Have you ever tried to login to your Verizon FIOS router, only to find out that you’ve got no idea what the password is? Here’s how to reset the password to the factory defaults and get access to your router again.

您是否曾经尝试过登录Verizon FIOS路由器,却发现自己不知道密码是什么? 这是将密码重置为出厂默认设置并再次访问路由器的方法。

If you’re still looking for a good reason to login to the router, be sure to read our guide to changing your Wi-Fi router channel to optimize your signal, or our explanation on why hiding your wireless SSID is really not a security feature.

如果您仍在寻找登录路由器的正当理由,请务必阅读我们的指南,以更改您的Wi-Fi路由器通道以优化信号 ,或者我们对隐藏无线SSID为何不是真正安全功能的解释 。

登录到路由器 (Logging Into Your Router)

Normally all you need to do in order to login to your router is simply head to in your browser, and enter in the username and password to get into the settings.


On a side note, that password box is really annoying on these Verizon routers.


重置您的Verizon路由器的密码 (Resetting the Password for Your Verizon Router)

Each of the Verizon routers will have a Reset button on the back side somewhere, usually with a red circle around it. To reset the router to factory defaults, press this button (using a pen or something similar), and hold it down until all the lights on the router blink and turn off, and then back on—it’ll take somewhere between 10-30 seconds.

每个Verizon路由器的背面某处都会有一个“重置”按钮,通常在其周围有一个红色圆圈。 要将路由器重置为出厂默认设置,请按此按钮(使用笔或类似的东西),然后按住它直到路由器上的所有指示灯闪烁然后熄灭,然后再重新打开,这大约需要10到30秒钟之间的时间秒。

If it doesn’t work, then try it again.


并且默认密码是… (And the Default Password Is…)

Once you’ve reset the password to the default, it’s going to be set to one of the following—or it might already be set to one of these, so before you reset the router, you should try each of these.


  • “Password” – once you reset the password on most of the routers, it should be set to simply password.

    “密码” –在大多数路由器上重置密码后,应将其设置为简单密码。

  • “admin” – sometimes the Verizon tech will change the password to admin, though they are supposed to change it to the serial number.

    “ admin” –有时,Verizon技术会将密码更改为admin ,尽管他们应该将其更改为序列号。

  • Serial Number – each router has a serial number on the sticker on the back, and often the password has been changed to match this number.

    序列号 –每个路由器的背面贴纸上都有一个序列号,并且通常已更改密码以匹配该数字。

  • Blank – and we’re not referring to typing Blank into the password field—on one of the routers the password field should just be ignored, by default, at least.

    空白 -我们并不是指在密码字段中输入空白 -在其中一台路由器上,至少默认情况下至少应忽略密码字段。

If you’re still not having any luck, then reset it.


多种Verizon路由器型号 (Various Verizon Router Models)

We’ve put together a quick little table with all the Verizon router models that we know of, and the default password for each.


Model Number Verizon MI424WR Verizon 9100VM Verizon 9100EM D-Link VDI-624 Actiontec MI424WR
Username admin admin admin admin admin
Password password password password blank password
型号编号 威瑞森MI424WR Verizon 9100VM 威瑞森9100EM 凌华VDI-624 动作科技MI424WR
用户名 管理员 管理员 管理员 管理员 管理员
密码 密码 密码 密码 空白 密码

Of course, once we put the table together we realized that they were all the same except for one of them, so the table isn’t very useful… but it looks nice, so we’re leaving it here.


更改路由器密码 (Changing Your Router Password)

Once you’re able to login the first time, you’ll be prompted to change the password on the first login—but if you were able to login without having to reset it, you should probably head down to the Quick Links section on the left-hand side, and use the Change Login User Name / Password setting.


Naturally, this might be different for your router version, but this is what we’re seeing right now.


像LastPass这样的密码管理器不起作用 (Password Managers Like LastPass Don’t Work)

If you’re having a problem logging in with a password manager like LastPass, you might not actually have a password problem as much as a password manager problem—for some reason this password box doesn’t work right with password managers.


The trick is to just use LastPass to copy the password to the clipboard, and then manually paste it in.


On a side note: if you’re using another (better) router internally for your network, you should probably disable WEP on the Verizon router.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/35374/how-to-reset-or-change-the-password-for-your-verizon-fios-router/

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