CEPH作为对象存储时, 例如用于Openstack的对象存储. 如何查找对象在ceph的位置?
首选, 我们看看如何将数据作为对象存储到ceph : 
1. 需要选择一个池
2. 需要指定对象名

[root@localhost rbd0]# ceph osd lspools
0 rbd,1 pool1,
[root@localhost rbd0]# rados lspools
[root@localhost rbd0]# ll
total 1024000
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1048576000 Dec 25 01:43 test.img

使用rados把这个文件放到pool1池, 对象名设置为test.img.digoal.

[root@localhost rbd0]# rados put test.img.digoal ./test.img --pool=pool1


[root@localhost rbd0]# rados ls --pool=pool1|grep test


[root@localhost rbd0]# ceph osd map pool1 test.img.digoal
osdmap e62 pool 'pool1' (1) object 'test.img.digoal' -> pg 1.79035c22 (1.22) -> up ([3,0], p3) acting ([3,0], p3)


[root@localhost rbd0]# rm -f test.img
[root@localhost rbd0]# rados get test.img.digoal ./test.img --pool=pool1
[root@localhost rbd0]# ll
total 1024000
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1048576000 Dec 25 18:19 test.img


[root@localhost rbd0]# rados stat test.img.digoal --pool=pool1
pool1/test.img.digoal mtime 1419502604, size 1048576000


[root@localhost rbd0]# rados rm test.img.digoal --pool=pool1



[root@localhost rbd0]# rados --help
usage: rados [options] [commands]
POOL COMMANDSlspools                          list poolsmkpool <pool-name> [123[ 4]]     create pool <pool-name>'[with auid 123[and using crush rule 4]]cppool <pool-name> <dest-pool>   copy content of a poolrmpool <pool-name> [<pool-name> --yes-i-really-really-mean-it]remove pool <pool-name>'df                               show per-pool and total usagels                               list objects in poolchown 123                        change the pool owner to auid 123OBJECT COMMANDSget <obj-name> [outfile]         fetch objectput <obj-name> [infile]          write objecttruncate <obj-name> length       truncate objectcreate <obj-name> [category]     create objectrm <obj-name> ...                remove object(s)cp <obj-name> [target-obj]       copy objectclonedata <src-obj> <dst-obj>    clone object datalistxattr <obj-name>getxattr <obj-name> attrsetxattr <obj-name> attr valrmxattr <obj-name> attrstat objname                     stat the named objectmapext <obj-name>lssnap                           list snapsmksnap <snap-name>               create snap <snap-name>rmsnap <snap-name>               remove snap <snap-name>rollback <obj-name> <snap-name>  roll back object to snap <snap-name>listsnaps <obj-name>             list the snapshots of this objectbench <seconds> write|seq|rand [-t concurrent_operations] [--no-cleanup] [--run-name run_name]default is 16 concurrent IOs and 4 MB opsdefault is to clean up after write benchmarkdefault run-name is 'benchmark_last_metadata'cleanup [--run-name run_name] [--prefix prefix]clean up a previous benchmark operationdefault run-name is 'benchmark_last_metadata'load-gen [options]               generate load on the clusterlistomapkeys <obj-name>          list the keys in the object maplistomapvals <obj-name>          list the keys and vals in the object map getomapval <obj-name> <key> [file] show the value for the specified keyin the object's object mapsetomapval <obj-name> <key> <val>rmomapkey <obj-name> <key>getomapheader <obj-name> [file]setomapheader <obj-name> <val>tmap-to-omap <obj-name>          convert tmap keys/values to omaplistwatchers <obj-name>          list the watchers of this objectset-alloc-hint <obj-name> <expected-object-size> <expected-write-size>set allocation hint for an objectIMPORT AND EXPORTimport [options] <local-directory> <rados-pool>Upload <local-directory> to <rados-pool>export [options] <rados-pool> <local-directory>Download <rados-pool> to <local-directory>options:-f / --force                 Copy everything, even if it hasn't changed.-d / --delete-after          After synchronizing, delete unreferencedfiles or objects from the target bucketor directory.--workers                    Number of worker threads to spawn (default 5)ADVISORY LOCKSlock list <obj-name>List all advisory locks on an objectlock get <obj-name> <lock-name>Try to acquire a locklock break <obj-name> <lock-name> <locker-name>Try to break a lock acquired by another clientlock info <obj-name> <lock-name>Show lock informationoptions:--lock-tag                   Lock tag, all locks operation should usethe same tag--lock-cookie                Locker cookie--lock-description           Description of lock--lock-duration              Lock duration (in seconds)--lock-type                  Lock type (shared, exclusive)CACHE POOLS: (for testing/development only)cache-flush <obj-name>           flush cache pool object (blocking)cache-try-flush <obj-name>       flush cache pool object (non-blocking)cache-evict <obj-name>           evict cache pool objectcache-flush-evict-all            flush+evict all objectscache-try-flush-evict-all        try-flush+evict all objectsGLOBAL OPTIONS:--object_locator object_locatorset object_locator for operation-p pool--pool=poolselect given pool by name--target-pool=poolselect target pool by name-b op_sizeset the size of write ops for put or benchmarking-s name--snap nameselect given snap name for (read) IO-i infile--createcreate the pool or directory that was specified-N namespace--namespace=namespacespecify the namespace to use for the objectBENCH OPTIONS:-t N--concurrent-ios=NSet number of concurrent I/O operations--show-timeprefix output with date/timeLOAD GEN OPTIONS:--num-objects                    total number of objects--min-object-size                min object size--max-object-size                max object size--min-ops                        min number of operations--max-ops                        max number of operations--max-backlog                    max backlog (in MB)--percent                        percent of operations that are read--target-throughput              target throughput (in MB)--run-length                     total time (in seconds)

2. http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/monitoring-osd-pg/

To store object data in the Ceph Object Store, a Ceph client must:
1. Set an object name
2. Specify a poolThe Ceph client retrieves the latest cluster map and the CRUSH algorithm calculates how to map the object to a placement group, and then calculates how to assign the placement group to an OSD dynamically. To find the object location, all you need is the object name and the pool name. For example:ceph osd map {poolname} {object-name}
Exercise: Locate an ObjectAs an exercise, lets create an object. Specify an object name, a path to a test file containing some object data and a pool name using the rados put command on the command line. For example:rados put {object-name} {file-path} --pool=data
rados put test-object-1 testfile.txt --pool=data
To verify that the Ceph Object Store stored the object, execute the following:rados -p data ls
Now, identify the object location:ceph osd map {pool-name} {object-name}
ceph osd map data test-object-1
Ceph should output the object’s location. For example:osdmap e537 pool 'data' (0) object 'test-object-1' -> pg 0.d1743484 (0.4) -> up [1,0] acting [1,0]
To remove the test object, simply delete it using the rados rm command. For example:rados rm test-object-1 --pool=data
As the cluster evolves, the object location may change dynamically. One benefit of Ceph’s dynamic rebalancing is that Ceph relieves you from having to perform the migration manually. See the Architecture section for details.


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