


  • 服务发现 Consul的客户端可用提供一个服务,比如 api 或者mysql ,另外一些客户端可用使用Consul去发现一个指定服务的提供者.通过DNS或者HTTP应用程序可用很容易的找到他所依赖的服务.
  • 健康检查 Consul客户端可用提供任意数量的健康检查,指定一个服务(比如:webserver是否返回了200 OK 状态码)或者使用本地节点(比如:内存使用是否大于90%). 这个信息可由operator用来监视集群的健康.被服务发现组件用来避免将流量发送到不健康的主机.
  • Key/Value存储 应用程序可用根据自己的需要使用Consul的层级的Key/Value存储.比如动态配置,功能标记,协调,领袖选举等等,简单的HTTP API让他更易于使用.
  • 多数据中心: Consul支持开箱即用的多数据中心.这意味着用户不需要担心需要建立额外的抽象层让业务扩展到多个区域.



Consul是一个分布式高可用的系统. 这节将包含一些基础,我们忽略掉一些细节这样你可以快速了解Consul是如何工作的.如果要了解更多细节,请参考深入的架构描述.

每个提供服务给Consul的阶段都运行了一个Consul agent . 发现服务或者设置和获取 key/value存储的数据不是必须运行agent.这个agent是负责对节点自身和节点上的服务进行健康检查的.

Agent与一个和多个Consul Server 进行交互.Consul Server 用于存放和复制数据.server自行选举一个领袖.虽然Consul可以运行在一台server , 但是建议使用3到5台来避免失败情况下数据的丢失.每个数据中心建议配置一个server集群.

你基础设施中需要发现其他服务的组件可以查询任何一个Consul 的server或者 agent.Agent会自动转发请求到server .

每个数据中运行了一个Consul server集群.当一个跨数据中心的服务发现和配置请求创建时.本地Consul Server转发请求到远程的数据中心并返回结果.






完成安装后,通过打开一个新终端窗口检查consul安装是否成功.通过执行 consul你应该看到类似下面的输出

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-248 ~]# consul
  2. usage: consul [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
  3. Available commands are:
  4. agent Runs a Consul agent
  5. configtest Validate config file
  6. event Fire a new event
  7. exec Executes a command on Consul nodes
  8. force-leave Forces a member of the cluster to enter the "left" state
  9. info Provides debugging information for operators
  10. join Tell Consul agent to join cluster
  11. keygen Generates a new encryption key
  12. keyring Manages gossip layer encryption keys
  13. kv Interact with the key-value store
  14. leave Gracefully leaves the Consul cluster and shuts down
  15. lock Execute a command holding a lock
  16. maint Controls node or service maintenance mode
  17. members Lists the members of a Consul cluster
  18. monitor Stream logs from a Consul agent
  19. operator Provides cluster-level tools for Consul operators
  20. reload Triggers the agent to reload configuration files
  21. rtt Estimates network round trip time between nodes
  22. snapshot Saves, restores and inspects snapshots of Consul server state
  23. version Prints the Consul version
  24. watch Watch for changes in Consul

如果你得到一个consul not be found的错误,你的PATH可能没有正确设置.请返回检查你的consul的安装路径是否包含在PATH中.


完成Consul的安装后,必须运行agent. agent可以运行为serverclient模式.每个数据中心至少必须拥有一台server . 建议在一个集群中有3或者5个server.部署单一的server,在出现失败时会不可避免的造成数据丢失.



启动 Consul Server

  1. consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 3 -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=s1 -bind= -ui-dir ./consul_ui/ -rejoin -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -client

运行cosnul agent以server模式,

  • -server : 定义agent运行在server模式
  • -bootstrap-expect :在一个datacenter中期望提供的server节点数目,当该值提供的时候,consul一直等到达到指定sever数目的时候才会引导整个集群,该标记不能和bootstrap共用
  • -bind:该地址用来在集群内部的通讯,集群内的所有节点到地址都必须是可达的,默认是0.0.0.0
  • -node:节点在集群中的名称,在一个集群中必须是唯一的,默认是该节点的主机名
  • -ui-dir: 提供存放web ui资源的路径,该目录必须是可读的
  • -rejoin:使consul忽略先前的离开,在再次启动后仍旧尝试加入集群中。
  • -config-dir::配置文件目录,里面所有以.json结尾的文件都会被加载
  • -client:consul服务侦听地址,这个地址提供HTTP、DNS、RPC等服务,默认是127.0.0.1所以不对外提供服务,如果你要对外提供服务改成0.0.0.0
  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 consul]# consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=s1 -bind= -ui-dir ./consul_ui/ -rejoin -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -client
  2. ==> WARNING: Expect Mode enabled, expecting 3 servers
  3. ==> Starting Consul agent...
  4. ==> Starting Consul agent RPC...
  5. ==> Consul agent running!
  6. Version: 'v0.7.4'
  7. Node ID: '422ec677-74ef-8f29-2f22-01effeed6334'
  8. Node name: 's1'
  9. Datacenter: 'dc1'
  10. Server: true (bootstrap: false)
  11. Client Addr: (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, DNS: 8600, RPC: 8400)
  12. Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
  13. Gossip encrypt: false, RPC-TLS: false, TLS-Incoming: false
  14. Atlas: <disabled>
  15. ==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
  16. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] raft: Restored from snapshot 139-352267-1489707086023
  17. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] raft: Initial configuration (index=6982): [{Suffrage:Voter ID: Address:} {Suffrage:Voter ID: Address:} {Suffrage:Voter ID: Address:}]
  18. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] raft: Node at [Follower] entering Follower state (Leader: "")
  19. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s1
  20. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] serf: Attempting re-join to previously known node: s2:
  21. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server s1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  22. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] consul: Raft data found, disabling bootstrap mode
  23. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s2
  24. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s3
  25. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] serf: Re-joined to previously known node: s2:
  26. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server s2 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  27. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server s3 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  28. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s1.dc1
  29. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [INFO] consul: Adding WAN server s1.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  30. 2017/03/17 18:03:08 [WARN] serf: Failed to re-join any previously known node
  31. 2017/03/17 18:03:14 [INFO] agent: Synced service 'consul'
  32. 2017/03/17 18:03:14 [INFO] agent: Deregistered service 'consul01'
  33. 2017/03/17 18:03:14 [INFO] agent: Deregistered service 'consul02'
  34. 2017/03/17 18:03:14 [INFO] agent: Deregistered service 'consul03'
  • 查看集群成员

新开一个终端窗口运行consul members, 你可以看到Consul集群的成员.

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# consul members
  2. Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
  3. s1 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  4. s2 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  5. s3 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1

启动 Consul Client

  1. consul agent -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=c1 -bind= -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -join

运行cosnul agent以client模式,-join 加入到已有的集群中去。

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-248 ~]# consul agent -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=c1 -bind= -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -join
  2. ==> Starting Consul agent...
  3. ==> Starting Consul agent RPC...
  4. ==> Joining cluster...
  5. Join completed. Synced with 1 initial agents
  6. ==> Consul agent running!
  7. Version: 'v0.7.4'
  8. Node ID: '564dc0c7-7f4f-7402-a301-cebe7f024294'
  9. Node name: 'c1'
  10. Datacenter: 'dc1'
  11. Server: false (bootstrap: false)
  12. Client Addr: (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, DNS: 8600, RPC: 8400)
  13. Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
  14. Gossip encrypt: false, RPC-TLS: false, TLS-Incoming: false
  15. Atlas: <disabled>
  16. ==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
  17. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: c1
  18. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joining: []
  19. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s2
  20. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s3
  21. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: s1
  22. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joined: 1 Err: <nil>
  23. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] consul: adding server s2 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  24. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] consul: adding server s3 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  25. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] consul: adding server s1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
  26. 2017/03/17 15:35:16 [INFO] agent: Synced node info
  • 查看集群成员

新开一个终端窗口运行consul members, 你可以看到Consul集群的成员.

