majesty 壮丽宏伟的

outsource 外包

rhetorical question 反问句

lousy 便宜的

cobbler 果馅饼

gravy boat 肉汁壶

spendy 好贵

meteor shower 流星雨

raisinets 巧克力葡萄干

hygienist 牙医

distracted 心不在焉

macaroni 通心粉

stop in 路过

Pictionary 你画我猜

bratwurst 德国腊肠

benadryl 抗过敏药

rave 狂欢派对

hologram 全息图

maglev technology 磁悬浮技术

empathetic 善解人意的

phony 伪君子

twaddle 废话

paprika 红辣椒

payback 报复

nosey 事儿妈

lunatic 疯子

icky 真讨厌

anthropologist 人类学家

little eggnog 蛋奶酒

wits 智慧

fortitude 坚毅

moxie 勇气

bloopers 穿帮镜头

hot apple cider 热苹果汁

cinnamon sticks 肉桂条

Thunderdome 竞技场

neuroscientist 神经学家

wildly racist 严重种族歧视

dopey 傻帽

deluded 迷惑,欺骗

pharmacy 药店

clam 蛤蜊

banal 平庸

frozen burrito 冷冻玉米煎饼

fancy wine 上好的红酒

fondue 芝士火锅

scallops 扇贝

spring rolls 春卷

hors d'oeuvres 开胃小吃

poppycock 胡说,废话

complacent 自满

jersey 运动衫

sucker 笨蛋

stinks 臭气熏天

tactful 巧妙的,委婉的

tuxedo 燕尾服

perfect pitch 绝对音感


S: I must admit, I can't help but feel a twinge of envy. 我不得不承认 我心里实在是有点小嫉妒。

H's mom: Don't be snippy. 别这么暴躁。

H's mom: Good. They should know what a horrible son you are!

很好 这样他们就知道你有多不孝了!

A: Oh, Boo-hoo. 你倒好。

R: I'm all for it. 我完全同意。

S: Attaboy. 好孩子!

S: Oh, Lenard. Let's not take a saw to the branch we're sitting on, shall we?

莱纳德 还是别了吧 这说出来多伤感情啊。

S: As I've stated before on numerous occasions, 我说过无数次了,

S: That never gets old. 这句话百听不厌。

S: Darn. 真可惜。

R: Please, let me make this right. 拜托让我将功补过。

P: Gosh, I worked my ass off today! 天啊 我今天累死了。

L: Tonight is all about you. 今晚你就是主角。

L: I just to know the longer we wait to talk about it, the weirder it gets.


R: I didn't want to be a third wheel. 我不想当电灯泡。

H's mom: Your father left me, you left me -- I guess I'm just the kind of person people like to leave.

你爸离开我 你也这样 我就是那种别人想要抛弃的人。

H's mom: I knew she was behind this! If you want to be a man, you can't let a woman tell you what to do.

她是幕后黑手!要当纯爷们儿 你就不能让女人对你指手画脚。

R: Pish on your issues! 屁大的事儿啊!

R: That was some weak tea, dude. 实在是弱爆了 老兄。

R: Amen to that. 那还用说?

Stuart: A little music? 来点音乐助兴?

R: Bossa Nova. 芭沙风情。【新派爵士乐】

R: Do you want to... hang out tomorrow night, maybe grab a bite to eat or catch a late movie?

你想不想 明晚咱们出去玩玩 一起吃个饭 看个晚场电影什么的?

Stuart: But I'm a little tight on funds. 但我手头有点紧。

R: I'll swing by after work. 我下班后过来。

Stuart: I could do worse. 我还能更没下限一点。

NASA Dave: You realize you just lied your ass off to your wife and your mother.



A: He's still a flight risk. 他还是只会飞的鸭子呢!

A: You're not answering the question. 你在顾左右而言他。

B: I'm basically married to a sexy Buzz Lightyear. 我嫁的可是性感版的巴斯光年!

