Siri has a bad reputation among many, but it’s perfectly usable for most tasks, and if you’re knee-deep in the Apple ecosystem it doesn’t matter how much better a competing digital assistant is because everything ties into Siri. That means that you’re going to need to use it, and that’s pretty easy to do when you know how. Let’s jump in.

Siri在许多人中享有很高的声誉,但是它可以完美地用于大多数任务,而且如果您深陷Apple生态系统中,那么与之竞争的数字助手有多好也没关系,因为一切都与Siri紧密相关。 这意味着您将需要使用它,并且当您知道如何使用时,这很容易做到。 让我们跳进去。

如何在iPhone上启用Siri (How to Enable Siri on an iPhone)

Just as is so often the case, this process starts in the Settings app. Launch the app and scroll down before tapping “Siri & Search.”

与通常情况一样,此过程在“设置”应用中开始。 启动应用程序并向下滚动,然后点击“ Siri&Search”。

Beneath the “Ask Siri” heading you will see three toggles. We’d suggest turning them all on:

在“问Siri”标题下,您会看到三个切换。 我们建议将它们全部打开:

  • Listen for “Hey Siri”: This lets you use the phrase “Hey Siri” to get the digital assistant’s attention.

    收听“ Hey Siri”:您可以使用短语“ Hey Siri”来引起数字助理的注意。

  • Press Side Button for Siri: This lets you press and hold the side button on iPhone X models or the home button on older models to activate Siri.

    按下Siri的侧面按钮:您可以按住iPhone X型号上的侧面按钮或旧型号上的主页按钮来激活Siri。

  • Allow Siri when Locked: This lets you invoke Siri via either the side/home button or voice while your iPhone is locked.


如何在iPhone上更改Siri的声音 (How to Change Siri’s Voice on an iPhone)

You may not like the way Siri sounds by default, but there are multiple voices to choose from depending on the language selected. To start, open the Settings app and tap “Siri & Search.”

您可能不喜欢Siri默认发出声音的方式,但是根据选择的语言,有多种声音可供选择。 首先,请打开“设置”应用,然后点击“ Siri&Search”。

Tap “Siri Voice.”

点击“ Siri语音”。

Select the voice that you want to use, including a gender if that option is available.


如何更改Siri是否在iPhone上讲话 (How to Change Whether Siri Speaks on an iPhone)

Depending on the situation, having Siri audibly speak to you might not be the most suitable course of action. Fortunately, you can change Siri’s behavior in the Siri settings menu.

根据具体情况,让Siri与您进行声音对话可能不是最合适的做法。 幸运的是,您可以在Siri设置菜单中更改Siri的行为。

Open the Settings app, then tap the “Siri & Search” option.

打开“设置”应用,然后点击“ Siri&搜索”选项。

Next, tap “Voice Feedback” to see the available options.


The options are:


  • Always On: Siri will always audibly speak its responses to you.

    永远在线: Siri将始终以声音向您说出自己的回应。

  • Control with Ring Switch: Siri will only audibly respond if the Ring Switch isn’t on silent.

    使用Ring Switch进行控制:仅当Ring Switch处于非静音状态时,Siri才会发出声音响应。

  • Hands-Free Only: Siri will only audibly respond if you are using earphones or a Bluetooth device. This includes CarPlay, even when using a cable to connect.

    仅免提:仅当您使用耳机或蓝牙设备时,Siri才会发出声音响应。 这包括CarPlay,即使使用电缆进行连接也是如此。

如何在iPhone上使用Siri (How to Use Siri on an iPhone)

Siri is no good to anyone if you don’t know how to use it. If you have the options selected that we mentioned earlier, you have two main ways of getting Siri’s attention. The first is to say “Hey Siri,” and the digital assistant will launch. The second and the one that makes you feel less silly is to press and hold the side button of an iPhone X model (or the Home button on other models) until Siri appears on-screen. When Siri responds, just tell her what you need.

如果您不知道如何使用Siri,Siri对任何人都不会有帮助。 如果您选择了前面提到的选项,则有两种主要方法可以吸引Siri的注意力。 首先是说“嘿Siri”,然后将启动数字助理。 第二个让您感到不那么傻的方法是按住iPhone X型号的侧面按钮(或其他型号的“主页”按钮),直到Siri出现在屏幕上。 当Siri回应时,只需告诉她您需要什么即可。



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