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Go, also known as Golang, is a open-source programming language developed at Google in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson.

Go,又称Golang ,是一种由Robert Griesemer,Rob Pike和Ken Thompson在2007年在Google开发的开源编程语言。

Originally intended as a descendent of C++ for the 21st century, Golang is characterized by fast compilation, easier syntax, and an efficient garbage collection. It’s a clean, fast, typed language that is particularly strong for web development.

Golang最初旨在作为21世纪C ++的后代,其特点是快速编译,更轻松的语法和有效的垃圾回收。 这是一种干净,快速,打字的语言,对于Web开发特别有用。

Here’s a list of Go-related communities that we’re hosting on Gitter. Feel free to join the conversation.

这是我们在Gitter上托管的Go相关社区的列表。 随时加入对话。

  • docker/docker — Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Docker containers are both hardware-agnostic and platform-agnostic. Docker began as an open-source implementation of the deployment engine which powered dotCloud, a popular Platform-as-a-Service. It benefits directly from the experience accumulated over several years of large-scale operation and support of hundreds of thousands of applications and databases.

    docker / docker — Docker是一个开源项目,可以作为轻量级容器打包,运送和运行任何应用程序。 Docker容器与硬件无关,也平台无关 。 Docker 最初是部署引擎的开源实现,它为流行的Platform-as-a-Service dotCloud提供了动力。 它直接受益于过去几年大规模操作积累的经验以及对数十万个应用程序和数据库的支持。

  • drone/drone — Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go. Every build is executed inside an ephemeral Docker container, giving developers complete control over their build environment with guaranteed isolation.

    drone / drone — Drone是一个用Go语言编写的基于Docker的持续交付平台。 每个构建都在短暂的Docker容器中执行,从而使开发人员可以确保隔离性,从而完全控制其构建环境。

  • minio/minio — Minio is an object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 and licensed under Apache 2.0 License.

    minio / minio - Minio是与Amazon S3兼容和下Apache 2.0许可授权的对象存储服务器。

  • gogits/gogs — The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service.

    gogits / gogs —该项目的目标是提供一种最简单,最快,最轻松的方式来建立自托管的Git服务。

  • google/gxui An experimental Go cross platform UI library.

    谷歌/ gxui -实验转到跨平台的UI库。

  • spf13/hugo — A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang

    spf13 / hugo —在GoLang中用爱构建的快速灵活的静态网站生成器

  • Go-lang-idea-plugin — Google Go language IDE built using the IntelliJ Platform

    Go-lang-idea-plugin —使用IntelliJ平台构建的Google Go语言IDE

  • gin-gonic/gin — Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance — up to 40 times faster.

    gin-gonic / gin — Gin是用Go(Golang)编写的HTTP Web框架。 它具有类似于Martini的API,性能更高-快40倍。

  • labstack/echo — Fast and unfancy HTTP server framework for Go (Golang). Up to 10x faster than the rest.

    labstack / echo —用于Go(Golang)的快速且花哨的HTTP服务器框架。 比其他产品快10倍。

  • influxdata/influxdb — Open source time series database with no external dependencies. It’s useful for recording metrics, events, and performing analytics.

    influxdata / influxdb —没有外部依赖性的开源时间序列数据库。 对于记录指标,事件和执行分析非常有用。

  • aws/aws-sdk-go aws-sdk-go is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language.

    aws / aws-sdk-go aws-sdk-go是用于Go编程语言的官方AWS开发工具包。

  • FreeCodeCamp/go — If you’re a beginner, this is the best place to discuss Go and get help with it.

    FreeCodeCamp / go —如果您是初学者,这是讨论Go并获得有关帮助的最佳位置。

  • derekparker/delve Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.

    derekparker / delve Delve是Go编程语言的调试器。

  • CodisLabs/codis Codis is a proxy based high performance Redis cluster solution written in Go. It is production-ready and widely used at many companies.

    CodisLabs / codis Codis是用Go语言编写的基于代理的高性能Redis集群解决方案。 它已投入生产,并已在许多公司中广泛使用。

  • blevesearch/bleve Modern text indexing in Go.

    blevesearch / bleve Go中的现代文本索引。

  • go-mangos/mangos Package mangos is an implementation in pure Go of the SP (“Scalable Protocols”) protocols.

    go-mangos / mangos 软件包mangos是SP(“可伸缩协议”)协议的纯Go语言实现。

  • linkeddata/gold gold is a reference Linked Data Platform server for the Solid platform. Written in Go, based on initial work done by William Waites.

    linkeddata / gold gold是Solid平台的参考Linked Data Platform服务器。 根据威廉·怀特斯(William Waites)所做的初步工作 ,用Go语言编写。

Looking for something else? Check out our Explore section or easily start your own channel here.

寻找其他东西? 请查看我们的“ 探索”部分,或在此处轻松启动自己的频道 。

Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们是否错过了您认为应精选的频道? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。


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