drop sql语句

介绍 (Introduction)

This guide covers the SQL statement for dropping (deleting) one or more view objects.


A View is an object that presents data from one or more tables.


Note: before deleting or changing data or objects, remember to have a fresh backup.


We will cover:


  • Using SQL to drop a table使用SQL删除表
  • Using the workbench to drop a view使用工作台删除视图

We’ll be using MySQL for the demontration. Check the manual for this function in other Database Managers.

我们将使用MySQL进行清除。 在其他数据库管理器中查看有关此功能的手册。

We’ll drop the view called  students_dropMe_v , which was created just for this purpose.


基本语法 (Basic Syntax)

DROP VIEW [IF EXISTS]view_name [, view_name] ...

删除视图SQL (Drop View SQL)

The if exists portion will “trap” errors, should the view not exist.


drop view if exists students_dropMe_v;

The view after creation:


使用工作台 (Using the Workbench)

From the workbench:


  1. Right click on the view to drop右键单击视图以拖放
  2. select drop view from the menu从菜单中选择下拉视图
  3. Select either either a) run SQL to review the SQL statement to be executed or b) drop new选择a)运行SQL以检查要执行SQL语句,或b)删除新的

*As with all of these SQL things there is MUCH MORE to them than what’s in this introductory guide. I hope this at least gives you enough to get started.

*与所有这些SQL事物一样,它们比本入门指南中的内容要多得多。 我希望这至少能给您足够的入门。

Please see the manual for your database manager and have fun trying different options yourself.*


额外 (Extra)

Here’s the SQL I used to create the table that we just dropped:


create view `students_dropMe_v` as
select FullName, programOfStudy
from student
where programOfStudy = 'Programming';

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-sql-drop-view-statement/

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