H: You're out of your mind, Sheldon. 你疯了吧 谢尔顿。

L: Sheldon, you are not in charge. 谢尔顿 你又不是老大!

Stuart: I can take them or leave them. 不喜欢也不讨厌。

S: Well, it's hardly my business what you eat. 你吃什么关我屁事。

S: You like all kinds of hippy-dippy things.  弱智的事你都喜欢。

A: There might be a reason for that. 那是事出有因的。

S: Don't get any ideas. 想都不要想。【Ep3 L】

S: For the sake of argument, let's say that's true. 就当你说的是真的。

S: This is not working out with him. 他和我们的气场不合。

S: The Transformers teach us that things are not always what they appear to be.

变形金刚告诉我们 事情的真相往往与其外在表现不同。

S: That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. 这真是我听过最愚蠢的言论了。

S: Hubba-hubba. 很棒吧~

S: Talk about a keeper. 正所谓乘龙快婿啊!

P: That is the last thing I want to do. 这是我最不想做的事情。

P: Do you know what a terrible position this puts me in? 你知道你把我置于一个多糟糕的处境吗?

S: So we're all on the same page. 你都知情了就好。

S: Your desperate need for friendship makes you weak. 你对友谊的渴求令你破绽百出。

S: But that woman has a death wish, Leonard. 那女人可不是省油的灯 莱纳德。

S: No one likes a kiss-up. 没人喜欢马屁精。


S: For your troubles. 你的辛苦费。

S: And forgive my crude penmanship. 字迹难看 多多包涵。

L: Not gonna happen. 想都别想。【Ep2 S】

S: Uh, before we begin, may I offer you a refreshment? 开始之前 需要来点东西提神吗?

S: I think they're the best. 我觉得这玩意爽爆了!

S: That was a ruse. 刚是陷阱题。

S: I did a comprehensive background check. 我对你的背景做了全面的调查。

Alex Jenson: It would be an incredible honor to work for a man of your brilliance.

能为您这样才华横溢的人做事 真是我天大的荣幸。

S: Flattery will not get you this job, Ms. Jenson. 溜须拍马是没有用的 詹森女士。

Alex Jenson: It's not flattery if it's the truth. 陈述的是事实 又何来逢迎拍马?

L: Smooth. 厉害!

S: No. I have people for that now. 不必 有人会为我代劳。

L: Ah, congratulations and may God have mercy on your soul.

恭喜你 同时也愿上帝怜悯你的灵魂。

B: Hey, I wasn't expecting to hear from you today. 没想到今天你会打给我。

R: Let the dance begin. 好戏开始。

L: Oh, that happens to be Dr. Koothrappali's field of expertise.


L: He‘s the poster boy for sanity. 他就是精神正常的代表。

L: Oh, SETI -- the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. SETI 寻找外太空星球智慧生命计划。

A: That skank's your problem, not mine. 这骚货试你的问题 不是我的。

A: Look at you, putting on a brave face. 瞧你 还假装坚强。

P: Look, I don't even know where my relationship is with Leonard is right now.



S: Yeah, you had a good run. 这段时间表现不错。

S: We'll remember you with nostalgic fondness. 我们会怀念你的好。

S: Leonard, you're the tiebreaker. 莱纳德 你决定吧。

S: Welcome aboard, old chum. 欢迎加入 好兄弟。

H: Gesundheit. 保重。

S: I am spoon-feeding this to you. 我答案都递到你嘴边了啊。

S: I guess we both share blame on this one. 这道题我俩各打五十大板吧。

P: Where did the expression "got your ass handed to you" come from?


P: Amy and I will beat you at anything. 艾米和我照样虐得你一败涂地。

Stuart: Ah, he's spoiling me and I love it. 他好宠我 我爱死了。

H: I’ve been having the worst night. 我今天晚上倒霉到家了。


R: I do have a certain je ne sais quois when it comes to soirees.

置办派对 我可是有不少锦囊妙计哦。

S: Care to weigh in? 有何高见?

