
1. 仍然是 旺旺英语语音精品报第1589期 2007-08-21

2.  SZ Daily 一篇短文, 关于经济


1. 旺旺单词:

scholarship 奖学金 注意其中的o是发"啊"的音.   例句 Luckly, she has a scholarship to pay her tuition.

diploma       毕业证书,学位证书                           例句: Our company wants a copy of all employees diplomas.

get over      爬过,克服,恢复,原谅                         例句: We've find someone to get over your ex!   ex是前男友/女友的意思

knack          才能,决窍                                         例句: She just seems to have the knack.

2. SZ Daily 第9版

Chinese experts: No worries over subprime crisis 中国专家: 不必过度担心subprime危机

晕, subprime 在iciba网上居然没有查到意思

American's subprime loan crisis has in fact had a limited impact on the Chinese economy, Zhen Jingping, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics , was quoted by the Securities Daily yesterday.

This is the first time a government official has responded to the crisis' impact on the Chinese economy.

Some somestic banks, including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and China Merchants Bank, have defended their slight involvement or noninvolvement in the crisis.

好, 就写到这里吧. 关于subprime的意思, 在旺旺网上发了问题贴了, 等解答中......

 编后按:公元2007年8月22日,终于在旺旺网看到了回复,subprime是"次级房贷危机"的意思, 据说是今天很流行的词语,不过好象不是什么好兆头.


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