(1) 什么是SASL和Cyrus SASL
SASL (Simple Authentication Security Layer) is an Internet
standards-track method for remote computers to authenticate. The Cyrus
SASL library makes supporting various SASL mechanisms easy for both
client and server writers. 
The Cyrus project is the implementation of an enterprise mail system
by the Carnegie Mellon University Computing Services Department. We are
interested in scalable, easy to administer systems. 
(2) Cyrus SASL组成部分
SASL是一个胶合(glue)库,通过这个库把 应用层   与  形式多样的 认证系统整合 在一起。这有点类似于 PAM,但是后者是认证方式,决定什么人可以访问什么服务而SASL是认证过程,侧重于信任建立过程,这个过程可以调用PAM来建立信任关系。
应用层是SASL库的使用者 , 既可以是客户应用程序,也可以是服务应用程序,或者两者都是(在代理的情况下)。 应用层负责SASL认证协商的连线和传达,具体的认证交给SASL库 。 应用层的例子有Cyrus IMAPd,OpenLDAP,Sendmail,Mutt,sieveshell,cyradm等 。
SASL胶合层(Glue Layer)
SASL还提供一些别的服务给应用层和插件,一些是常用的工具,比如MIME Base64编码解码,随机数生成;还有一些是和认证相关的,比如口令验证服务。
最后,SASL还允许应用层和认证机制层访问两种特殊类型的插件:Auxiliary Property或者
SASL认证机制(SASL Mechanisms)
Password Verification Mechanisms  - 接收远程的口令,传递给SASL胶合层,由口令验证器验证,这种机制的例子有 PLAIN
Shared Secret Mechanisms  - 不是直接传递口令明文,而是服务方发起一个认证,客户证明自己知道这个口令,这需要服务方和客户方都保存有口令.这种机制的例子有 CRAM-MD5,DIGEST-MD5以及SRP ;
Kerberos Mechanisms  - 使用信任的第三方来验证客户。
Auxiliary Property(auxprop)
为胶合层提供数据库服务,Cyrus SASL支持两种auxprop插件:SASLdb和SQL。auxprop通常用于共享密码机制。
Username Canonicalization
根据用户名和口令的明文,判断是否验证正确。 口令验证服务器通过SASL选项pwcheck_method来选择,有两类主要的口令验证器:
auxprop - 使用auxprop插件获取口令,比较和用户提供的口令是否相符;
saslauthd  - 呼叫saslauthd服务进程,验证用户。saslauthd支持很多识别方式,比如PAM,LDAP,Kerberos数据库等 。
(3) SASL 术语
认证ID(Authentication identifier)和授权ID(Authorization identifier)
userid(user id, authorization id) - 用户ID,授权ID,说明执行操作的授权个体。
authid(authentication id) - 认证ID,证明某人确系某人。
比如小王休假,小李暂时接替他的工作。那么为了有小王的权限,小李认证时使用自己的帐号,即authid,执行具体的操作时需要有小王的user id,这样才能做他的工作。
A realm is an abstract set of users and certain mechanisms authenticate users in a certain realm. 
最简单的情况是单服务单机器的情况,realm就是FQDN(Full-qualified domain name),如果应用层没有提供,则很多SASL机制采用默认的。
(4) SASL工作流程
auxprop - 根据auxiliary property插件提供的userPassword属性验证用户,数据库通常保存在/etc/sasldb2;
saslauthd  -  通过saslauthd验证用户,-a选项指示saslauthd的具体机制,-n指示saslauthd的线程数;
Courier-IMAP - 通过Courier-IMAP的authdaemond检查口令,类似于saslauthd;
pwcheck - 使用独立辅助服务进程来验证 ;
write your own - 自己写一个验证方式。
CRAM-MD5和DIGEST-MD5使用这种机制,注意,这些方式不能使用saslauthd。 如果不想用这些方式,可从插件目录移走这些插件,或者用mech_list禁用它们。
Kerberos mechanisms
The Cyrus SASL library also comes with two mechanisms that make use
of Kerberos: KERBEROS_V4, which should be able to use any Kerberos v4
implementation, and GSSAPI (tested against MIT Kerberos 5, Heimdal
Kerberos 5 and CyberSafe Kerberos 5). These mechanisms make use of the
kerberos infrastructure and thus have no password database.
that wish to use a kerberos mechanism will need access to a service
key, stored either in a "srvtab" file (Kerberos 4) or a "keytab" file
(Kerberos 5). Currently, the keytab file location is not configurable
and defaults to the system default (probably /etc/krb5.keytab). 
The Kerberos 4 srvtab file location is configurable; by default it
is /etc/srvtab, but this is modifiable by the "srvtab" option.
Different SASL applications can use different srvtab files. 
A SASL application must be able to read its srvtab or keytab file. 
The Cyrus SASL library also supports the One-Time-Password (OTP)
mechanism. This mechanism is similar to CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 in that
is uses a shared secret and a challenge/response exchange. However, OTP
is more secure than the other shared secret mechanisms in that the
secret is used to generate a sequence of one-time (single use)
passwords which prevents reply attacks, and that secret need not be
stored on the system. These one-time passwords are stored in the
/etc/sasldb2 database. See the Shared secrets mechanisms section for a
discussion of the /etc/sasldb2 database. 
For sites with an existing OTP infrastructure using OPIE, Cyrus SASL
can be configured to use OPIE v2.4 instead of using its own database
and server-side routines. OPIE should be configured with the
--disable-user-locking option if the SASL server application will not
be running as "root".
OPIE uses its own "opiekeys" database for
storing the data necessary for generating the server challenges. The
location of the opiekeys file is configurable in SASL; by default it is
/etc/opiekeys, but this is modifiable by the "opiekeys" option. 
A SASL server application must be able to read and write the opiekeys file. 
(5) 如何配置选项
缺省配置文件保存在/usr/lib/sasl2/App.conf里 ,这里App.conf为应用层名字, 比如Sendmail为/usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf
标准的Cyrus SASL配置文件类似于:
srvtab: /var/app/srvtag
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
应用层可重新定义SASL库的选项,这因应用层而异,比如Cyrus imapd保存配置文件为/etc/imapd.conf。
(6) Cyrus SASL 测试
Cyrus SASL库带了两个测试程序: sasl2-sample-server和sasl2-samle-client,分别对应着服务程序和客户程序,可对SASL的配置进行测试 。两个程序都带了三个参数:
-p TCP监听或者连接的端口号,缺省为12345
-s 服务名称,缺省为rcmd
-m 认证的机制
首先我们给测试服务程序提供一个配置文件,sample.conf,保存 在/usr/lib/sasl2目录下,内容如下:
pwcheck_method: auxprop
auxprop_plugin: sasldb
mech_list: plain login ntlm cram-md5 digest-md5
[root@research sasl2]# saslpasswd2 -c marchday
Again (for verification): 
$ sasl2-sample-server -p 9000
$ sasl2-sample-client -p 9000 -m PLAIN localhost
如果没别的问题,应该可以看到successful authentication。^_^

Cyrus SASL Library Documatation
应用程序------>SASL 为客户服务的配置/usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf
           auth       required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth
           account    required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth



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