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-248 ~]# consul members
  2. Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
  3. c1 alive client 0.7.4 2 dc1
  4. s1 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  5. s2 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  6. s3 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  • 加入集群
  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-248 ~]# consul join
  2. Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
  3. c1 alive client 0.7.4 2 dc1
  4. s1 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  5. s2 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1
  6. s3 alive server 0.7.4 2 dc1


你可以使用Ctrl-C 优雅的关闭Agent. 中断Agent之后你可以看到他离开了集群并关闭.






  1. consul reload

另外 HTTP API可以用来动态的添加,移除和修改服务.


搭建好conusl集群后,用户或者程序就能到consul中去查询或者注册服务。可以通过提供服务定义文件或者调用HTTP API来注册一个服务.

首先,为Consul配置创建一个目录.Consul会载入配置文件夹里的所有配置文件.在Unix系统中通常类似 /etc/consul.d (.d 后缀意思是这个路径包含了一组配置文件).

  1. mkdir /etc/consul.d

然后,我们将编写服务定义配置文件.假设我们有一个名叫web的服务运行在 80端口.另外,我们将给他设置一个标签.这样我们可以使用他作为额外的查询方式:

  1. echo '{"service": {"name": "web", "tags": ["rails"], "port": 80}}' >/etc/consul.d/web.json

现在重启agent , 设置配置目录:

  1. $ consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=s1 -bind= -rejoin -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -client
  2. ...
  3. [INFO] agent: Synced service 'web'
  4. ...
  • -data-dir:提供一个目录用来存放agent的状态,所有的agent允许都需要该目录,该目录必须是稳定的,系统重启后都继续存在

你可能注意到了输出了 “synced” 了 web这个服务.意思是这个agent从配置文件中载入了服务定义,并且成功注册到服务目录.


HTTP API注册服务,curl命令或者postman 以PUT方式请求consul HTTP API更多细节点击查看

  1. curl -X PUT -d '{"Datacenter": "dc1", "Node": "c2", "Address": "", "Service": {"Service": "MAC", "tags": ["lianglian", "Mac"], "Port": 22}}'




让我们首先使用DNS API来查询.在DNS API中,服务的DNS名字是 NAME.service.consul. 虽然是可配置的,但默认的所有DNS名字会都在consul命名空间下.这个子域告诉Consul,我们在查询服务,NAME则是服务的名称.

对于我们上面注册的Web服务.它的域名是 web.service.consul :

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# dig @ -p 8600 web.service.consul
  2. ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6 <<>> @ -p 8600 web.service.consul
  3. ; (1 server found)
  4. ;; global options: +cmd
  5. ;; Got answer:
  6. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 39468
  7. ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
  8. ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
  10. ;web.service.consul. IN A
  12. web.service.consul. 0 IN A
  13. ;; Query time: 0 msec
  14. ;; SERVER:
  15. ;; WHEN: Tue Mar 28 16:10:24 2017
  16. ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 52
  17. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]#

如你所见,一个A记录返回了一个可用的服务所在的节点的IP地址.A`记录只能设置为IP地址. 有也可用使用 DNS API 来接收包含 地址和端口的 SRV记录:

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# dig @ -p 8600 web.service.consul SRV
  2. ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6 <<>> @ -p 8600 web.service.consul SRV
  3. ; (1 server found)
  4. ;; global options: +cmd
  5. ;; Got answer:
  6. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 13331
  7. ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
  8. ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
  10. ;web.service.consul. IN SRV
  12. web.service.consul. 0 IN SRV 1 1 80 s1.node.dc1.consul.
  14. s1.node.dc1.consul. 0 IN A
  15. ;; Query time: 0 msec
  16. ;; SERVER:
  17. ;; WHEN: Tue Mar 28 16:10:56 2017
  18. ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 84
  19. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]#

SRV记录告诉我们 web 这个服务运行于节点dhcp-10-201-102-198 的80端口. DNS额外返回了节点的A记录.

最后,我们也可以用 DNS API 通过标签来过滤服务.基于标签的服务查询格式为TAG.NAME.service.consul. 在下面的例子中,我们请求Consul返回有 rails标签的 web服务.我们成功获取了我们注册为这个标签的服务:

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# dig @ -p 8600 rails.web.service.consul SRV
  2. ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6 <<>> @ -p 8600 rails.web.service.consul SRV
  3. ; (1 server found)
  4. ;; global options: +cmd
  5. ;; Got answer:
  6. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 37307
  7. ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
  8. ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
  10. ;rails.web.service.consul. IN SRV
  12. rails.web.service.consul. 0 IN SRV 1 1 80 s1.node.dc1.consul.
  14. s1.node.dc1.consul. 0 IN A
  15. ;; Query time: 0 msec
  16. ;; SERVER:
  17. ;; WHEN: Tue Mar 28 16:11:45 2017
  18. ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 90
  19. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]#

除了DNS API之外,HTTP API也可以用来进行服务查询:

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -s | python -m json.tool
  2. [
  3. {
  4. "Address": "",
  5. "CreateIndex": 492843,
  6. "ID": "422ec677-74ef-8f29-2f22-01effeed6334",
  7. "ModifyIndex": 492843,
  8. "Node": "s1",
  9. "NodeMeta": {},
  10. "ServiceAddress": "",
  11. "ServiceEnableTagOverride": false,
  12. "ServiceID": "web",
  13. "ServiceName": "web",
  14. "ServicePort": 80,
  15. "ServiceTags": [
  16. "rails"
  17. ],
  18. "TaggedAddresses": {
  19. "lan": "",
  20. "wan": ""
  21. }
  22. }
  23. ]


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -s | python -m json.tool
  2. [
  3. {
  4. "Address": "",
  5. "CreateIndex": 492843,
  6. "ID": "422ec677-74ef-8f29-2f22-01effeed6334",
  7. "ModifyIndex": 492843,
  8. "Node": "s1",
  9. "NodeMeta": {},
  10. "ServiceAddress": "",
  11. "ServiceEnableTagOverride": false,
  12. "ServiceID": "web",
  13. "ServiceName": "web",
  14. "ServicePort": 80,
  15. "ServiceTags": [
  16. "rails"
  17. ],
  18. "TaggedAddresses": {
  19. "lan": "",
  20. "wan": ""
  21. }
  22. }
  23. ]


Consul同时提供了一个漂亮的功能齐全的WEB界面,开箱即用.界面可以用来查看所有的节点,可以查看健康检查和他们的当前状态.可以读取和设置K/V 存储的数据.UI自动支持多数据中心.点击前往下载


  1. consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul -node=s1 -bind= -ui-dir ./consul_ui/ -rejoin -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -client
  • -ui-dir: 提供存放web ui资源的路径,指向该目录必须是可读的
  • -client:consul服务侦听地址,这个地址提供HTTP、DNS、RPC等服务,默认是127.0.0.1所以不对外提供服务,如果你要对外提供服务改成0.0.0.0





  • 自定义检查

和服务注册类似,一个检查可以通过检查定义或HTTP API请求来注册.




