
一开始看到这道题,顿时欣喜不少,发现就是最大子数组问题,但是看看数据,就吓尿了,真心觉得常规解法过不了(但还是抱着试试的态度写了,结果直接time limited了),想了好久没头绪,果断google之,发现了一个叫做线段树的东西。



据我所理解的线段树,就是要查询的区间分成很多子区间,然后把子区间的合并到一个区间,关键就是合并这个过程比较难(ps:如果是求子区间的最大数,那就当简单了,直接父节点 = max(左节点,右节点)),这道题的合并第一个博客利用了前面的一个函数,当然第二篇博客原理也是一样。下面附上我的代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#define MAX 111111
#define leftson l, m, (l+r) >> 1
#define rightson m+1, r, (l+r) >> 1 | 1
using namespace std;
struct Node {int sum;int sl, sr, smax;int ll, lmax, rr, rmax;
Node n[MAX*4];
int count_;
int a[MAX];
Node pushUp(int root, int lson, int rson) {n[root].sum = n[lson].sum + n[rson].sum;int temp = n[rson].lmax + n[lson].sum;if (temp > n[lson].lmax) {n[root].lmax = temp;n[root].ll = n[rson].ll;} else {n[root].lmax = n[lson].lmax;n[root].ll = n[lson].ll;}temp = n[rson].sum + n[lson].rmax;if (temp >= n[rson].rmax) {n[root].rmax = temp;n[root].rr = n[lson].rr;} else {n[root].rmax = n[rson].rmax;n[root].rr = n[rson].rr;}n[root].smax = n[lson].smax;n[root].sl = n[lson].sl;n[root].sr = n[lson].sr;temp = n[lson].rmax + n[rson].lmax;if (temp > n[root].smax || (temp == n[root].smax && n[lson].rr < n[root].sl)) {n[root].smax = temp;n[root].sl = n[lson].rr;n[root].sr = n[rson].ll;}if (n[rson].smax > n[root].smax) {n[root].smax = n[rson].smax;n[root].sl = n[rson].sl;n[root].sr = n[rson].sr;}return n[root];
void build(int l, int r, int root) {if (l == r) {n[root].smax = n[root].rmax = n[root].lmax = n[root].sum = a[l];n[root].ll = n[root].sl = l;n[root].rr = n[root].sr = r;return;}int m = (l + r) >> 1;build(l, m, root*2);build(m+1, r, root*2+1);pushUp(root, root*2, root*2+1);
int query(int s, int e, int l, int r, int root) {if (s <= l && e >= r) {return root;}int m = (l + r) >> 1;if ( e <= m) {return query(s, e, l, m, root*2);} else if (s > m) {return query(s, e, m+1, r, root*2+1);} else {int temp1 = query(s, e, l, m, root*2);int temp2 = query(s, e, m+1, r, root*2+1);int k = count_++;pushUp(k, temp1, temp2);return k;}
int main() {int n1, n2;scanf("%d%d", &n1, &n2);for (int i = 1; i <= n1; i++)scanf("%d", a+i);build(1, n1, 1);while (n2--) {int start, end;scanf("%d%d", &start, &end);count_ = 3*n1+1;int index = query(start, end, 1, n1, 1);printf("%d %d %d\n", n[index].sl, n[index].sr, n[index].smax);}//system("pause");return 0;


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