

A、The date line is necessary to avoid a confusion that would otherwise


B、The same problem would arise if two travelers journeyed in opposite

directions to a point on the opposite side of the earth, 180° of longitude


C、International Date Line, imaginary line on the earth's surface, generally

following the180° meridian of longitude, where, by international agreement,

travelers change dates.

D、For example, if an airplane were to travel westward with the sun, 24 hr

would elapse as it circled the globe, but it would still be the same day for

those in the airplane while it would be one day later for those on the ground

below them.

E、The apparent paradox is resolved by requiring that the traveler crossing

the date line change his date, thus bringing the travelers into agreement when

they meet.



US and Indian engineers

Consider the current situation: like their counterparts in the United

States, engineers andtechnicians in India have the capacity to provide both

computer programming andinnovative new technologies. Indian programmers and

high-tech engineers earn onequarter of what their counterparts earn in the

United States, Consequently, India is able todo both jobs at a lower dollar cost

than the United States: India has absolute advantage inboth. In other words, it

can produce a unit of programming for fewer dollars than theUnites States, and

it can also produce a unit of technology innovation for fewer dollars.Does that

mean that the United States will lose not only programming jobs but

innovativetechnology job, too? Does that mean that our standard of living will

fall if the United Statesand India engage in the international trade?

David Ricardo would have answered no to both questions- as we do today.

While Indiamat have an absolute advantage in both activities, that fact is

irrelevant in determiningwhat India or the United States will produce. India has

a comparative advantage in doing programming in part because of such activity

requires little physical capital. The flip side is that the United States has a

comparative advantage in technology innovation partly because it is relatively

easy to obtain capital in this country to undertake such long-runprojects. The

result is that Indian programmers will do more and more of what U.S.programmers

have been doing in the past. In contrast, American firms will shift to moreand

more innovation. The United States will specialize in technology innovation;

India willspecialize in programming. The business managers in each country will

opt to specialize inactivities in which they have a comparative advantage. As in

the past, The U.S. economywill continue to concentrate on what are called the

“best” activities.



DI: 最高点—180,China,次高点—160,US,最低点—20,Netherlands, 比较大小 UK higher than



SWT 参考答案:

Despite the humble background and deplorable experience, the high living

cost, inferior transport systems and threat of terrorist attack, London has

overtaken New York rivals in the funds managed, the global secondary bond

market, and foreign exchange trading and become the world’s mighty money


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