  1. {"service": {
  2. "name": "Faceid",
  3. "tags": ["extract", "verify", "compare", "idcard"],
  4. "address": "",
  5. "port": 9000,
  6. "check": {
  7. "name": "ping",
  8. "script": "curl -s localhost:9000",
  9. "interval": "3s"
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }



  1. {"service": {
  2. "name": "Faceid",
  3. "tags": ["extract", "verify", "compare", "idcard"],
  4. "address": "",
  5. "port": 9000,
  6. "check": {
  7. "id": "api",
  8. "name": "HTTP API on port 9000",
  9. "http": "http://localhost:9000",
  10. "interval": "10s",
  11. "timeout": "1s"
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }



我们能适应HTTP API来检查他们.首先我们检查有哪些失败的检查.使用这个命令(注意:这个命令可以运行在任何节点)

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -s http://localhost:8500/v1/health/state/critical | python -m json.tool
  2. [
  3. {
  4. "CheckID": "service:Faceid",
  5. "CreateIndex": 493398,
  6. "ModifyIndex": 493846,
  7. "Name": "Service 'Faceid' check",
  8. "Node": "s1",
  9. "Notes": "",
  10. "Output": "",
  11. "ServiceID": "Faceid",
  12. "ServiceName": "Faceid",
  13. "Status": "critical"
  14. }
  15. ]



  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# dig @ -p 8600 Faceid.service.consul SRV
  2. ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6 <<>> @ -p 8600 Faceid.service.consul SRV
  3. ; (1 server found)
  4. ;; global options: +cmd
  5. ;; Got answer:
  6. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 40884
  7. ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 3
  8. ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
  10. ;Faceid.service.consul. IN SRV
  12. Faceid.service.consul. 0 IN SRV 1 1 9000 s3.node.dc1.consul.
  13. Faceid.service.consul. 0 IN SRV 1 1 9000 s1.node.dc1.consul.
  14. Faceid.service.consul. 0 IN SRV 1 1 9000 s2.node.dc1.consul.
  16. s3.node.dc1.consul. 0 IN A
  17. s1.node.dc1.consul. 0 IN A
  18. s2.node.dc1.consul. 0 IN A
  19. ;; Query time: 0 msec
  20. ;; SERVER:
  21. ;; WHEN: Tue Mar 28 18:20:15 2017
  22. ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 165

K /V


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -v http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/?recurse
  2. * About to connect() to localhost port 8500 (#0)
  3. * Trying ::1... 拒绝连接
  4. * Trying connected
  5. * Connected to localhost ( port 8500 (#0)
  6. > GET /v1/kv/?recurse HTTP/1.1
  7. > User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.21 Basic ECC zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2
  8. > Host: localhost:8500
  9. > Accept: */*
  10. >
  11. < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  12. < X-Consul-Index: 1
  13. < X-Consul-Knownleader: true
  14. < X-Consul-Lastcontact: 0
  15. < Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:21:39 GMT
  16. < Content-Length: 0
  17. < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  18. <
  19. * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
  20. * Closing connection #0


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -X PUT -d 'test' http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key1
  2. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -X PUT -d 'test' http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key2?flags=42
  3. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -X PUT -d 'test' http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/sub/key3

我们创建了值为”test”的3个Key,注意返回的值是经过了base64编码的.用来支持非UTF8编码字符.对Key web/key2我们设置了一个标志值为 42.所有的key支持设置一个64位的整形数字标志.Consul内部不适用这个值.但是他可以被客户端适用来做一些元数据.


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -s http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/?recurse | python -m json.tool
  2. [
  3. {
  4. "CreateIndex": 502660,
  5. "Flags": 0,
  6. "Key": "web/key1",
  7. "LockIndex": 0,
  8. "ModifyIndex": 502660,
  9. "Value": "dGVzdA=="
  10. },
  11. {
  12. "CreateIndex": 502663,
  13. "Flags": 42,
  14. "Key": "web/key2",
  15. "LockIndex": 0,
  16. "ModifyIndex": 502663,
  17. "Value": "dGVzdA=="
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "CreateIndex": 502665,
  21. "Flags": 0,
  22. "Key": "web/sub/key3",
  23. "LockIndex": 0,
  24. "ModifyIndex": 502665,
  25. "Value": "dGVzdA=="
  26. }
  27. ]


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -s http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key1 | python -m json.tool
  2. [
  3. {
  4. "CreateIndex": 502660,
  5. "Flags": 0,
  6. "Key": "web/key1",
  7. "LockIndex": 0,
  8. "ModifyIndex": 502660,
  9. "Value": "dGVzdA=="
  10. }
  11. ]


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/sub?recurse
  2. true

可以通过发送相同的URL并提供不同的消息体的PUT请求去修改一个Key.另外,Consul提供一个检查并设置的操作,实现原子的Key修改.通过?cas=参数加上GET中最近的ModifyIndex来达到. 例如我们想修改 “web/key1”:

  1. curl -X PUT -d 'newval' http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key1?cas=502660
  2. true
  3. curl -X PUT -d 'newval' http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key1?cas=502660
  4. false

在这种情况下,第一次CAS 更新成功因为ModifyIndex502660.而第二次失败是因为ModifyIndex在第一次更新后已经不是502660了 .


  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl "http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key2"
  2. [{"LockIndex":0,"Key":"web/key2","Flags":42,"Value":"dGVzdA==","CreateIndex":502663,"ModifyIndex":502663}]
  3. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# curl "http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/web/key2?index=502663&wait=5s"
  4. [{"LockIndex":0,"Key":"web/key2","Flags":42,"Value":"dGVzdA==","CreateIndex":502663,"ModifyIndex":502663}]

通过提供 ?index=,我们请求等待key值有一个比502663更大的ModifyIndex.虽然?wait=5s参数限制了这个请求最多5秒,否则返回当前的未改变的值. 这样可以有效的等待key的改变.另外,这个功能可以用于等待一组key.直到其中的某个key有修改.

Conusl 命令行

见识了consul的强大,consul可以通过一个简单的CLI来控制,consul只有一个命令行应用,就是consul命令,consul命令可以包含agent、members等参数进行使用,这一篇来具体看看consul CLI的具体用法,consul -h即可看到consul cli所支持的参数,而每个参数里面又支持其他参数,下面我们就来具体看看。

  1. [root@dhcp-10-201-102-198 ~]# consul
  2. usage: consul [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
  3. Available commands are:
  4. agent Runs a Consul agent 运行一个consul agent
  5. configtest Validate config file
  6. event Fire a new event
  7. exec Executes a command on Consul nodes 在consul节点上执行一个命令
  8. force-leave Forces a member of the cluster to enter the "left" state 强制节点成员在集群中的状态转换到left状态
  9. info Provides debugging information for operators 提供操作的debug级别的信息
  10. join Tell Consul agent to join cluster 加入consul节点到集群中
  11. keygen Generates a new encryption key 生成一个新的加密key
  12. keyring Manages gossip layer encryption keys
  13. kv Interact with the key-value store
  14. leave Gracefully leaves the Consul cluster and shuts down
  15. lock Execute a command holding a lock
  16. maint Controls node or service maintenance mode
  17. members Lists the members of a Consul cluster 列出集群中成员
  18. monitor Stream logs from a Consul agent 打印consul节点的日志信息
  19. operator Provides cluster-level tools for Consul operators
  20. reload Triggers the agent to reload configuration files 触发节点重新加载配置文件
  21. rtt Estimates network round trip time between nodes
  22. snapshot Saves, restores and inspects snapshots of Consul server state
  23. version Prints the Consul version 打印consul的版本信息
  24. watch Watch for changes in Consul 监控consul的改变