A: I make compromises for you all the time. 我总是为你牺牲自我。

P: It's long overdue. 早就该来了。

S: Yes! This party just became a major rager. 太好了 这次派对一定超好玩!

R: Don't make me pull it out of you. 别让我费劲逼问你了。

S: The problem solved itself. 这问题不攻自破了。

L: Ja, und later she's going to arrest me for goink fashter zen da shpeed of light.

对 稍后她会逮捕我 因为我超速超过光年了。【德语】


S: Hold that thought! 话别说太早。

S: Everything really is coming up, Amy. 真是守得云开见月明了啊 艾米。

S: Trying to use a Jedi mind trick. 试图用绝地念力。

S: Then suffer in silence. 那你默默忍受吧。

L: Empathetic! 设身处地的为我建议!

S: It sucks to be you. 算你倒霉呗。

S: It only works on the weak-minded. 只有意志薄弱的人才会被操控。

R: Yeah, but if he's a sore loser, maybe you're better off without him.

但如果他这个人输不起 没这个朋友也罢。

S: Losing on purpose is intellectually dishonest. 故意放水是智慧上的欺诈。

S: A sellout, 没节操

P: So, I know this goes without saying, 我知道我这是多此一举。

S:You won fair and square. 你是实至名归的赢家。


S: This is a sticky wichet. 真是进退两难啊。

S: Yes, quite the kerfuffle. 对啊 挺剑拔弩张的。

S: It's a band-aid at best. 那顶多治标不治本。

S: And let me tell you, that was a hard row to hoe. 不瞒你说 这事可不容易啊。

S: That low-down polecat done wronged my woman. 那个卑鄙小人敢对我的女人口出狂言。

H: Oh, you silly doodlebug. 你个小笨蛋呆瓜。

L: Oh, that's just the tip of the sadness iceberg. 这只是我悲哀的冰山一角呢。


S: Well, it's your word against mine; see you in court. 公说公有理 婆说婆有理 法庭见吧。

S: You're a real catch. 你也算是乘龙快婿了。

L: Stay frosty. 别轻举妄动哦。

S: But I have difficulty navigating certain aspects of daily life.

但我每天的生活 都有不易驾驭的方面。


L: Your hypothesis is completely disconfirmed by all the data. You're just clinging to it out of intellectual stubbornness.

种种数据显示 你的假设完全不能成立 现在纯粹是你的智商在死鸭子嘴硬。

L: You brought this on yourself. 是你自己自讨苦吃。

S: Well, that's some salty language. 你这话够掉身份啊~

S: I'm sorry for your loss. 请节哀顺变。

S: It truly is the B word, isn't it? 还真是让人想骂脏话 不是吗?

B: What's that supposed to mean? 你这话什么意思?

S: Well, I'm not giving it away. 我才不无偿帮你。

H: Well, we appear to have reached an impasse. 看来我们陷入僵局了。

R: That's a nice touch. 这招不赖啊。

A: Don't play dumb with me, sister. 别装傻了 丫头。

S: You threats are empty! 你吓唬谁啊。

S: Oh, preposterous! 真是荒谬!

S: It's quite a gesture on your part. 你这样做很有风度。

H: I'd like to propose a toast - - to burying the hatchet. 大家来干一杯吧 敬恩怨一笔勾销。


S: Now let's get this over with. 那咱们速战速决吧。

B's dad: Mazel tov. 恭喜恭喜。【希伯来语】

H: Great couple of gals. 她们是贤良淑德的典范。


P: You're so butch. 你好龙精虎猛哦。

R: But apparently I misread those signals. 但很显然是我自作多情了。

L: You're getting a little Yuletide spirit. 你挺喜欢圣诞的。

H: Ya big dork! 你个大傻冒。


S: Uh, in the past, I've reached out to each of you individually, but I believe my present situation requires the collective wisdom of the group.

过去呢 我曾与在座各位有过单独请益的时刻 但这次我觉得这次的情况需要你们一起共同集思广益。

S: He's strutting around like he's five-foot-six. 他趾高气昂地好像自己有两米那么高。

P: I mean, how do you not kill yourself, like, every day? 你怎么曾到现在还没有自杀?


