
by Anthony Sistilli

安东尼·西斯蒂里(Anthony Sistilli)

如何在没有工作经验的情况下获得技术工作 (How to get a tech job with no previous work experience)

I run a free community called the Forge where I help students navigate the world of tech recruiting.


One of the biggest fears most students have is the idea of finding a good job with no previous work experience.


Applying online can sometimes feel like you’re throwing your résumé into a black hole.


The good news is, there are ways to make your résumé stand out without having any work experience at all.


In this article, I’m going to show you 5 methods to get a tech job with no previous work experience! (Click here if you prefer video)

在本文中,我将向您展示5种获得没有以前工作经验的技术工作的方法! ( 如果您喜欢视频,请单击此处 )

P.S. — You won’t automatically get a job if you do these 5 things… You still have to kill it in the interview. But it WILL help your application stand out regardless of your past experience.

PS-如果您完成这5件事,您不会自动找到工作……您仍然必须在面试中将其杀死。 但是,不管您过去的经验如何,它都将帮助您的应用程序脱颖而出。

竞争性编程 (Competitive Programming)

If you’re not familiar with competitive programming, it involves solving data structures and algorithm problems in competitions (and for fun).

如果您不熟悉竞争性编程 ,那么它涉及解决比赛中的数据结构和算法问题(并很有趣)。

The questions you solve are the same type of questions you would expect to find during a tech interview.


Now I know what you’re thinking.


“Why would I ever want to do fake interviews in my spare time, and how would I even put that on my résumé?”


1.招聘人员非常重视竞争性计划。 (1. Recruiters hold competitive programming in very high regard.)

Competitive programming can give you great practice.


Showing that you’ve competed in local and national competitions like NAIPC and ICPC is a huge plus.


Recruiters scout online sites like TopCoder and Kattis to find high ranking students from different universities.


Ranking highly in competitions is a great asset, but even getting involved can get your foot through the door.


2.实际面试的好习惯 (2. It’s great practice for actual interviews)

Take some of the burden off preparing for interviews since you’ve already done a lot of preparation.


Participating and practicing for competitive programming competitions is like doing daily mock interviews.


There’s no doubt that when you actually get that interview, you’ll be able to kill it!


Check and see if your local university has a competitive programming club or team and join it!


入门资源 (Resources to get started)

Hackerrank: Online practicing platform

Hackerrank :在线练习平台

Leetcode: Online practicing platform

Leetcode :在线练习平台

Kattis: Online practicing platform with university and state rankings

Kattis :具有大学和州排名的在线练习平台

TopCoder: Online practicing platform with global rankings

TopCoder :具有全球排名的在线练习平台

NAIPC: North American competition http://naipc.uchicago.edu/2018/


My video on how to get started with Competitive Programming


黑客马拉松 (Hackathons)



Don’t skip this section.


You’re probably thinking:


I already go to tons of Hackathons so I’m alright!


I’ve talked to a lot of tech recruiters in the past few months, and they all say the same thing.


Just going to a bunch of Hackathons and coming out with random projects isn’t enough anymore.


为什么? 因为每个人都在做。 (Why? Because everyone is doing it.)

Having a winning résumé is all about differentiating yourself.


There’s nothing special about going to a Hackathon and making a hacky project anymore.


Everyone’s done it.


There are 3 ways to use Hackathons to your advantage.


1.继续您的项目! (1. Continue your project!)

Recruiters love this.


  • You’re showing you can code with a team for a long period of time您正在展示可以与团队长期合作
  • You’re showing that you can handle an application that has a real user base that requires updates and bug fixes


  • You’re showing that you can be passionate enough about a project to dedicate a large amount of personal time to it您表明您可以对一个项目充满热情,将大量的个人时间用于该项目

Do these attributes sound familiar?


It should, because these are all the traits a great employee has!


Remember, recruiters are always looking for skills showing that you’ll excel once you get the job.


2.如果您获得赞助商奖,他们会经常采访您 (2. If you win a sponsor’s prize, they’ll often interview you)

Okay, winning is pretty tough.


But if you happen to make a solid project and you do end up winning, you’ll likely get interviewed by the sponsoring company.

但是,如果你碰巧做了坚实的项目, 最终赢得,你很可能会得到由赞助公司采访。

3.联网 (3. Networking)

Companies sponsor Hackathons to get their name known and to find the hottest newest talent.


Bring a couple résumés, and use that opportunity to talk to recruiters and build a genuine relationship with them.


What is it like working at that company?


Does the culture fit your personality?


Can you see yourself working there as a full-time employee?


You’re considering a company as much as they’re considering you. Use this as an opportunity to find companies you’re genuinely interested in working for.