  1. ==> Usage: consul agent [options]
  2. Starts the Consul agent and runs until an interrupt is received. The
  3. agent represents a single node in a cluster.
  4. Options:
  5. -advertise=addr Sets the advertise address to use
  6. -advertise-wan=addr Sets address to advertise on wan instead of
  7. advertise addr
  8. -bootstrap Sets server to bootstrap mode
  9. -bind= Sets the bind address for cluster
  10. communication
  11. -http-port=8500 Sets the HTTP API port to listen on
  12. -bootstrap-expect=0 Sets server to expect bootstrap mode.
  13. -client= Sets the address to bind for client access.
  14. This includes RPC, DNS, HTTP and HTTPS (if
  15. configured)
  16. -config-file=foo Path to a JSON file to read configuration
  17. from. This can be specified multiple times.
  18. -config-dir=foo Path to a directory to read configuration
  19. files from. This will read every file ending
  20. in ".json" as configuration in this
  21. directory in alphabetical order. This can be
  22. specified multiple times.
  23. -data-dir=path Path to a data directory to store agent
  24. state
  25. -dev Starts the agent in development mode.
  26. -recursor= Address of an upstream DNS server.
  27. Can be specified multiple times.
  28. -dc=east-aws Datacenter of the agent (deprecated: use
  29. 'datacenter' instead).
  30. -datacenter=east-aws Datacenter of the agent.
  31. -encrypt=key Provides the gossip encryption key
  32. -join= Address of an agent to join at start time.
  33. Can be specified multiple times.
  34. -join-wan= Address of an agent to join -wan at start
  35. time. Can be specified multiple times.
  36. -retry-join= Address of an agent to join at start time
  37. with retries enabled. Can be specified
  38. multiple times.
  39. -retry-interval=30s Time to wait between join attempts.
  40. -retry-max=0 Maximum number of join attempts. Defaults to
  41. 0, which will retry indefinitely.
  42. -retry-join-ec2-region EC2 Region to use for discovering servers to
  43. join.
  44. -retry-join-ec2-tag-key EC2 tag key to filter on for server
  45. discovery
  46. -retry-join-ec2-tag-value EC2 tag value to filter on for server
  47. discovery
  48. -retry-join-gce-project-name Google Compute Engine project to discover
  49. servers in
  50. -retry-join-gce-zone-pattern Google Compute Engine region or zone to
  51. discover servers in (regex pattern)
  52. -retry-join-gce-tag-value Google Compute Engine tag value to filter
  53. for server discovery
  54. -retry-join-gce-credentials-file Path to credentials JSON file to use with
  55. Google Compute Engine
  56. -retry-join-wan= Address of an agent to join -wan at start
  57. time with retries enabled. Can be specified
  58. multiple times.
  59. -retry-interval-wan=30s Time to wait between join -wan attempts.
  60. -retry-max-wan=0 Maximum number of join -wan attempts.
  61. Defaults to 0, which will retry
  62. indefinitely.
  63. -log-level=info Log level of the agent.
  64. -node=hostname Name of this node. Must be unique in the
  65. cluster
  66. -node-meta=key:value An arbitrary metadata key/value pair for
  67. this node.
  68. This can be specified multiple times.
  69. -protocol=N Sets the protocol version. Defaults to
  70. latest.
  71. -rejoin Ignores a previous leave and attempts to
  72. rejoin the cluster.
  73. -server Switches agent to server mode.
  74. -syslog Enables logging to syslog
  75. -ui Enables the built-in static web UI server
  76. -ui-dir=path Path to directory containing the Web UI
  77. resources
  78. -pid-file=path Path to file to store agent PID



  1. -http-addr:http服务的地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有设置,则默认是127.0.0.1:8500。
  2. -datacenter:数据中心。
  3. -name:事件的名称
  4. -node:一个正则表达式,用来过滤节点
  5. -service:一个正则表达式,用来过滤节点上匹配的服务
  6. -tag:一个正则表达式,用来过滤节点上符合tag的服务,必须和-service一起使用。



  1. -http-addr:http服务的地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有设置,则默认是127.0.0.1:8500。
  2. -datacenter:数据中心。
  3. -prefix:key在KV系统中的前缀,用来存储请求数据,默认是_rexec
  4. -node:一个正则表达式,用来过滤节点,评估事件
  5. -service:一个正则表达式,用来过滤节点上匹配的服务
  6. -tag:一个正则表达式,用来过滤节点上符合tag的服务,必须和-service一起使用。
  7. -wait:在节点多长时间没有响应后,认为job已经完成。
  8. -wait-repl:
  9. -verbose:输出更多信息



  1. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400。


info指令提供了各种操作时可以用到的debug信息,对于client和server,info有返回不同的子系统信息,目前有以下几个KV信息:agent(提供agent信息),consul(提供consul库的信息),raft(提供raft库的信息),serf_lan(提供LAN gossip pool),serf_wan(提供WAN gossip pool)

  1. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400


join指令告诉consul agent加入一个已经存在的集群中,一个新的consul agent必须加入一个已经有至少一个成员的集群中,这样它才能加入已经存在的集群中,如果你不加入一个已经存在的集群,则agent是它自身集群的一部分,其他agent则可以加入进来。agents可以加入其他agent多次。consul join [options] address。如果你想加入多个集群,则可以写多个地址,consul会加入所有的地址。

  1. -wan:agent运行在server模式,xxxxxxx
  2. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400。


keygen指令生成加密的密钥,可以用在consul agent通讯加密

  1. 生成一个key



  1. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400。


members指令输出consul agent目前所知道的所有的成员以及它们的状态,节点的状态只有alive、left、failed三种状态。

  1. -detailed:输出每个节点更详细的信息。
  2. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400。
  3. -status:过滤出符合正则规则的节点
  4. -wan:xxxxxx



  1. -log-level:显示哪个级别的日志,默认是info
  2. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400



  1. -rpc-addr:一个rpc地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有指定,默认是127.0.0.1:8400





  1. -http-addr:http服务的地址,agent可以链接上来发送命令,如果没有设置,则默认是127.0.0.1:8500。
  2. -datacenter:数据中心查询。
  3. -token:ACL token
  4. -key:监视key,只针对key类型
  5. -name:监视event,只针对event类型
  6. -prefix:监视key prefix,只针对keyprefix类型
  7. -service:监控service,只针对service类型
  8. -state:过略check state
  9. -tag:过滤service tag
  10. -type:监控类型,一般有key、keyprefix、service、nodes、checks、event

Consul 配置



  1. -advertise:通知展现地址用来改变我们给集群中的其他节点展现的地址,一般情况下-bind地址就是展现地址
  2. -bootstrap:用来控制一个server是否在bootstrap模式,在一个datacenter中只能有一个server处于bootstrap模式,当一个server处于bootstrap模式时,可以自己选举为raft leader。
  3. -bootstrap-expect:在一个datacenter中期望提供的server节点数目,当该值提供的时候,consul一直等到达到指定sever数目的时候才会引导整个集群,该标记不能和bootstrap公用
  4. -bind:该地址用来在集群内部的通讯,集群内的所有节点到地址都必须是可达的,默认是0.0.0.0
  5. -client:consul绑定在哪个client地址上,这个地址提供HTTP、DNS、RPC等服务,默认是127.0.0.1
  6. -config-file:明确的指定要加载哪个配置文件
  7. -config-dir:配置文件目录,里面所有以.json结尾的文件都会被加载
  8. -data-dir:提供一个目录用来存放agent的状态,所有的agent允许都需要该目录,该目录必须是稳定的,系统重启后都继续存在
  9. -dc:该标记控制agent允许的datacenter的名称,默认是dc1
  10. -encrypt:指定secret key,使consul在通讯时进行加密,key可以通过consul keygen生成,同一个集群中的节点必须使用相同的key
  11. -join:加入一个已经启动的agent的ip地址,可以多次指定多个agent的地址。如果consul不能加入任何指定的地址中,则agent会启动失败,默认agent启动时不会加入任何节点。
  12. -retry-join:和join类似,但是允许你在第一次失败后进行尝试。
  13. -retry-interval:两次join之间的时间间隔,默认是30s
  14. -retry-max:尝试重复join的次数,默认是0,也就是无限次尝试
  15. -log-level:consul agent启动后显示的日志信息级别。默认是info,可选:trace、debug、info、warn、err。
  16. -node:节点在集群中的名称,在一个集群中必须是唯一的,默认是该节点的主机名
  17. -protocol:consul使用的协议版本
  18. -rejoin:使consul忽略先前的离开,在再次启动后仍旧尝试加入集群中。
  19. -server:定义agent运行在server模式,每个集群至少有一个server,建议每个集群的server不要超过5个
  20. -syslog:开启系统日志功能,只在linux/osx上生效
  21. -ui-dir:提供存放web ui资源的路径,该目录必须是可读的
  22. -pid-file:提供一个路径来存放pid文件,可以使用该文件进行SIGINT/SIGHUP(关闭/更新)agent