S: Looks like that rumpled chicken's come home to roost. 看来有人现在自食恶果了吧。

B: He's not exhausting at all. 他真是不厌其”烦“啊。

S: Nice going. 都怪你。

B: Brakkadoom! 受死吧!

S: Unless bellyaching. 不要再满腹牢骚了。

L: Thanks, but we've got it covered. 多谢 我们自己能搞定。


S: So they asked you to pack up your things and ship out. 所以他们让你收拾东西走人啊。

S: That's hard cheese. 真是非常遗憾。

S: You're one of the good ones. 你算是有能力的人之一了。

S: I work on a level so rarified you couldn't even imagine it. 我工作的层次尖端到你无法想象。

L: Do I look smug? I feel smug. 是不是洋洋得意 我觉得是哦~

L: I’m unhappy and about to destroy the planet. 老子不爽 老子要毁了地球。

S: I'm outraged. 我现在是气炸了。

Kripke: What the frig? 你搞毛啊?

Kripke: You think I just fell of the turnip truck? 你当我第一天出社会啊!

S: Zingers fly fast in the Thunderdome, Barry. 竞技场里唇枪舌剑很猛烈 脑子要跟上。

Kripke: If this one's blank, too, I'm going to be furious. 这里面要再是白纸 老子一定暴怒。

S: It's leaps and bounds ahead of mine. 他的成果超过我好几百条街。

S: What do we have to lose? 我都没东西能损失了 当然行。

S: What a grouch. 瞧你这小暴脾气。

R: Oh, I wish I was in better shape. 要是我身材好点就好了。

Kripke: Your work is really not at a level I expected it to be.


Kripke: Stop bragging. 少显摆了。

Kripke: You had some brilliant insights in here. 你有一些很棒的见解。

Kripke: You need to buckle down and focus. 你得集中注意力 多加努力才行。

B: I make plenty of money!  You make peanuts! 我挣了很多钱 你赚得塞牙缝都不够!

S: Because the truth made me look bad. 说实话会让我很没面子。

L: We're down the rabbit hole. 废话说完了。


S: Are you going to have another one of your hissy fits? 你的小暴脾气又要发作了吗?

L: You're controlling, you're irritating... 你是控制狂 有超级欠扁。

P: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 不要随便改变现状 小心弄巧成拙。(不要没事找事嘛)

L: Cut to the chase. 别拐弯抹角了。

L: You lovable scamp. 你个可爱的小调皮。

L: This door's about to slam in your face. 这们要摔你脸上了。

R: Oy vey. 糟糕。【犹太人用语】

S: Home wrecker. 家庭破坏者。

A: I have been nothing but patient with you! 我对你还不够有耐心吗!

P: Oh, don't get all huffy. 别冲我发火!


S: Ah, kids say the darnedest things. 小孩子真是会胡扯。

H: I pulled an all-nighter. 我忙活了整个通宵。

S: Dazzle me. Go. 尽请支招吧。

S: Clearly, I made a good choice farming this out to you.

很明显 把此事交给你来办 真是太英明了。

S: What are you trying to pull here? 这一招的高明之处在哪儿?

Alex: I don't know how to respond to that. 我词穷了。

B: Fill her up. 给我倒上。

L: That's the spirit. 这么想就对了。

L: Okay, this is getting a little hard to not take personally. 你这么敷衍的样子 很难不让我受伤。

L: That was pretty crappy of you. 你刚才真够差劲的!

R: We're got to stop beating ourselves up like this! 我们不能再这样自我折磨了。


R: Can I have a refill on my chai tea? 能帮我的印度茶续杯吗?

S: If our friend, the flag, has taught me anything, it's to go where the wind takes you.

