
It was a night just like any other night. I finished work for the day and closed my laptop. I had dinner and after an hour, I put on my Oculus Quest headset in order to begin my VR workout.

就像其他任何夜晚一样,是一个夜晚。 我完成了一天的工作,然后关闭了笔记本电脑。 我吃了晚饭,一个小时后,戴上Oculus Quest耳机开始我的VR锻炼。

However, I noticed the home screen was different. An app I had never seen before was in my library and I realized it was the free VR film I had downloaded the night before. Most reviews said the film ran for just 10 minutes, so I thought, What the hell? Let’s watch this film first. I thought it would be a nice mellow warm-up before an intense session of Thrill of the Fight, but in just a few minutes the film had me in tears and sobbing like a child. Dear Angelica, congratulations. You are the first VR experience that has ever made me cry.

但是,我注意到主屏幕有所不同。 我以前从未见过的应用程序在我的图书馆中,我意识到那是我前一天晚上下载的免费VR电影。 大多数评论都说这部电影只放了10分钟,所以我想, 这到底是什么? 让我们先看这部电影。 我以为在进行激烈的《激战》之前会是一个很好的醇厚的热身但是短短几分钟内,电影就让我流泪了,像个孩子一样哭泣。 亲爱的当归,恭喜。 您是让我哭泣的第一个VR体验。

那是关于什么的? (What’s it about?)

Dear Angelica is a 3DoF virtual reality animated film about a mother and daughter. The Oculus Store describes it as:

亲爱的安吉莉卡( Dear Angelica)是一部3DoF虚拟现实动画电影,内容涉及母女。 Oculus商店将其描述为:

“A journey through the magical and dreamlike ways we remember our loved ones. Entirely painted by hand inside of VR, Dear Angelica plays out in a series of memories that unfold around you. An immersive, illustrative short story starring Geena Davis and Mae Whitman.”

“通过魔术和梦幻般的方式,我们记得亲人的旅程。 亲爱的安吉莉卡完全在VR内部手工绘制,在周围的一系列回忆中展现自己。 由吉娜·戴维斯(Geena Davis)和梅·惠特曼(Mae Whitman)主演的沉浸式,说明性短篇小说。

However, I feel like that small synopsis doesn’t do the film justice. Dear Angelica is a true work of art that shows the power of VR as a storytelling medium. Since the film is only 10 minutes long, I don’t want to spoil the story here. All I will say is that it is about love and longing and the relationship between a parent and a child.

但是,我觉得这个简短的故事梗概并不能弥补电影的公义。 亲爱的安吉莉卡 ( Dear Angelica)是一本真实的艺术品,展示了VR作为讲故事媒体的力量。 由于电影只有10分钟长,所以我不想在这里破坏故事。 我只想说这是关于爱与渴望以及父母与孩子之间的关系。

这部电影为什么对我如此打击? (Why did the film hit me so hard?)

Dear Angelica is a short and sweet film, which pushes VR animation to new horizons and tries to elicit emotion from an audience that’s used to playing games like Beat Saber or Arizona Sunshine. Safe to say, that is no easy task to pull off in just 10 minutes.

亲爱的安吉莉卡 ( Dear Angelica)是一部简短而甜美的电影,它将VR动画推向了新的视界,并试图从习惯于玩Beat Saber或Arizona Sunshine等游戏的听众中激发情感 可以肯定地说,要在10分钟之内完成任务绝非易事。

Angelica vs. The Monster

I’ll admit the art style is a bit jarring and even distracting at first. However, if you keep watching and let yourself get used to the environment, you may be taken on a narrative journey like no other before. The narrator tells the story through a letter she’s written to her mother. All the while, scenes from the letter come to life in 360 VR animation. At times, the narrator’s words literally move through you.

我承认,艺术风格一开始有点刺耳,甚至让人分心。 但是,如果您一直观察并适应环境,那么您可能会像其他人一样踏上叙事旅程。 叙述者通过给母亲的信讲述这个故事。 一直以来,这封信中的场景都以360 VR动画栩栩如生。 有时,叙述者的话语会在您的整个范围内移动。

I can’t describe Dear Angelica in any other way than “pure art”. The film leads you to turn your head in certain directions and follow animations that coincide with the narrator’s sentiments. In time, those sentiments become your own. For anyone that has ever been away from their family for a long period of time, the narrator’s emotion will hit close to home.

除了“纯艺术”,我无法用其他任何方式描述“ 亲爱的当归 ”。 电影将引导您朝某些方向转动,并跟随与叙述者情绪一致的动画。 随着时间的流逝,这些情绪变成您自己的。 对于长期离开家人的任何人,叙述者的情绪都会接近他的家。

Three years ago, I moved to Tokyo, Japan from the small city of Winnipeg, Canada. While I’m living my best life here, it’s still hard sometimes to be away from friends and family. Because of that, this film brought out feelings I may have kept inside. However, many others have had the same experience.

三年前,我从加拿大温尼伯的小城市搬到了日本东京。 虽然我在这里过着最好的生活,但有时仍然很难远离朋友和家人。 因此,这部电影散发出了我可能一直在里面的感觉。 但是,许多其他人也有相同的经历。

亲爱的当归用户评论 (Dear Angelica user reviews)

So far the film has received great reviews on the Oculus Quest Store. 65% of users gave Dear Angelica 5 stars. 15% gave it 4 stars and 12% gave the film 3 stars. Finally, just 8% of viewers didn’t like the film, giving it 2 stars or less.

到目前为止,该影片在Oculus Quest商店中获得了好评。 65%的用户给亲爱的当归 5星。 15%给予它4星,12%给予电影3星。 最终,只有8%的观众不喜欢这部电影,给它2星或更少。

One user named Sh4dowqueen called it “one of the best storytelling experiences of all time.”


Another user, Brenthas1, even accused someone in her household of cutting onions! However, we all know those tears were not created by syn-propanethial-S-oxide released from onion cutting. Those tears were brought on by the pure emotion in the words of Dear Angelica’s narrator.

另一个用户Brenthas1甚至指控她家中有人切洋葱! 但是,我们都知道,那些眼泪不是由洋葱切割中释放出的顺丙烷硫氧化物造成的。 亲爱的安吉莉卡( Dear Angelica)叙述者的纯洁情感使这些眼泪on绕。

For those of you that own an Oculus Quest or an Oculus Rift, I highly recommend giving Dear Angelica a try. The film only lasts 10 minutes, so it isn’t a large commitment.

对于那些拥有Oculus Quest或Oculus Rift的人,我强烈建议您尝试亲爱的当归 。 这部电影只持续10分钟,所以这不是很大的承诺。

While I think Dear Angelica is a work of art that anyone can enjoy, I believe that older audiences will enjoy the film more and be able to connect with it on a deeper level. If you do end up downloading Dear Angelica on your Oculus device, be sure you have a box of tissues ready, becauseI don’t think the Oculus warranty covers water damage due to tears.

虽然我认为《 亲爱的当归》是任何人都可以欣赏的艺术品,但我相信,年长的观众会更喜欢这部电影,并且能够与之建立更深层次的联系。 如果您最终在Oculus设备上下载了Dear Angelica ,请确保准备好一盒纸巾,因为我认为Oculus的保修范围不包括因眼泪造成的水渍。

For more Oculus Quest game and app reviews, please follow me on Medium and check out my blog about everything Japan.

有关Oculus Quest的更多游戏和应用评论,请 在Medium上关注我, 并查看 有关日本所有内容的博客




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