1. 介绍了冷热源的选择及空调风系统、水系统、自控系统设计及主机房采取的安全措施,并做了几点设计总结。

Presents the selection of cold and heat sources and design of the air system, water system, control system and the safety measures for main equipment room in a air-conditioning application. The summary on design has been made.

2. 图书馆主机房防雷接地系统的设计和实施

Design and Implementation on Lightning Protection and Grounding System of Main Computer Room in Library

3. 三门峡火电厂主机房自力式屋顶通风器自然通风新技术应用效果

Application of Roof Ventilator in Main Generator Room of Sanmen Gorge Thermal Power Plant

4. CAD 系统统场在人们的桌面有终端,在工厂主机房的中央大型计算机上也有终端。

CAD systems often have terminals on peoples'desks and a central maxi-computer in the company's main computer room.

5. 现在的油轮的生活区和主机房位于船尾部。

The accommodation and machinery spaces are locate aft in modern tankers.

6. 可直接放置于被保护房间内,具有无需另设气瓶间、可移动、方便安装的特点,广泛应用于发电机房、通讯基站、主机房等面积较小的场所。

It is widely used in the generator room, communication station, mainframe room and some other ground with lesser area.

7. 全钢地板适用在载重要求和防静电要求较高的场合,比如有大型服务器和机柜的主机房;大、中、小型的计算机机房,以交换机为代表的通信中心机房、各种电气控制机房、邮电枢纽和用计算机控制的军事、经济、国家安全、航空、航天及交通指挥调度和信息管理中心等环节。

Steel flooring be applied to anti-static load requirements and demanding situations, such as large servers and mainframe cabinet room; large, medium and small computer room, to the switch room as the representative of the communications center, all kinds of electrical control rooms, post and telecommunications hub and the use of computer-controlled military, economic, national security, aviation, aerospace and transportation and information management command and dispatch center link.

8. 主机房的意思

8. 指出进行商业建筑低成本节能改造时应优先考虑主机房模糊变频控制系统、更换节能光源与灯具、采用冷却水节水技术以及安装改善电能质量的设备。

The measures of energy saving in large-scale commercial building should be adopted firstly, such as intelligent fuzzy frequency conversion control, replacing the lighting lamps, recycling of cooling water and installing the equipment which could improve the electrical energy quality.

9. 由此可见,室内显热负荷相对较高的电子电器类行业特别适合使用此类加湿器,如:SMD、SMT、IC、PCB、LCD、LED等元器件厂房以及程控机房、计算机主机房等,用于室内的直接加湿。

This shows that the indoor sensible heat load is relatively high category of electrical and electronic industries in particular for the use of such humidifier, such as: SMD, SMT, IC, PCB, LCD, LED and other plant components, as well as program-controlled room, computer room, such as host, used for direct humidification chamber.

10. 首先从信息系统安全的角度,全面分析了原有安全保障系统的整体构成,从物理环境、硬件设施、软件设施、应用系统、网络安全等方面,找出了主机房故障、电力系统故障、网络故障、双机同时故障或存储故障等不安全的因素;其次,为保证红塔ERP系统的不间断运行,根据三模冗余技术及并行系统的安全性,结合容灾技术,设计出了新的红塔ERP系统安全保障系统-容灾系统;采取容灾技术中的第七层技术,并结合科学的备份方案,开发并实现了红塔ERP系统的本地、远程应用自动接管及数据完全同步系统;基于IBM高端磁带库3584、TSM技术、LAN-FREE技术以及FlashCopy技术,较好地实现了数据自动备份,保证了红塔ERP系统的可恢复性;全面安装、测试了本文设计与开发的安全保障系统,并进行了系统级的优化。

Firstly, upon the safety point of modern information system, the original system was completely and comphrehensicely ayalyzed, including analysing the safety of physics environment, hardware, software installation, application system and network safety, as so on. Secondly, in order to ensure the continous operation of Hongta ERP system, a complete new security scheme was designed for our Hongta ERP System. Then, the 7th layer of Disaster Recovery technology HACMP-PPRC was appled to conduct the system backup, which makes the whole synchronization is now available.

11. 广州国际会议展览中心空调制冷主机房智能化控制系统设计原理及应用

The Design Principle and Application of Intelligent Control System of Refrigeration Plant in Guangzhou International Conference & Exhibition Center


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