
Imposter syndrome is something we all struggle with to one degree or another. Imposter syndrome is the fear of exposure as a fraud. If you’re anything like me you have felt like your work was not good enough to show. Or you weren’t far along enough in your journey as a developer to have much to contribute.

冒名顶替综合症是我们大家都在某种程度上挣扎的东西。 冒名顶替综合症是害怕暴露为欺诈。 如果您像我一样,您会觉得您的作品不够出色。 否则,您作为开发人员的旅程还不够多,可以做出很多贡献。

After learning about Hacktoberfest last year, I wanted to contribute. But I felt overwhelmed, and imposter syndrome began to take hold.

去年了解了Hacktoberfest之后,我想做出贡献。 但是我感到不知所措,冒名顶替综合症开始占上风。

I told myself I was too inexperienced as a developer and I worried that my commits wouldn’t be worthwhile. Unfortunately, I let those fears get the better of me, and I didn’t even bother signing up.

我告诉自己,我作为开发人员缺乏经验,我担心自己的承诺不值得。 不幸的是,我让那些恐惧变得更好,我什至没有去报名。

This year I forced myself to set my fears aside, studied this post on Hacktoberfest, and I dove in. I’m going to share a little of what I worked on and the benefits of getting involved. Benefits that go far beyond getting a shirt and can be had 12 months out of the year!

今年,我强迫自己放下了恐惧,在Hacktoberfest上研究了这篇文章 ,然后我沉迷于其中。我将分享一些我所做的工作以及参与其中的好处。 收益远不止一件衬衫,一年还可以拥有12个月!

我的Hacktoberfest经验 (My Hacktoberfest experience)

I began on October 11th. I was starting at a slight disadvantage already being a third of the way through the month.

我从10月11日开始。 我已经处于一个轻微的劣势,已经是本月的三分之一。

The time crunch motivated me. I decided I would try to submit a pull request every Friday and once during the week for the rest of the month. Setting a schedule was important. I focused on pull requests two or three days out of the week and tried not to stress the rest of the time. Regardless of how ambitious your goal is, five pull requests in a month or five pull requests in a week: it’s important to have a plan.

时间紧缩激励了我。 我决定我将尝试在每个星期五和每个月的其余时间每个星期提交一次拉取请求。 制定时间表很重要。 我将注意力集中在一周两三天的请求请求上,并尽量不要在其余时间里施加压力。 不管您的目标多么雄心勃勃,一个月内五个请求或一周五个请求:制定计划很重要。

My first pull request was on freeCodeCamp. I was working through some of the JavaScript algorithms challenges. I noticed a link pointing to an unexpected location. It was a simple fix but it provided some needed confidence. There were indeed things out there that I could tackle!

我的第一个请求是在freeCodeCamp上。 我正在解决一些JavaScript算法难题。 我注意到一个链接指向一个意外的位置。 这是一个简单的修复程序,但是它提供了一些需要的信心。 确实有我可以解决的事情!

The pull request was easy, I didn’t fork or clone the freeCodeCamp repository, I opened it right on the GitHub page.


Boom first pull request opened.


I didn’t want all five pull requests to come from one repository (although there is nothing wrong with that). After a few pull requests on freeCodeCamp, I started venturing out and exploring GitHub.

我不希望所有五个拉取请求都来自一个存储库(尽管这没有错)。 在freeCodeCamp上提出了一些请求之后,我开始尝试并探索GitHub。

I started by looking at projects I was familiar with familiar with. Specifically, I browsed tools and projects that I had used a lot like Rails, React, Bootstrap, and Devise, among others. Whenever possible I searched by issues tagged “Hacktoberfest”, “First Time Contributor” or “Easy”.

我首先查看我熟悉的项目。 具体来说,我浏览了我经常使用的工具和项目,例如Rails,React,Bootstrap和Devise等。 只要有可能,我都会搜索带有“ Hacktoberfest”,“ First Time Contributor”或“ Easy”标签的问题。

With larger projects, there are a lot more contributors. The easy issues tend to get ironed out fairly quickly. I narrowed my search to smaller repositories.

