiple column format as well, select the Format groups with multiple columns checkbox and click ok.

Final Results:


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