





众多的文章让人眼花缭乱,让人无法马上获取自己关注领域的文章。笔者最近使用arXiv API[2] + Github Actions[3] 实现了每天自动从arXiv获取相关主题文章并发布在Github的功能。

首先给出最终效果图,下图所示为 Github 页面中的README.md,它以表格的形式列出了关于SLAM的最新文章。


arXiv API 简介


arXiv API[2]允许用户以编程方式访问arXiv.org上托管的数百万份电子论文。arXiv API[2]用户手册提供了论文检索的基本语法,按照其提供的语法检索可得到对应论文的metadata,即元数据,包括论文题目,作者,摘要,评论等信息。API调用的格式如下所示:


method_name=query为例子,我们想要检索论文作者Adrian DelMaestro且论文题目中包含checkerboard的文章,可以这么写:



prefix explanation
ti Title
au Author
abs Abstract
co Comment
jr Journal Reference
cat Subject Category
rn Report Number
id Id (use id_list instead)
all All of the above


上述搜索的结果是以Atom feeds的形式返回的,任何能够进行HTTP请求并能够解析Atom feeds的语言都可调用该API,以Python为例:

import urllib.request as libreq
with libreq.urlopen('http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query=au:del_maestro+AND+ti:checkerboard') as url:r = url.read()


arxiv.py 小试牛刀



pip install arxiv

然后在Python脚本中import arxiv即可。


import arxivsearch = arxiv.Search(query = "SLAM",max_results = 10,sort_by = arxiv.SortCriterion.SubmittedDate
for result in search.results():print(result.entry_id, '->', result.title)


element explanation
entry_id A url http://arxiv.org/abs/{id}.
updated When the result was last updated.
published When the result was originally published.
title The title of the result.
authors The result's authors, as arxiv.Authors.
summary The result abstract.
comment The authors' comment if present.
journal_ref A journal reference if present.
doi A URL for the resolved DOI to an external resource if present.
primary_category The result's primary arXiv category. See arXiv: Category Taxonomy[4].
categories All of the result's categories. See arXiv: Category Taxonomy.
links Up to three URLs associated with this result, as arxiv.Links.
pdf_url A URL for the result's PDF if present. Note: this URL also appears among result.links.


http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11040v1 -> InterpolationSLAM: A Novel Robust Visual SLAM System in Rotational Motion
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10329v1 -> SLAM: A Unified Encoder for Speech and Language Modeling via Speech-Text Joint Pre-Training
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09156v1 -> Enhancing exploration algorithms for navigation with visual SLAM
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08977v1 -> Accurate and Robust Object-oriented SLAM with 3D Quadric Landmark Construction in Outdoor Environment
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08639v1 -> Partial Hierarchical Pose Graph Optimization for SLAM
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07546v1 -> Active SLAM over Continuous Trajectory and Control: A Covariance-Feedback Approach
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06541v2 -> Collaborative Radio SLAM for Multiple Robots based on WiFi Fingerprint Similarity
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05734v1 -> Learning Efficient Multi-Agent Cooperative Visual Exploration
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03234v1 -> Self-Supervised Depth Completion for Active Stereo
http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02593v1 -> InterpolationSLAM: A Novel Robust Visual SLAM System in Rotating Scenes


