The creation of appointment executes the organizational data profile “Z00000000016” with scenario “SALES” and gets the sales orgs of the users (more than one) in FM CRM_ORGMAN_DETERMINE_SUBSET:

Raises the exception “alternatives_found = 3” and continues trying to search another organizational data profile:


  CALL FUNCTION 'CRM_ORGMAN_GET_PROFIL_ID'EXPORTINGiv_ref_guid      = cs_orgman_com-ref_guidiv_ref_kind      = cs_orgman_com-ref_kindiv_scenario      = iv_scenarioIMPORTINGev_org_profilid  = lv_org_profilides_org_profile   = ls_orgprofEXCEPTIONSno_profile_found = 1OTHERS           = 2.

Raises the exception “no_profile_found = 1”. This is the cause of the issue.
Inside of FM ‘CRM_ORGMAN_GET_PROFIL_ID’ tryes to get the organizational data profile “Z00000000016” with scenario “SERVICE”:


    CALL FUNCTION 'CRM_ORGMAN_ORGPROF_SELECT_CB'EXPORTINGiv_org_profilid = ev_org_profilidiv_scenario     = iv_scenarioIMPORTINGes_orgprof      = es_org_profileEXCEPTIONSOTHERS          = 0.
  • EV_ORG_PROFILID : Z00000000016

We don’t have created the organizational data profile “Z00000000016” with scenario “SERVICE”


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