  1. {
  2. "datacenter": "dc1",
  3. "data_dir": "/opt/consul",
  4. "log_level": "INFO",
  5. "node_name": "s1",
  6. "server": true,
  7. "bootstrap_expect": 3,
  8. "bind_addr": "",
  9. "client_addr": "",
  10. "ui_dir": "/root/consul_ui",
  11. "retry_join": ["","","",""],
  12. "retry_interval": "30s",
  13. "enable_debug": false,
  14. "rejoin_after_leave": true,
  15. "start_join": ["","","",""],
  16. "enable_syslog": true,
  17. "syslog_facility": "local5"
  18. }


  1. acl_datacenter:只用于server,指定的datacenter的权威ACL信息,所有的servers和datacenter必须同意ACL datacenter
  2. acl_default_policy:默认是allow
  3. acl_down_policy:
  4. acl_master_token:
  5. acl_token:agent会使用这个token和consul server进行请求
  6. acl_ttl:控制TTL的cache,默认是30s
  7. addresses:一个嵌套对象,可以设置以下key:dns、http、rpc
  8. advertise_addr:等同于-advertise
  9. bootstrap:等同于-bootstrap
  10. bootstrap_expect:等同于-bootstrap-expect
  11. bind_addr:等同于-bind
  12. ca_file:提供CA文件路径,用来检查客户端或者服务端的链接
  13. cert_file:必须和key_file一起
  14. check_update_interval:
  15. client_addr:等同于-client
  16. datacenter:等同于-dc
  17. data_dir:等同于-data-dir
  18. disable_anonymous_signature:在进行更新检查时禁止匿名签名
  19. disable_remote_exec:禁止支持远程执行,设置为true,agent会忽视所有进入的远程执行请求
  20. disable_update_check:禁止自动检查安全公告和新版本信息
  21. dns_config:是一个嵌套对象,可以设置以下参数:allow_stale、max_stale、node_ttl 、service_ttl、enable_truncate
  22. domain:默认情况下consul在进行DNS查询时,查询的是consul域,可以通过该参数进行修改
  23. enable_debug:开启debug模式
  24. enable_syslog:等同于-syslog
  25. encrypt:等同于-encrypt
  26. key_file:提供私钥的路径
  27. leave_on_terminate:默认是false,如果为true,当agent收到一个TERM信号的时候,它会发送leave信息到集群中的其他节点上。
  28. log_level:等同于-log-level
  29. node_name:等同于-node
  30. ports:这是一个嵌套对象,可以设置以下key:dns(dns地址:8600)、http(http api地址:8500)、rpc(rpc:8400)、serf_lan(lan port:8301)、serf_wan(wan port:8302)、server(server rpc:8300)
  31. protocol:等同于-protocol
  32. recursor:
  33. rejoin_after_leave:等同于-rejoin
  34. retry_join:等同于-retry-join
  35. retry_interval:等同于-retry-interval
  36. server:等同于-server
  37. server_name:会覆盖TLS CA的node_name,可以用来确认CA name和hostname相匹配
  38. skip_leave_on_interrupt:和leave_on_terminate比较类似,不过只影响当前句柄
  39. start_join:一个字符数组提供的节点地址会在启动时被加入
  40. statsd_addr:
  41. statsite_addr:
  42. syslog_facility:当enable_syslog被提供后,该参数控制哪个级别的信息被发送,默认Local0
  43. ui_dir:等同于-ui-dir
  44. verify_incoming:默认false,如果为true,则所有进入链接都需要使用TLS,需要客户端使用ca_file提供ca文件,只用于consul server端,因为client从来没有进入的链接
  45. verify_outgoing:默认false,如果为true,则所有出去链接都需要使用TLS,需要服务端使用ca_file提供ca文件,consul server和client都需要使用,因为两者都有出去的链接
  46. watches:watch一个详细名单


consul的主要接口是RESTful HTTP API,该API可以用来增删查改nodes、services、checks、configguration。所有的endpoints主要分为以下类别:

  1. kv - Key/Value存储
  2. agent - Agent控制
  3. catalog - 管理nodes和services
  4. health - 管理健康监测
  5. session - Session操作
  6. acl - ACL创建和管理
  7. event - 用户Events
  8. status - Consul系统状态



agent endpoints用来和本地agent进行交互,一般用来服务注册和检查注册,支持以下接口

  1. /v1/agent/checks : 返回本地agent注册的所有检查(包括配置文件和HTTP接口)
  2. /v1/agent/services : 返回本地agent注册的所有 服务
  3. /v1/agent/members : 返回agent在集群的gossip pool中看到的成员
  4. /v1/agent/self : 返回本地agent的配置和成员信息
  5. /v1/agent/join/<address> : 触发本地agent加入node
  6. /v1/agent/force-leave/<node>>: 强制删除node
  7. /v1/agent/check/register : 在本地agent增加一个检查项,使用PUT方法传输一个json格式的数据
  8. /v1/agent/check/deregister/<checkID> : 注销一个本地agent的检查项
  9. /v1/agent/check/pass/<checkID> : 设置一个本地检查项的状态为passing
  10. /v1/agent/check/warn/<checkID> : 设置一个本地检查项的状态为warning
  11. /v1/agent/check/fail/<checkID> : 设置一个本地检查项的状态为critical
  12. /v1/agent/service/register : 在本地agent增加一个新的服务项,使用PUT方法传输一个json格式的数据
  13. /v1/agent/service/deregister/<serviceID> : 注销一个本地agent的服务项


catalog endpoints用来注册/注销nodes、services、checks

  1. /v1/catalog/register : Registers a new node, service, or check
  2. /v1/catalog/deregister : Deregisters a node, service, or check
  3. /v1/catalog/datacenters : Lists known datacenters
  4. /v1/catalog/nodes : Lists nodes in a given DC
  5. /v1/catalog/services : Lists services in a given DC
  6. /v1/catalog/service/<service> : Lists the nodes in a given service
  7. /v1/catalog/node/<node> : Lists the services provided by a node


health endpoints用来查询健康状况相关信息,该功能从catalog中单独分离出来

  1. /v1/healt/node/<node>: 返回node所定义的检查,可用参数?dc=
  2. /v1/health/checks/<service>: 返回和服务相关联的检查,可用参数?dc=
  3. /v1/health/service/<service>: 返回给定datacenter中给定node中service
  4. /v1/health/state/<state>: 返回给定datacenter中指定状态的服务,state可以是"any", "unknown", "passing", "warning", or "critical",可用参数?dc=


session endpoints用来create、update、destory、query sessions

  1. /v1/session/create: Creates a new session
  2. /v1/session/destroy/<session>: Destroys a given session
  3. /v1/session/info/<session>: Queries a given session
  4. /v1/session/node/<node>: Lists sessions belonging to a node
  5. /v1/session/list: Lists all the active sessions


acl endpoints用来create、update、destory、query acl

  1. /v1/acl/create: Creates a new token with policy
  2. /v1/acl/update: Update the policy of a token
  3. /v1/acl/destroy/<id>: Destroys a given token
  4. /v1/acl/info/<id>: Queries the policy of a given token
  5. /v1/acl/clone/<id>: Creates a new token by cloning an existing token
  6. /v1/acl/list: Lists all the active tokens


event endpoints用来fire新的events、查询已有的events

  1. /v1/event/fire/<name>: 触发一个新的event,用户event需要name和其他可选的参数,使用PUT方法
  2. /v1/event/list: 返回agent知道的events


status endpoints用来或者consul 集群的信息

  1. /v1/status/leader : 返回当前集群的Raft leader
  2. /v1/status/peers : 返回当前集群中同事



  1. consul template的使用场景:consul template可以查询consul中的服务目录、key、key-values等。这种强大的抽象功能和查询语言模板可以使consul template特别适合动态的创建配置文件。例如:创建apache/nginx proxy balancers、haproxy backends、varnish servers、application configurations。

consul template的特性:

