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Nowadays an increasing number of people are concerned about what subject is more important, however, whether science and technology or history is better that is the controversial issue. My view is that the subject of science and technology it's more significant.

It is obvious that's the graduate of major related to science and technology fields it's much easier than whose subject is history to get a job, that's because the society needs a lot of people to work or construct our city and country physically, the subject of science and technology is useful and can have a direct impact to a work. So the subject Related to science and technology to the normal person is more suitable.

Moreover, the competition of countries in the world It's depend on science and technology nor history.For example, the army can't see to the enemy, our country's history is thousands years old, you are loser. It's really unrealistic and funny.

It is now to say the subject of history is not making a sense.Of course, we can't forget the history and knowledge and experience can be learned from history but in contemporary social比great in science and technology is the main trend and really makes fortune to people.

In sum, I agree with subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Meanwhile, we should to study history well in order to know where we come from and what our ancestors have experienced.By doing so that we can make sure that we will live in a better world ,advanced and peaceful.


Nowadays an increasing number of people are concerned about what subject is more important, however, whether science and technology or history is better that is the controversial issue. My view is that the subject of science and technology is more significant.

It is obvious that is the graduate of major related to science and technology fields it is much easier than for those whose subject is history to get a job, because the society needs a lot of people to work or construct our city and country physically, the subject of science and technology is useful and can have a direct impact to a work. So the subject Related to science and technology to the normal person is more suitable.

Moreover, the competition of countries in the world It is depend on science and technology ,not history.For example, the army can't see to the enemy, our country's history is thousands years old, you are loser. It is unrealistic and funny.

It is now to say the subject of history is not making a sense. Of course, we can't forget the history and knowledge and experience can be learned from history .But in contemporary social , being great in science and technology is the main trend and really makes fortune to people.

In sum, I agree with subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Meanwhile, we should study history well in order to know where we come from and what our ancestors have experienced.By doing so we can make sure that we will live in a better world ,advanced and peaceful.






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