对于较大的项目,会有更多的贡献者。 容易解决的问题往往很快就会解决。 我将搜索范围缩小到较小的存储库。

A few years ago a friend and I built a reviews site for professors called “AvalueMeuProfessor”. Working on that project I discovered a library called jQuery Raty. This library makes it easy to add voting stars to your project. Although it has over 2,000 stars on GitHub there were only 21 contributors. It had several unresolved issues.

几年前,我和一个朋友为教授们建立了一个名为“ AvalueMeuProfessor”的评论网站。 在该项目上,我发现了一个名为jQuery Raty的库。 该库可轻松为项目添加投票星。 尽管它在GitHub上有2000颗星,但只有21位贡献者。 它有几个未解决的问题。

Improving what I could, I submitted a pull request that added value to the project. This is important. The size or scope of your pull request doesn’t matter but it should provide value to the project. It was merged into the project in a few hours.

为了提高我的能力,我提交了一个拉取请求,为该项目增加了价值。 这个很重要。 拉取请求的大小或范围无关紧要,但应为项目提供价值。 它在几个小时内被合并到项目中。

Even though I only fixed typos in the documentation I gained a new understanding of how the library worked. It also gave me a greater appreciation for the project and its maintainers.

即使我只修正了文档中的错别字,我也对库的工作方式有了新的认识。 这也使我对该项目及其维护者有了更大的赞赏。

Through my work with Rails and the Raty app, I happened across an abandoned Ruby gem. It served jQuery Raty into the Rails asset pipeline: simple but useful. There were a few open issues but the readme made it clear that the project was abandoned.

通过与Rails和Raty应用程序的合作,我偶然遇到了一个废弃的Ruby宝石。 它将jQuery Raty服务到Rails资产管道中:简单但有用。 有一些未解决的问题,但自述文件明确表明该项目已被放弃。

Again, this was an ideal project because it was small in scope and activity on the project was minimal… none.


I forked the repository and began updating the gem to make it compatible with Rails 5. In the process, I learned a bit about the asset pipeline and a whole lot of how Rails gems work. I read several articles on creating gems that I otherwise would have never seen. In the process, I reached out to the original creator. He was no longer interested in managing the project and I took it over. It’s now maintained on my fork.

我分叉了存储库,并开始更新gem以使其与Rails 5兼容。在此过程中,我了解了一些资产管道以及Rails gem的工作原理。 我读了几篇有关创建宝石的文章,而这些文章是我以前从未见过的。 在此过程中,我联系了原始创作者。 他不再对管理项目感兴趣,我接手了。 现在它放在我的叉子上 。

Despite my initial insecurities about contributing, I took the plunge and pushed myself. I was hoping for a shirt but I ended up getting a more. I was able to:

尽管我最初对捐款没有安全感,但我还是投入了自己的努力。 我本来希望穿衬衫,但最终却得到了更多。 我以前可以:

  • Submit my first pull request in a public repo在公共仓库中提交我的第一个请求请求
  • Learn a lot about Ruby gems了解更多有关Ruby gems的信息
  • Take over the maintenance of a gem接管宝石的维护
  • Gain a new appreciation for some of the tools and resources I have used for years对我多年来使用的一些工具和资源有了新的认识
  • Boost my average commits for the month (by a lot)提高我本月的平均提交次数(提高了很多)
  • Became more comfortable with Git both on GitHub and through the CLI无论是在GitHub上还是通过CLI都对Git更加满意

Above all else, my participation is Hacktoberfest has made me a better developer with a greater desire to contribute. I’ve seen that there is room in these projects for new contributors.

最重要的是,我的参与就是Hacktoberfest,这使我成为了一个更好的开发人员,并渴望做出更大的贡献。 我已经看到这些项目中有新的贡献者。

You may want to contribute but worry that you are not good enough or don’t know where to start. But contributing to open source repos is not only for senior developers with years of experience. Contributing to projects is a great way to improve your skills, gain confidence and practice coding. While finding the right project may take a bit of searching, it will be well worth your while.

您可能想做出贡献,但担心自己不够出色或不知道从哪里开始。 但是,为开放源代码回购做贡献不仅限于具有多年经验的高级开发人员。 为项目做贡献是提高技能,获得信心和练习编码的好方法。 虽然找到合适的项目可能需要一些搜索,但是这很值得您花时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-results-of-dipping-my-toes-in-this-hacktoberfest-3def90987fcc/



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