  1. quiescence:consul template内制静止平衡功能,可以智能的发现consul实例中的更改信息。这个功能可以防止频繁的更新模板而引起系统的波动。
  2. dry mode:不确定当前架构的状态?担心模板的变化会破坏子系统?无须担心,因为consul template还有-dry模式。在dry模式,consul template会将结果呈现在STDOUT,所以操作员可以检查输出是否正常,以决定更换模板是否安全
  3. CLI and Config:如果你喜欢在命令行上指定一切,consul template都可以hold住。随着内置HCL的支持,consul template接收一个配置文件,命令行参数,或者两者的混合。通过这种方式你可以继续使用你现在已有的配置管理工具和consul template来配合。
  4. verbose debugging:即使每件事你都做的近乎完美,但是有时候还是会有失败发生。consul template可以提供更详细的debug日志信息。




  1. -auth=<user[:pass]> 设置基本的认证用户名和密码
  2. -consul-addr=<address> 设置Consul实例的地址
  3. -max-stale=<duration> 查询过期的最大频率,默认是1s
  4. -dedup 启用重复数据删除,当许多consul template实例渲染一个模板的时候可以降低consul的负载
  5. -ssl 使用https连接Consul使用SSL
  6. -ssl-verify 通过SSL连接的时候检查证书
  7. -ssl-cert SSL客户端证书发送给服务器
  8. -ssl-key 客户端认证时使用的SSL/TLS私钥
  9. -ssl-ca-cert 验证服务器的CA证书列表
  10. -token=<token> 设置Consul API的token
  11. -syslog 把标准输出和标准错误重定向到syslog,syslog的默认级别是local0。
  12. -syslog-facility=<f> 设置syslog级别,默认是local0,必须和-syslog配合使用
  13. -template=<template> 增加一个需要监控的模板,格式是:'templatePath:outputPath(:command)',多个模板则可以设置多次
  14. -wait=<duration> 当呈现一个新的模板到系统和触发一个命令的时候,等待的最大最小时间。如果最大值被忽略,默认是最小值的4倍。
  15. -retry=<duration> 当在和consul api交互的返回值是error的时候,等待的时间,默认是5s。
  16. -config=<path> 配置文件或者配置目录的路径
  17. -pid-file=<path> PID文件的路径
  18. -log-level=<level> 设置日志级别,可以是"debug","info", "warn" (default), and "err"
  19. -dry Dump生成的模板到标准输出,不会生成到磁盘
  20. -once 运行consul-template一次后退出,不以守护进程运行
  21. -reap 子进程自动收割


  1. consul-template -h



  1. consul-template -retry 30s -once -consul-addr= -template "test.ctmpl:test.out"
  • test.ctmpl
  1. {{range service "Faceid"}}
  2. {{.ID}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2{{end}}
  • test.out
  1. Faceid check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2
  2. Faceid check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2
  3. Faceid check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2


  1. consul-template -consul-addr= -template "test.ctmpl:test.out"


  1. consul-template -retry 30s -once -consul-addr= -template "test.ctmpl:test.out"\
  2. -template "/tmp/redis.ctmpl:/var/redis/redis.conf:service redis restart" \
  3. -template "/tmp/haproxy.ctmpl:/var/haproxy/haproxy.conf"


