
  • 1. painless简介
  • 2. script使用
    • 1. Ingest processor
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 2. Update
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 3. Update by query
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 4. Reindex
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 5. Sort
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 6. Score
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 7. Field
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 8. Filter
      • 1.使用的变量
      • 2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects
      • 3. 返回Return
      • 4.使用样例
    • 9. search template
      • 1. 使用存储的mustache进行查询
      • 2. 直接使用mustache查询

1. painless简介

painless 在不同的上下文中能够使用的文档的字段等都是不同的,需要特殊处理



painless 总共可以运行在以下的各种上下文当中,每个上下文的介绍分为两部分,一部分是painless script的介绍(更全面),一部分是es文档的介绍(举例更生动)

感觉相对更常用的Ingest processor
Update by query
Metric aggregation initialization
Metric aggregation map
Metric aggregation combine
Metric aggregation reduce
Bucket script aggregation
Bucket selector aggregationSimilarity
Minimum should match
Watcher condition
Watcher transform

2. script使用

1. Ingest processor


params (Map, read-only): User-defined parameters passed in as part of the query.
ctx[’_index’] (String): The name of the index.
ctx[’_type’] (String): The type of document within an index.
ctx (Map): Contains extracted JSON in a Map and List structure for the fields that are part of the document.

2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects

  1. ctx[’_index’]: Modify this to change the destination index for the current document.
  2. ctx[’_type’]: Modify this to change the type for the current document.
  3. ctx (Map): Modify the values in the Map/List structure to add, modify, or delete the fields of a document.

ingest 对应的是doc还没有进行存储的时候,所以这个时候没有_source字段,直接使用ctx.field就可以获取到对应的字段

3. 返回Return

No expected return value.


修改index name

PUT _ingest/pipeline/my_index
{"description": "use index:my_index and type:_doc","processors": [{"script": {"source": """ctx._index = 'my_index';ctx._type = '_doc';"""}}]
}PUT any_index/_doc/1?pipeline=my_index
{"message": "text"
}返回{"_index": "my_index","_type": "_doc","_id": "1","_version": 1,"result": "created","_shards": {"total": 2,"successful": 1,"failed": 0},"_seq_no": 89,"_primary_term": 1,


{"script": {"lang": "painless","source": "ctx.field_a_plus_b_times_c = (ctx.field_a + ctx.field_b) * params.param_c","params": {"param_c": 10}}

2. Update


params (Map, read-only): User-defined parameters passed in as part of the query.
ctx[‘op’] (String): The name of the operation.
ctx[’_routing’] (String, read-only): The value used to select a shard for document storage.
ctx[’_index’] (String, read-only): The name of the index.
ctx[’_type’] (String, read-only): The type of document within an index.
ctx[’_id’] (int, read-only): The unique document id.
ctx[’_version’] (int, read-only): The current version of the document.
ctx[’_now’] (long, read-only): The current timestamp in milliseconds.
ctx[’_source’] (Map): Contains extracted JSON in a Map and List structure for the fields existing in a stored document.

2. 可以产生的影响Side Effects

ctx[‘op’]: Use the default of index to update a document. Set to none to specify no operation or delete to delete the current document from the index.
ctx[’_source’]: Modify the values in the Map/List structure to add, modify, or delete the fields of a document.

3. 返回Return



POST /seats/_update/3
{"script": {"source": "ctx._source.sold = true; ctx._source.cost = params.sold_cost","lang": "painless","params": {"sold_cost": 26}}
PUT test/_doc/1
{"counter" : 1,"tags" : ["red"]
POST test/_update/1
{"script" : {"source": "ctx._source.counter += params.count","lang": "painless","params" : {"count" : 4}}
POST test/_update/1
{"script" : {"source": "ctx._source.tags.add(params.tag)","lang": "painless","params" : {"tag" : "blue"}}




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