
Cay S. Horstmann、Rance D. Necaise / John Wiley & Sons / 2013-4-26 / GBP 181.99


Cay Horstmann's" Python for Everyone "provides readers with step-by-step guidance, a feature that is immensely helpful for building confidence and providing an outline for the task at hand. "Problem Solving" sections stress the importance of design and planning while "How To" guides help students with common programming tasks. Photographs present visual analogies that explain the nature and behavior of computer concepts. Step-by-step figures illustrate complex program operations, while syntax boxes and example tables present a variety of typical and special cases in a compact format. This book contains a substantial number of self-check questions at the end of each section. "Practice It" pointers suggest exercises to try after each section. "Python for Everyone" presents the essentials in digestible chunks, with separate notes that go deeper into good practices or language features when the reader is ready for the additional information. You will not find artificial over-simplifications that give an illusion of knowledge.



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