  1. consul-template -dry -consul-addr= -template "test.ctmpl:test.out"
  1. 以上参数除了在命令行使用,也可以直接配置在文件中,下面看看Consul-Template的配置文件,简称HCL(HashiCorp Configuration Language),它是和JSON兼容的,下面看个例子:
  1. #### 配置文件
  2. ​```Consul-Template```配置文件是使用[HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)](编写的.这意味着```Consul Template```是和JSON兼容的,查看更多信息请查看 [HCL 规范](
  3. 配置文件语法支持上面的所有的选项,除非在表格中进行标明.
  4. ​```json
  5. // 这是要连接的Consul Agent的地址.默认为127.0.0.1:8500.这是Consul的默认绑定地址和端口.
  6. // 不建议你直接与 Consul的 Server直接进行交互,请与本地的Consul Agent进行交互.这样做是有一些原因
  7. // 最重要的是本地agent可以复用与server的连接.减少HTTP的连接数.另外这个地址更好记.
  8. consul = ""
  9. // 这是用于连接Consul的ACL token. 如果你的集群未启用就不需要设置.
  10. //
  11. // 这个选项也可以通过环境变量 CONSUL_TOKEN 来进行设置
  12. token = "abcd1234"
  13. // 这是监听出发reload事件的信号,默认值如下所示.将这个值设置为空将引起 CT ,从而不监听reload事件
  14. reload_signal = "SIGHUP"
  15. // 这是监听出发core dump事件的信号,默认值如下所示.将这个值设置为空将引起 CT ,从而不监听core dump信号
  16. dump_signal = "SIGQUIT"
  17. // 这是监听出发graceful stop事件的信号,默认值如下所示.将这个值设置为空将引起 CT ,从而不监听graceful stop信号
  18. kill_signal = "SIGINT"
  19. // 这是连接Consul的重试时间.Consul Template是高容错的设计.这意味着,出现失败他不会退出.而按照
  20. // 分布式系统的惯例进行指数补偿和重试来等待集群恢复.
  21. retry = "10s"
  22. // This is the maximum interval to allow "stale" data. By default, only the
  23. // Consul leader will respond to queries; any requests to a follower will
  24. // forward to the leader. In large clusters with many requests, this is not as
  25. // scalable, so this option allows any follower to respond to a query, so long
  26. // as the last-replicated data is within these bounds. Higher values result in
  27. // less cluster load, but are more likely to have outdated data.
  28. // 这是允许陈旧数据的最大时间.Consul默认只有领袖对请求进行相应.所有对追随者的请求将被转发给领袖.
  29. // 在有大量请求的大型集群中,这显得不够有扩展性.所以这个选项允许任何追随者响应查询,只要最后复制的数据
  30. // 在这个范围内.数值越高,越减少集群负载,但是更容易接受到过期数据.
  31. max_stale = "10m"
  32. // 这是log的等级,如果你找到了bug,请打开debug 日志,这样我们可以更好的定位问题.这个选项也可用在命令行.
  33. log_level = "warn"
  34. // 这是存放Consul Template 进程的PID文件的路径,如果你计划发送定制的信号到这个进程这会比较有用.
  35. pid_file = "/path/to/pid"
  36. // 这是一个静止定时器,他定义了在模板渲染之前等待集群达到一致状态的最小和最大时间.
  37. // 这对于一些变化较大的系统中比较有用,可以减少模板渲染的次数
  38. wait = "5s:10s"
  39. // 这是 Vault配置的开始
  40. // Vault是HashiCorp的另外一个产品
  41. vault {
  42. // This is the address of the Vault leader. The protocol (http(s)) portion
  43. // of the address is required.
  44. address = "https://vault.service.consul:8200"
  45. // This is the token to use when communicating with the Vault server.
  46. // Like other tools that integrate with Vault, Consul Template makes the
  47. // assumption that you provide it with a Vault token; it does not have the
  48. // incorporated logic to generate tokens via Vault's auth methods.
  49. //
  50. // This value can also be specified via the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN.
  51. token = "abcd1234"
  52. // This option tells Consul Template to automatically renew the Vault token
  53. // given. If you are unfamiliar with Vault's architecture, Vault requires
  54. // tokens be renewed at some regular interval or they will be revoked. Consul
  55. // Template will automatically renew the token at half the lease duration of
  56. // the token. The default value is true, but this option can be disabled if
  57. // you want to renew the Vault token using an out-of-band process.
  58. //
  59. // Note that secrets specified in a template (using {{secret}} for example)
  60. // are always renewed, even if this option is set to false. This option only
  61. // applies to the top-level Vault token itself.
  62. renew = true
  63. // This section details the SSL options for connecting to the Vault server.
  64. // Please see the SSL options below for more information (they are the same).
  65. ssl {
  66. // ...
  67. }
  68. }
  69. // 这部分配置请求的基本的权限验证信息
  70. auth {
  71. enabled = true
  72. username = "test"
  73. password = "test"
  74. }
  75. // 这部分配置连接到Consul服务器的SSL信息.
  76. ssl {
  77. // 使用SSL需要先打开这个开关
  78. enabled = true
  79. // This enables SSL peer verification. The default value is "true", which
  80. // will check the global CA chain to make sure the given certificates are
  81. // valid. If you are using a self-signed certificate that you have not added
  82. // to the CA chain, you may want to disable SSL verification. However, please
  83. // understand this is a potential security vulnerability.
  84. verify = false
  85. // This is the path to the certificate to use to authenticate. If just a
  86. // certificate is provided, it is assumed to contain both the certificate and
  87. // the key to convert to an X509 certificate. If both the certificate and
  88. // key are specified, Consul Template will automatically combine them into an
  89. // X509 certificate for you.
  90. cert = "/path/to/client/cert"
  91. key = "/path/to/client/key"
  92. // This is the path to the certificate authority to use as a CA. This is
  93. // useful for self-signed certificates or for organizations using their own
  94. // internal certificate authority.
  95. ca_cert = "/path/to/ca"
  96. }
  97. // 设置连接到syslog服务器的配置
  98. // 用于进行日志记录syslog {
  99. // 打开开关
  100. enabled = true
  101. // 设备名称
  102. facility = "LOCAL5"
  103. }
  104. // This block defines the configuration for de-duplication mode. Please see the
  105. // de-duplication mode documentation later in the README for more information
  106. // on how de-duplication mode operates.
  107. deduplicate {
  108. // This enables de-duplication mode. Specifying any other options also enables
  109. // de-duplication mode.
  110. enabled = true
  111. // This is the prefix to the path in Consul's KV store where de-duplication
  112. // templates will be pre-rendered and stored.
  113. prefix = "consul-template/dedup/"
  114. }
  115. // This block defines the configuration for exec mode. Please see the exec mode
  116. // documentation at the bottom of this README for more information on how exec
  117. // mode operates and the caveats of this mode.
  118. exec {
  119. // This is the command to exec as a child process. There can be only one
  120. // command per Consul Template process.
  121. command = "/usr/bin/app"
  122. // This is a random splay to wait before killing the command. The default
  123. // value is 0 (no wait), but large clusters should consider setting a splay
  124. // value to prevent all child processes from reloading at the same time when
  125. // data changes occur. When this value is set to non-zero, Consul Template
  126. // will wait a random period of time up to the splay value before reloading
  127. // or killing the child process. This can be used to prevent the thundering
  128. // herd problem on applications that do not gracefully reload.
  129. splay = "5s"
  130. // This defines the signal that will be sent to the child process when a
  131. // change occurs in a watched template. The signal will only be sent after
  132. // the process is started, and the process will only be started after all
  133. // dependent templates have been rendered at least once. The default value
  134. // is "" (empty or nil), which tells Consul Template to restart the child
  135. // process instead of sending it a signal. This is useful for legacy
  136. // applications or applications that cannot properly reload their
  137. // configuration without a full reload.
  138. reload_signal = "SIGUSR1"
  139. // This defines the signal sent to the child process when Consul Template is
  140. // gracefully shutting down. The application should begin a graceful cleanup.
  141. // If the application does not terminate before the `kill_timeout`, it will
  142. // be terminated (effectively "kill -9"). The default value is "SIGTERM".
  143. kill_signal = "SIGINT"
  144. // This defines the amount of time to wait for the child process to gracefully
  145. // terminate when Consul Template exits. After this specified time, the child
  146. // process will be force-killed (effectively "kill -9"). The default value is
  147. // "30s".
  148. kill_timeout = "2s"
  149. }
  150. // 这部分定义了对模板的配置,和其他配置块不同.这部分可以针对不同模板配置多次.也可以在CLI命令
  151. // 直接进行配置
  152. template {
  153. // 这是输入模板的配置文件路径,必选项
  154. source = "/path/on/disk/to/template.ctmpl"
  155. // 这是源模板渲染之后存放的路径,如果父目录不存在Consul Template会尝试进行创建
  156. destination = "/path/on/disk/where/template/will/render.txt"
  157. // This is the optional command to run when the template is rendered. The
  158. // command will only run if the resulting template changes. The command must
  159. // return within 30s (configurable), and it must have a successful exit code.
  160. // Consul Template is not a replacement for a process monitor or init system.
  161. // 这是当模板渲染完成后可选的要执行的命令.这个命令只会在模板发生改变后才会运行.这个命令必须要在30秒
  162. // 内进行返回(可配置),必须返回一个成功的退出码.Consul Template不能替代进程监视或者init 系统
  163. // 的功能
  164. command = "restart service foo"
  165. // 这是最大的等待命令返回的时间,默认是30秒
  166. command_timeout = "60s"
  167. // 这是渲染后的文件的权限,如果不设置,Consul Template将去匹配之前已经存在的文件的权限.
  168. // 如果文件不存在,权限会被设置为 0644
  169. perms = 0600
  170. // 这个选项对渲染之前的文件进行备份.他保持一个备份.
  171. // 这个选项在发生意外更高时,有一个回滚策略.
  172. backup = true
  173. // 模板的分隔符,默认是 "{{"和"}}".但是对于一些模板用其他的分隔符可能更好
  174. // 可以避免与本身的冲突
  175. left_delimiter = "{{"
  176. right_delimiter = "}}"
  177. // 这是最小和最大等待渲染一个新模板和执行命令的时间.使用 分号 个号.如果忽略最大值,最大
  178. // 值会被设置为最小值的4倍.这个选项没有默认值.这个值相对全局所以的等待时间有最高优先级
  179. wait = "2s:6s"
  180. }

注意: 不是所有的选项都是必选的.例如: 如果你没有使用Vault你不用设置这一块. 类似的你没有使用syslog系统你也不需要指定syslog配置.

为了更加安全,token也可以从环境变量里读取,使用 CONSUL_TOKEN 和 VAULT_TOKEN.强烈建议你不要把token放到未加密的文本配置文件中.


Consul Template 使用了Go的模板语法.如果你对他的语法不熟悉建议你读下文档.他的语法看起来与 Mustache, Handlebars, 或者 Liquid 类似.

在Go 提供的模板函数之外,Consul Template暴露了以下的函数:

API 函数



  1. {{datacenters}}



  1. {{file "/path/to/local/file"}}

这个例子将输出 /path/to/local/file 文件内容到模板. 注意:这不会在嵌套模板中被处理



  1. {{key "service/redis/maxconns@east-aws"}}

上面的例子查询了在east-aws数据中心的 service/redis/maxconns的值.如果忽略数据中心参数,将会查询本地数据中心的值:

  1. {{key "service/redis/maxconns"}}




  1. {{key_or_default "service/redis/maxconns@east-aws" "5"}}

注意Consul Template使用了多个阶段的运算.在第一阶段的运算如果Consul没有返回值,则会一直使用默认值.后续模板解析中如果值存在了则会读取真实的值.这很重要,运维Consul Templae不会因为key_or_default没找到key而阻塞模板的的渲染.即使key存在如果Consul没有按时返回这个数据,也会使用默认值来进行替代.