我们的好友 旗帜 教过我的一件事就是 向着风指引你的方向飘。

L: Don't look under that rock. 不要知道比较好。

R: Nothing good ever happens! 好事从不发生在我身上。

A: Those guys were mellow. 那些小家伙乖多了。

S: Luckily, I had the good sense to drown that kitten in the river.


S: I'm obligated to do something nice for you. 我也应该礼尚往来。

A: Typical bureaucratic nonsense. 典型的狗屁官僚主义。

L: Aw, for Pete's sake. 让不让人活了。


L: So, you can either bitch and whine. 你们大可以唧唧歪歪 浪费时间。

H/S: I got "whine. " I got the "b word. " 我负责唧唧,我负责歪歪。

L: Frankly, 老实说,

P: So, blow off work, go on a weekday. 那就不去上班 工作日的时候去。

A: Hooky? 翘班吗?

P: I can laugh about it now. 我现在对此能一笑置之了。

B: This Friday we ditch work. 周五我们放下工作。


H: He's like a savant at organizing. 他简直是整理大师好吗?

B: Made it from scratch. 从零开始学。

A: His quirks just make you love him more. 他的小怪癖让人更爱他。

S: You health nuts kill me. 小混球害我要想破头了。

H: Do whatever you want. 你高兴就好。

S: This is what happens to pretty boys in the big city. 小帅哥进了大城市 就会遇到这种事。

S: Oh, I've got that in spades. Ravage me. 这个我绝对能帮上忙。用问题蹂躏我吧。

S: Well played. 你厉害。

S: Sometimes I don't give you enough credit, Penny. 有时候我真是小看你了 佩妮。

R: Well, put your mind at ease. 好了 你就放宽心吧。

S: Sorry, badgering me won't work. 抱歉 纠缠我也没用。

S: Stand down, sir. 别轻举妄动 先生。

B: I should have left it alone. 我不应该多事的。

H: Nice try. 亏你想得到。【S7 Ep3 A】

S: Matey? 好兄弟【海盗用语】

S: Bernadette's diary has some saucy passages. 伯纳黛特日记的内容相当有料啊~


L: But I‘m not gonna stoop to playing politics. 但是我才不去耍手段 搞阴谋。

P: That shows a lot of integrity. 这说明你很正直。

S: Copy that. 明白明白。

R: Let's meet halfway. 一人让一步。

R: You have some nerve showing up here. 你居然有脸出现在这里。

R: I have a thick accent. You don't know what I said. 我口音重着呢 你根本听不懂我的话。

S: Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do. 真会耍阴招。


P: I can't afford another demerit. 我不能再被他记过了。

S: That was quite the cliffhanger. 最后留了个大悬念。

R: Good - - black is more slimming. 很好 黑色显瘦。

R: Toodles. 拜拜。

P: I was gonna be in movies and live this glamorous life.

我会变成电影明星 过着五光十色的生活。

P: I had an epiphany, not a stroke. 我只是顿悟 不是突然中风好吗?

S: Down to business. 现在言归正传。

S: Well, that all stinks. 这也太烂了吧。


S: Big check. 花大钱哟~

Prof. Proton: No, sh-she's the only reason I've-I've stayed this long.


H: Nice guilt trip. 这招“良心不安”真高。


H: The ladies are away, the boys will play. 女人不在 男人爽快。

R: So into her. 好中意她啊。

S: You just got pantsed in the schoolyard, four-eyes. 你跟他比差远了 四眼田鸡。

S: Go on, give him your lunch money. 快 对他俯首称臣吧。

S: That was a wild ride. 真够刺激的。


L: Well, do you really think I have a shot? 你觉得我真有机会雀屏中选吗?

R: This is a fantastic opportunity. 这是他千载难逢的好机会呢。

R: WIth your flashy clothes and your Woody Allen swagger.


P: But just because good things are happening to Leonard doesn't take anything away from you.

但莱纳德身上有好事发生 不代表你会损失什么啊。

S: They lie so they don't look petty. 为了不显得小气而说谎。

R: So, you know, it was a silver lining. 瞧 我终于找到了乌云背后的幸福线。

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