import datetime
import requests
import json
import arxiv
import os
def get_authors(authors, first_author = False):output = str()if first_author == False:output = ", ".join(str(author) for author in authors)else:output = authors[0]return output
def sort_papers(papers):output = dict()keys = list(papers.keys())keys.sort(reverse=True)for key in keys:output[key] = papers[key]return output    def get_daily_papers(topic,query="slam", max_results=2):"""@param topic: str@param query: str@return paper_with_code: dict"""# output content = dict() search_engine = arxiv.Search(query = query,max_results = max_results,sort_by = arxiv.SortCriterion.SubmittedDate)for result in search_engine.results():paper_id       = result.get_short_id()paper_title    = result.titlepaper_url      = result.entry_idpaper_abstract = result.summary.replace("\n"," ")paper_authors  = get_authors(result.authors)paper_first_author = get_authors(result.authors,first_author = True)primary_category = result.primary_categorypublish_time = result.published.date()print("Time = ", publish_time ," title = ", paper_title," author = ", paper_first_author)# eg: 2108.09112v1 -> 2108.09112ver_pos = paper_id.find('v')if ver_pos == -1:paper_key = paper_idelse:paper_key = paper_id[0:ver_pos] content[paper_key] = f"|**{publish_time}**|**{paper_title}**|{paper_first_author} et.al.|[{paper_id}]({paper_url})|\n"data = {topic:content}return data def update_json_file(filename,data_all):with open(filename,"r") as f:content = f.read()if not content:m = {}else:m = json.loads(content)json_data = m.copy() # update papers in each keywords         for data in data_all:for keyword in data.keys():papers = data[keyword]if keyword in json_data.keys():json_data[keyword].update(papers)else:json_data[keyword] = paperswith open(filename,"w") as f:json.dump(json_data,f)def json_to_md(filename):"""@param filename: str@return None"""DateNow = datetime.date.today()DateNow = str(DateNow)DateNow = DateNow.replace('-','.')with open(filename,"r") as f:content = f.read()if not content:data = {}else:data = json.loads(content)md_filename = "README.md"  # clean README.md if daily already exist else create itwith open(md_filename,"w+") as f:pass# write data into README.mdwith open(md_filename,"a+") as f:f.write("## Updated on " + DateNow + "\n\n")for keyword in data.keys():day_content = data[keyword]if not day_content:continue# the head of each partf.write(f"## {keyword}\n\n")f.write("|Publish Date|Title|Authors|PDF|\n" + "|---|---|---|---|\n")# sort papers by dateday_content = sort_papers(day_content)for _,v in day_content.items():if v is not None:f.write(v)f.write(f"\n")print("finished")     if __name__ == "__main__":data_collector = []keywords = dict()keywords["SLAM"] = "SLAM"for topic,keyword in keywords.items():print("Keyword: " + topic)data = get_daily_papers(topic, query = keyword, max_results = 10)data_collector.append(data)print("\n")# update README.md filejson_file = "cv-arxiv-daily.json"if ~os.path.exists(json_file):with open(json_file,'w')as a:print("create " + json_file)# update json dataupdate_json_file(json_file,data_collector)# json data to markdownjson_to_md(json_file)


  1. 检索的主题关键词都是SLAM,返回最新的10篇文章;

  2. 注意,上述主题是用作表格前二级标题的名字,而关键词才是真正要检索的内容,特别注意对于有空格关键词多搜索格式,如camera localization要写成\"camera Localization\",其中的\"表转义,各位同学可按照规则增加自己感兴趣的keywords;

  3. 论文列表按照发布在arXiv上的时间排序,最新的排在最前面;

这看起来似乎已经大功告成,但这里存在两个问题:1. 每次使用必须手动运行;2. 仅可在本地进行查看。为了能够每天自动地运行上述脚本且同步在Github仓库,Github Actions就派上用场了。

Github Actions 简介

再次明确,我们的目标是使用GitHub Actions每天自动从arXiv获取关于SLAM的论文,并将论文的发布时间、论文名、作者以及代码等信息制作成Markdown表格发布在Github上。

什么是 Github Actions ?

Github Actions 是 GitHub 的持续集成服务,于2018年10月推出。


GitHub Actions help you automate tasks within your software development life cycle. GitHub Actions are event-driven, meaning that you can run a series of commands after a specified event has occurred. For example, every time someone creates a pull request for a repository, you can automatically run a command that executes a software testing script.

简而言之,GitHub ActionsEvents驱动,可实现任务自动化。


GitHub Actions 有一些自己的术语[10],[9]。

  1. workflow (工作流程):持续集成一次运行的过程,就是一个 workflow;

  2. job (任务):一个 workflow 由一个或多个 jobs 构成,含义是一次持续集成的运行,可以完成多个任务;

  3. step(步骤):每个 job 由多个 step 构成,一步步完成;

  4. action (动作):每个 step 可以依次执行一个或多个命令(action);


登陆自己的Github账号,新建一个仓库,如cv-arxiv-daily,点击Actions,然后点击Set up this workflow,如下图所示:

经过上述步骤后,会新建一个名为black.yml的文件(如下图所示),它所在的目录是.github/workflows/,注意这个目录绝对不可改变,这个文件夹下存放了需要执行的workflow,即工作流GitHub Actions会自动识别这个文件夹下的yml工作流文件并按照规则执行。

这个black.yml实现了一个最简单的工作流:打印Hello, world!

