
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main()
{cout << "please enter zifu ,zhi dao @ break";char ch;cin.get(ch);while (ch !=' @'){if (isupper(ch)){cout << char(ch + 'a' - 'A');}if (islower(ch)){cout << char(ch + 'A' - 'a');}if (isspace(ch)){cout << ch;}cin.get(ch);}system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
int main()
{cout << "please enter 10 donation : ";array<double, 10>kk;double sum=0,ave;int i;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){cin >> kk[i]; cin.get();sum = sum + kk[i];if (isdigit(kk[i])){break;}   }ave = sum / i;cout << "ping jun zhi wei :" << ave << endl;cout << "da yu zhi de you :";for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++){if (kk[j]>ave){cout << kk[j] << " ";}}system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{cout << "please enter one of the following chioces: " << endl;cout << "c) carnivore   p)pianist" << endl;cout << "t) tree   g)game" << endl;cout << "please enter a c,p,t,g: ";char j;while (1){cin >> j;switch (j){case 'c':cout << "A maple is a carnivore "; break;case 'p':cout << "A maple is a pianist "; break;case 't':cout << "A maple is a tree"; break;case 'g':cout << "A maple is a game"; break;default:cout << "please enter a c,p,t,g: ";break;}if (j != 'c'&&j != 'p'&&j != 't'&&j != 'g'){continue;}elsebreak;}system("pause");return 0;

4.加入Benevolent Order of Programmer 后,在BOP大会上,人们便可以通过加入者的真实姓名,头衔或者密码BOP姓名来了解他,请编写一个程序,可以使用真实姓名,头衔,秘密姓名或者成员偏好来列出成员。编写该程序时,使用结构函数。

#include <iostream>
#define strsize 100
using namespace std;
struct bop
{char fullname[strsize];char title[strsize];char bopname[strsize];int preference;
int main()
{cout << "Benevlent Order of Programmers Report" << endl;cout << "a. display by name      b.display by title" << endl;cout << "c.display by bopname    d.display by preference" << endl;cout << "q.quit" << endl;cout << "Enter your choice :";bop *usre = new bop[4];usre[0] = { "Winm Macho", "Winm Macho","Winm Macho", 0};usre[1] = { "Raki Rhodes", "Raki Rhodes", "Raki Rhodes", 1 };usre[2] = { "Celia Laiter", "Celia Laiter", "Celia Laiter", 2 };usre[3] = { "Pat Hand", "Pat Hand", "Pat Hand", 3 };char kk;while (1){cin >> kk;for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){switch (kk){case 'a':case 'b':case 'c':cout << usre[i].fullname; break;case 'd':cout << usre[i].preference; break;default:break;}}cout << "Next choice ";if (kk == 'q'){cout << "Bye!";break;}}system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main()
{double k=0;cout << "enter your shou ru:";cin >> k;double j;while ( k >= 0){if (k <= 5000)j = 0;if (k > 5000 && k <= 15000)j = (k - 5000) *0.1  ;if (k > 15000 && k < 35000)j = 1000 + (k + 15000)*0.15;if (k>35000)j = 3250 + (k - 35000)*0.2;cout << "your de shui shou wei : " << j;cout << "enter your shou ru: ";cin >> k;if (cin.fail())//判断是否输入非数字break;}system("pause");return 0;

6.编写一个程序记录捐助给“维护合法权利团队”的资金。该程序要求用户输入捐献者数目,然后要求用户输入每一个捐献者的姓名和款项。这些信息被储存在一个动态分配的结构数组中。每个结构有两个成员:用于储存姓名的字符数组和用于存储款项的double成员。读取所有数据后,程序将显示所有捐款超过10000的捐款者的姓名极其捐款数额。该列表前应包含一个标题,指出下面的捐款者是重要的捐款者(Grand Patrons)。然后程序将列出其他的捐款者,该列表要以Patrons开头。如果某种类别没有捐款者,则程序将打印单词“none”。该程序只显示这两种类别,而不进行排序。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct MyStruct
{string name;double momey;
int main()
{cout << "please enter ren shu";int k, j = 0;cin >> k;cin.get();MyStruct *qq = new MyStruct[k];for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){getline(cin, qq[i].name);cin >> qq[i].momey;cin.get();}cout << "Grand Patrons" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){if (qq[i].momey >= 10000){cout << qq[i].name << "   " << qq[i].momey << endl;j++;}}if (j == 0)cout << "none" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < j; i++){}cout << "Patrons" << endl;if (j == k)cout << "none" << endl;if (j != k){for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){if (qq[i].momey < 10000)cout << qq[i].name << "   " << qq[i].momey << endl;}}system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main()
{cout << "Enter words (q to quit):" << endl;int yuan=0, fu=0, other=0;string k;cin >> k;while (k [0]!= 'q'){if (isalpha(k[0])){if (k[0] == 'a' || k[0] == 'e' || k[0] == 'i' || k[0] == 'o' || k[0] == 'u'){yuan++;}else fu++;}else{other++;}cin >> k;}cout << "yuan yin :" << yuan << "  fu yin :" << fu << "  other :" << other;system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ifstream infile;char fine[30];cout << "enter your name ";cin.getline(fine, 30);//输入项目文件夹下面的相对位置的文件名,带后缀。infile.open(fine);if (!infile.is_open()){exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}int count = 0;char str;infile >> str;while (infile.good()){count++;infile >> str;}if (infile.eof()){cout << "end";infile.close();cout << count << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct MyStruct
{char name[20];double k;
int main()
{ifstream infile;cout << "please enter your wenjian name: ";string wenname;getline(cin, wenname);//输入文件名字infile.open(wenname);if (!infile.is_open()){exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}int num;infile >> num;infile.get();//数字的换行符string wname;double momey;MyStruct *p = new MyStruct[num];for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){infile.getline( p[i].name,20);infile >> p[i].k;infile.get();}int j = 0;cout << "Grand Patrons" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){if (p[i].k >= 10000){cout << p[i].name << "   " << p[i].k << endl;j++;}}if (j == 0)cout << "none" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < j; i++){}cout << "Patrons" << endl;if (j == num)cout << "none" << endl;if (j != num){for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){if (p[i].k < 10000)cout << p[i].name << "   " << p[i].k << endl;}}system("pause");return 0;

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