您正在考虑一家公司,而他们正在考虑您。 以此为契机,找到您真正有兴趣工作的公司。

入门资源 (Resources to get started)

Here are three websites to find upcoming hackathons:


  • https://www.hackalist.org/


  • https://mlh.io/seasons/na-2018/events


  • https://www.hackevents.co/hackathons


Bonus: Grace Hopper Tech conference — a great place for women in tech to network with recruiters and find a job!

奖励 : Grace Hopper科技会议 - 科技女性与招聘者建立联系并找到工作的好地方!

研究助理 (Research Assistant)

Being an undergraduate research assistant is an opportunity to explore a field of study you’re interested in while learning from an expert in the field.


Most students approach the situation in a very wrong way.


They contact a professor and making it clear they’re only interested in something to boost their résumé.


Be genuine!


I can’t stress that enough.


Do some research about professors at your university.


What field are they in?


What work have they done?


Is that something that interests you?


One of the best approaches is to read one of their papers online, and ask to discuss it with them in person.


In person, you can express your excitement for their field and approach the topic of getting involved.


No paid positions? Volunteer work is better than nothing. Especially if you enjoy the topic.

没有带薪职位? 志愿工作总比没有好。 特别是如果您喜欢这个话题。

In my case, I volunteered for 4 months which got me an 8 month paid research term.


Don’t let the stress of finding a job put you in a position where you’re not genuine or doing what interests you. Professors can see right through that, and that’s why most students fail to get a research position.

不要让找工作的压力使您处于您不真诚或做自己感兴趣的事情的位置。 教授可以正确地看到这一点,这就是为什么大多数学生未能获得研究职位的原因。

开源项目 (Open Source Projects)

If you contribute a lot to recognized open source projects, expect a lot of recruitment emails.


Contributing to open source projects gives you the chance to showcase all the skills that makes an engineer great in the workplace.


  • Teamwork and communication团队合作与沟通
  • Production of reliable and user-ready code生成可靠且易于用户使用的代码
  • Ability to jump into unknown territory, adapt, and make a positive impact跳入未知领域,适应并产生积极影响的能力
  • Advanced knowledge of the framework or library that you’re contributing to对您正在贡献的框架或库的高级知识

Is Google looking for a React developer?


Their first stop is React’s GitHub page to find the contributors.


Who would know a library better than those who helped author it?


It can seem quite daunting at first, especially if you’re a beginner. The good news is there are tons of resources out there to help you navigate the world of open source contribution!

起初看起来似乎很艰巨,特别是如果您是初学者。 好消息是,这里有大量资源可帮助您驾驭开源贡献的世界!

入门资源 (Resources to get started)

GitHub: the home of most open source projects

GitHub :大多数开源项目的所在地

FirstTimersOnly: a comprehensive guide on how to contribute to your first open source project

FirstTimersOnly :关于如何为您的第一个开源项目做出贡献的综合指南

UpForGrabs: a list of open source projects that currently need contributors

UpForGrabs :当前需要贡献者的开源项目列表

“How can I find a good open source project to join?”


“What are the ways to find a good open source project?”


领英和网络 (LinkedIn & Networking)

Chances are, if you had a giant network in the tech industry, you would already have a job!


Internal referrals are the most powerful type of applications, and having a giant network makes it easy to get referrals.


There are a lot of students that love to copy and paste 3 paragraphs about themselves, along with their résumé, to every recruiter they find on LinkedIn.


That is how to NOT get a job.


I have a specific method on LinkedIn that I use to reach out to recruiters for the Forge that can work for you too.


Send them a connection request and a message politely asking if they would be open to answering 1–2 questions about what it’s like to work at their company.


Recruiters are usually happy to answer a couple of honest questions when it concerns their place of work.


Like before:


Use this opportunity to talk to recruiters and build a genuine relationship with them.


If things go well online, you could even invite them to grab a coffee after work and learn more about their story.


If they like you, ask them if they think you would be a good fit for their company. You can even ask if they would feel comfortable submitting your résumé internally.

如果他们喜欢您,请问他们是否认为您适合他们的公司。 您甚至可以询问他们是否愿意在内部提交您的简历。

Make sure you’re genuinely interested in the company you’re inquiring about and whether you would be a good fit for each other!


到达同一目的地的路径很多 (There are many paths to the same destination)

If you only take one thing away from this article, take this away:


There are many different ways to achieve any one goal.


Never feel like you’re not good enough because of what someone else might have on their résumé.


Carve your own space in the world and never let someone else’s experiences take away from your own.


If you found this article valuable consider joining theForge.ca!

如果您发现本文有价值,请考虑加入theForge.ca !

We’re a free community that helps students navigate the tech recruitment world.




翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-a-tech-job-with-no-previous-work-experience-6d3d7d25e1/



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