需要注意的是GitHub Actions工作流有自己的一套语法,由于篇幅限制,不在此处细说,具体请参考这里[9]。


# name of workflow
name: Run Arxiv Papers Daily# Controls when the workflow will run
on:# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tabworkflow_dispatch:schedule:- cron:  "* 12 * * *"  # Runs every minute of 12th hour
env:GITHUB_USER_NAME: your_github_id # your github idGITHUB_USER_EMAIL: your_email_addr # your email address# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
jobs:# This workflow contains a single job called "build"build:name: update# The type of runner that the job will run onruns-on: ubuntu-latest# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the jobsteps:- name: Checkoutuses: actions/checkout@v2- name: Set up Python Envuses: actions/setup-python@v1with:python-version: 3.6        - name: Install dependenciesrun: |python -m pip install --upgrade pippip install arxivpip install requests- name: Run daily arxiv run: |python daily_arxiv.py- name: Push new cv-arxiv-daily.mduses: github-actions-x/commit@v2.8with:github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}commit-message: "Github Action Automatic Update CV Arxiv Papers"files: README.md cv-arxiv-daily.jsonrebase: 'true'name: ${{ env.GITHUB_USER_NAME }}email: ${{ env.GITHUB_USER_EMAIL }}

其中,workflow_dispatch表示用户可以通过手动点击的方式运行,schedule[7]表示定时执行,具体规则请查看Events that trigger workflows [8]。


┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
│ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
│ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
│ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12 or JAN-DEC)
│ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6 or SUN-SAT)
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
* * * * *


Operator Description Example
* Any value * * * * * runs every minute of every day.
, Value list separator 2,10 4,5 * * * runs at minute 2 and 10 of the 4th and 5th hour of every day.
- Range of values 0 4-6 * * * runs at minute 0 of the 4th, 5th, and 6th hour.
/ Step values 20/15 * * * * runs every 15 minutes starting from minute 20 through 59 (minutes 20, 35, and 50).

上述 workflow 的要点总结如下:

  1. 每天 UTC 12:00 触发事件,运行workflow;

  2. 仅有一个名为buildjob,运行在虚拟机环境ubuntu-latest;

  3. 第一步是获取源码,使用的 actionactions/checkout@v2;

  4. 第二步是配置Python环境,使用的 actionactions/setup-python@v1,python版本是3.6;

  5. 第三步是安装依赖库,分别进行升级pip,安装arxiv.py库,安装requests库;

  6. 第四步是运行 daily_arxiv.py脚本,该步骤生成json临时文件以及对应的README.md;

  7. 第五步是推送代码到本仓库,使用的 actiongithub-actions-x/commit@v2.8[11],需要配置的参数包括,提交的commit-message,需要提交的文件files,Github用户名name以及邮箱email;

workflow成功部署后就会在Github repo下生成一个json文件以及README.md文件,同时将会看到如本文开头的文章列表,Github Action后台的log如下:


本文介绍了一种使用Github Actions实现自动每天获取arXiv论文的方法,可较为方便地获取并预览感兴趣的最新文章。本文列举的例子较为方便修改,各位读者可通过增加keywords的内容来甄选感兴趣的主题。文中所有的代码已开源,地址见文章结尾。

最新的代码中增加了获取arXiv论文源代码的功能,增加了几个关键词以及增加了自动部署到一个Github Page页面的功能。

此外,本文列举的方法存在几个问题:1. 所生成的json文件为临时文件,可优化将其删除;2. README.md文件大小会随时间推移逐渐增大,后续可增加归档功能;3. 并非每个人每天都会浏览Github,后续将增加发送文章到个人邮箱的功能。


欢迎大家 fork & star,打造自己的论文搜索利器:)


[1]: About arXiv, https://arxiv.org/about

[2]: arXiv API User's Manual, https://arxiv.org/help/api/user-manual

[3]: Github Actions: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions

[4]: arXiv Category Taxonomy: https://arxiv.org/category_taxonomy

[5]: Python wrapper for the arXiv API, https://github.com/lukasschwab/arxiv.py

[6]: Full package documentation: arxiv.arxiv, http://lukasschwab.me/arxiv.py/index.html

[7]: Github Actions on.schedule: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#onschedule

[8]: Github Actions Events that trigger workflows: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/events-that-trigger-workflows#scheduled-events

[9]: Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions, https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions

[10]: GitHub Actions 入门教程, http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2019/09/getting-started-with-github-actions.html

[11]: Git commit and push, https://github.com/github-actions-x/commit

[12]: Generate a list of papers daily arxiv, https://github.com/zhuwenxing/daily_arxiv




7.彻底搞懂基于LOAM框架的3D激光SLAM: 源码剖析到算法优化
8.彻底剖析室内、室外激光SLAM关键算法原理、代码和实战(cartographer+LOAM +LIO-SAM)



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