  1. {{range ls "service/redis@east-aws"}}
  2. {{.Key}} {{.Value}}{{end}}


  1. minconns 2
  2. maxconns 12




  1. {{node "node1"}}


  1. {{node}}


  1. {{node "node1" "@east-aws"}}


  1. {{with node}}{{.Node.Node}} ({{.Node.Address}}){{range .Services}}
  2. {{.Service}} {{.Port}} ({{.Tags | join ","}}){{end}}
  3. {{end}}



  1. {{nodes}}


  1. {{nodes "@east-aws"}}




  1. {{with secret "secret/passwords"}}{{.Data.password}}{{end}}


  1. LeaseID - the unique lease identifier
  2. LeaseDuration - the number of seconds the lease is valid
  3. Renewable - if the secret is renewable
  4. Data - the raw data - this is a map[string]interface{}, so it can be queried using Go's templating "dot notation"
  5. If the map key has dots "." in it, you need to access the value using the index function:
  6. {{index .Data "my.key.with.dots"}}
  7. If additional arguments are passed to the function, then the operation is assumed to be a write operation instead of a read operation. The write operation must return data in order to be valid. This is especially useful for the PKI secret backend, for example.
  8. {{ with secret "pki/issue/my-domain-dot-com" "" }}
  9. {{ .Data.certificate }}
  10. {{ end }}
  11. The parameters must be key=value pairs, and each pair must be its own argument to the function:
  12. {{ secret "path/" "a=b" "c=d" "e=f" }}
  13. Please always consider the security implications of having the contents of a secret in plain-text on disk. If an attacker is able to get access to the file, they will have access to plain-text secrets.

Please note that Vault does not support blocking queries. As a result, Consul Template will not immediately reload in the event a secret is changed as it does with Consul’s key-value store. Consul Template will fetch a new secret at half the lease duration of the original secret. For example, most items in Vault’s generic secret backend have a default 30 day lease. This means Consul Template will renew the secret every 15 days. As such, it is recommended that a smaller lease duration be used when generating the initial secret to force Consul Template to renew more often.


Query Vault to list the secrets at the given path. Please note this requires Vault 0.5+ and the endpoint you want to list secrets must support listing. Not all endpoints support listing. The result is the list of secret names as strings.

  1. {{range secrets "secret/"}}{{.}}{{end}}

The trailing slash is optional in the template, but the generated secret dependency will always have a trailing slash in log output.

To iterate and list over every secret in the generic secret backend in Vault, for example, you would need to do something like this:

  1. {{range secrets "secret/"}}
  2. {{with secret (printf "secret/%s" .)}}
  3. {{range $k, $v := .Data}}
  4. {{$k}}: {{$v}}
  5. {{end}}
  6. {{end}}
  7. {{end}}

You should probably never do this. Please also note that Vault does not support blocking queries. To understand the implications, please read the note at the end of the secret function.



  1. {{service "release.web@east-aws"}}

上面的例子查询Consul中,在east-aws数据中心存在的健康的 web服务.tag和数据中心参数是可选的.从当前数据中心查询所有节点的web服务而不管tag,查询语法如下:

  1. {{service "web"}}


  1. {{range service "web@data center"}}
  2. server {{.Name}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}}{{end}}


  1. server nyc_web_01 123.456.789.10:8080
  2. server nyc_web_02 456.789.101.213:8080


  1. {{service "web" "any"}}



  1. {{service "web" "passing, warning"}}

这样将会返回被他们的节点和服务级别的检查定义标记为 “passing” 或者 “warning”的服务. 请注意逗号是 OR而不是AND的意思.



  1. {{service "web"}}
  2. {{service "web" "passing"}}

前者会返回Consul认为healthypassing的所有服务.后者将返回所有已经在Consul注册的服务.然后会执行一个客户端的过滤.通常如果你想获取健康的服务,你应该不要使用passing参数,直接忽略第三个参数即可.然而第三个参数在你想查询 passing或者warning的服务会比较有用,如下:

  1. {{service "web" "passing, warning"}}


  1. {{range service "web" "any"}}
  2. {{if eq .Status "critical"}}
  3. // Critical state!{{end}}
  4. {{if eq .Status "passing"}}
  5. // Ok{{end}}

执行命令时,在Consul将服务设置为维护模式,只需要在你的命令上包上Consul的 maint 调用:

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. set -e
  3. consul maint -enable -service web -reason "Consul Template updated"
  4. service nginx reload
  5. consul maint -disable -service web

另外如果你没有安装Consul agent,你可以直接调用API请求:

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. set -e
  3. curl -X PUT "http://$CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR/v1/agent/service/maintenance/web?enable=true&reason=Consul+Template+Updated"
  4. service nginx reload
  5. curl -X PUT "http://$CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR/v1/agent/service/maintenance/web?enable=false"



  1. {{services}}


  1. {{services "@east-aws"}}

请注意: services函数与service是不同的,service接受更多参数并且查询监控的服务列表.这个查询Consul目录并返回一个服务的tag的Map,如下:

  1. {{range services}}
  2. {{.Name}}
  3. {{range .Tags}}
  4. {{.}}{{end}}
  5. {{end}}



  1. {{range tree "service/redis@east-aws"}}
  2. {{.Key}} {{.Value}}{{end}}


  1. minconns 2
  2. maxconns 12
  3. nested/config/value "value"




Haproxy 实例


  1. # Consul Haproxy configured
  2. global
  3. maxconn 20480
  4. ulimit-n 65535
  5. log local5
  6. uid 200
  7. gid 200
  8. chroot /usr/local/haproxy
  9. nbproc 1
  10. daemon
  11. pidfile /usr/local/haproxy/logs/
  12. defaults
  13. log global
  14. mode http
  15. option httplog
  16. option dontlognull
  17. option forwardfor
  18. option abortonclose
  19. retries 3
  20. maxconn 3000
  21. stats enable
  22. stats hide-version
  23. stats uri /admin
  24. stats auth admin:admin
  25. stats refresh 10s
  26. balance roundrobin
  27. timeout connect 5000ms
  28. timeout client 50000ms
  29. timeout server 50000ms
  30. timeout check 2000ms
  31. listen web_haproxy
  32. bind
  33. mode http
  34. log local5 err
  35. stats refresh 5s
  36. stats uri /admin
  37. stats realm liang lian
  38. stats auth admin:admin
  39. stats hide-version
  40. stats admin if TRUE
  41. frontend consul
  42. bind
  43. mode http
  44. log global
  45. default_backend consul-cluster
  46. backend consul-cluster
  47. mode http
  48. {{range service "Faceid"}}
  49. server {{.ID}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2{{end}}


  1. consul-template -consul-addr= -template "/root/haproxy.ctmpl:/etc/haproxy.cfg:service haproxy restart" 看我上篇文章Haproxy,这是consul集群的VIP,为了避免单独调某一台服务器服务器出现故障后consul-template无法工作。


  1. # Consul Haproxy configured
  2. global
  3. maxconn 20480
  4. ulimit-n 65535
  5. log local5
  6. uid 200
  7. gid 200
  8. chroot /usr/local/haproxy
  9. nbproc 1
  10. daemon
  11. pidfile /usr/local/haproxy/logs/
  12. defaults
  13. log global
  14. mode http
  15. option httplog
  16. option dontlognull
  17. option forwardfor
  18. option abortonclose
  19. retries 3
  20. maxconn 3000
  21. stats enable
  22. stats hide-version
  23. stats uri /admin
  24. stats auth admin:admin
  25. stats refresh 10s
  26. balance roundrobin
  27. timeout connect 5000ms
  28. timeout client 50000ms
  29. timeout server 50000ms
  30. timeout check 2000ms
  31. listen web_haproxy
  32. bind
  33. mode http
  34. log local5 err
  35. stats refresh 5s
  36. stats uri /admin
  37. stats realm liang lian
  38. stats auth admin:admin
  39. stats hide-version
  40. stats admin if TRUE
  41. frontend consul
  42. bind
  43. mode http
  44. log global
  45. default_backend consul-cluster
  46. backend consul-cluster
  47. mode http
  48. server Faceid check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2
  49. server Faceid check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2
  50. server Faceid check inter 5000 fall 1 rise 2 weight 2



  • 实现了中心服务注册查询
  • 平台中其他节点的查询服务和配置文件自动更新


Service RPM Download

Consul 0.7.5

  • consul-megvii-0.7.5-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
  • consul-megvii-0.7.5-1.el6.src.rpm



本文标题:Consul 使用手册


发布时间:2017-04-06, 19:25:40

最后更新:2017-08-02, 14:15:20


许可协议: "署名-非商用-相同方式共享 4.0" 转载请保留原文链接及作者。

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