Keeping It Crazy!

Play all sorts of different Water Balloon games with your friends in Crazy Arcade!

▣ Your pals are back in 3D!

The Crazy Arcade crew like you've never seen them before!

Cuter! Cooler! Kookier!

▣ So many game modes, you won't even have time to get bored!

[Normal Match] Crazy Arcade's classic mode! Deploy strategic Super Skills to win in 2v2 matches!

[Survival] 16 players enter, 1 player leaves! Can you survive the shrinking map?!

[Ranked Match] A true test of skill! Win matches to collect Stars and climb the ranks!

[Hoard] It's an all-you-can-eat buffet! Get more Dumplings than the other team to claim victory!

[Custom Match] Choose your own rules, maps, and so much more! Get your friends together and play how you want!

[Treasure Island] Roll the Dice to explore the island in search of useful items!

▣ New Super Skills add strategy!

Dropping Water Balloons is only the beginning.

Use a variety of powerful Super Skills to gain an edge!

▣ Supported Devices

Galaxy S5 or higher, OS 4.1 or higher.

* Community:

* Customer Service: Tap on Settings in the top right corner > Customer Service > 1:1 Inquiry



[App Permission Information]

In order to provide services below, we are requesting certain permissions.

[Optional Permission]

Save photo / media / files: To save game execution files and videos, and upload photos / videos

Phone: To collect phone numbers to send promotional text messages

* Granting or denying Optional Permissions does not affect gameplay.

[Permission Management]

- Android 6.0 or higher - Go to Settings > Applications, select the app and toggle permissions

- Under Android 6.0 - Update OS version to revoke permissions, or uninstall the app

※ The app may not ask for individual permissions, in which case you can allow or block them manually following the steps explained above.


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