
Let’s imagine that we have CMS Component:

ConfigModule.withConfig(<CmsConfig>{cmsComponents: {CMSSupportComponent: {component: SupportButtonComponent,},},

But from inside we have to open another Angular component which also needs the same CMSComponentData. Simple Angular component relates to the same Angular module.

I know that we can do it via Angular Service, common for Angular manner (this requires some handy work). But maybe Spartacus has some approaches similar to:

ConfigModule.withConfig({cmsComponents: {SearchBoxComponent: {providers: [{provide: SearchBoxComponentService,useClass: CustomSearchBoxComponentService,deps: [CmsComponentData, ProductSearchService, RoutingService]}];}}

and we can share injected CmsComponentData via single Service for several components.


as defined in Spartacus documentation:

The CMS data that is related to a component is provided to the component by the CmsComponentData service during instantiation. The CmsComponentData service contains the component uid, and also data$, which is an observable to the component payload. By making use of the Angular dependency injection (DI) system, components and component-specific services can use the CmsComponentData.

it’s recommended way to use Angular DI to inject CmsComponentData service and used in your components.

StackOverflow问题:How to share CMSComponentData between several components in Spartacus manner相关推荐

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