
Enter username to boot WebLogic server:renzhiyuan  #用户名
Enter password to boot WebLogic server:            #密码
<2017-2-23 下午03时09分47秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING.>
<2017-2-23 下午03时09分47秒 CST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002900> <Initializing self-tuning thread pool.>
<2017-2-23 下午03时09分48秒 CST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002942> <CMM memory level becomes 0. Setting standby thread pool size to 256.>
<2017-2-23 下午03时09分48秒 CST> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: A MultiException has 2 exceptions.  They are:
1. java.lang.AssertionError: Could not obtain the localhost address. The most likely cause is an error in the network configuration of this machine.
2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on weblogic.rjvm.RJVMService
A MultiException has 2 exceptions.  They are:
1. java.lang.AssertionError: Could not obtain the localhost address. The most likely cause is an error in the network configuration of this machine.
2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on weblogic.rjvm.RJVMService
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ClazzCreator.create(ClazzCreator.java:447)
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.SystemDescriptor.create(SystemDescriptor.java:456)
at org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel.internal.AsyncRunLevelContext.findOrCreate(AsyncRunLevelContext.java:225)
at org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel.RunLevelContext.findOrCreate(RunLevelContext.java:82)
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.Utilities.createService(Utilities.java:2488)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: java.lang.AssertionError: Could not obtain the localhost address. The most likely cause is an error in the network configuration of this machine.
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils$AddressMaker.getLocalHost(AddressUtils.java:39)
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils$AddressMaker.<clinit>(AddressUtils.java:34)
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils.getIPForLocalHost(AddressUtils.java:207)
at weblogic.rjvm.JVMID.setLocalID(JVMID.java:241)
at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMService.setJVMID(RJVMService.java:69)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: java.net.UnknownHostException: Weblogic: Weblogic: 未知的名称或服务
at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1505)
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils$AddressMaker.getLocalHost(AddressUtils.java:37)
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils$AddressMaker.<clinit>(AddressUtils.java:34)
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils.getIPForLocalHost(AddressUtils.java:207)
at weblogic.rjvm.JVMID.setLocalID(JVMID.java:241)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: java.net.UnknownHostException: Weblogic: 未知的名称或服务
at java.net.Inet6AddressImpl.lookupAllHostAddr(Native Method)
at java.net.InetAddress$2.lookupAllHostAddr(InetAddress.java:928)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAddressesFromNameService(InetAddress.java:1323)
at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1500)
at weblogic.utils.net.AddressUtils$AddressMaker.getLocalHost(AddressUtils.java:37)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
The WebLogic Server encountered a critical failure
Reason: Assertion violated
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class weblogic.protocol.ServerIdentityManager$Initializer
at weblogic.protocol.ServerIdentityManager.findServerIdentity(ServerIdentityManager.java:66)
at weblogic.protocol.URLManager.findAdministrationURL(URLManager.java:174)
at weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime.getLifeCycleOperationsRemote(ServerLifeCycleRuntime.java:1166)
at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.sendStateToAdminServer(ServerRuntime.java:433)
at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.updateRunState(ServerRuntime.java:419)
at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.setState(T3Srvr.java:231)
at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:531)
at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:65)



Enter username to boot WebLogic server:renzhiyuan  #创建域时指定的用户名(正确)
Enter password to boot WebLogic server:            #创建域时指定的密码(正确)


The WebLogic Server encountered a critical failure
Reason: Assertion violated

3、可不可以通过Weblogic 启动日志得到其它信息?并未得到日志出现。

[root@Weblogic logs]# ll /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/renzhiyuan/logs
总用量 4
drwxr-x--- 2 weblogic weblogic 4096 2月  23 15:01 diagnostic_images
[root@Weblogic logs]# ll /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/renzhiyuan/logs/diagnostic_images/
总用量 0
[root@Weblogic logs]#


Caused By: java.lang.AssertionError: Could not obtain the localhost address. The most likely cause is an error in the network configuration of this machine.


[root@Weblogic ~]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 Weblogic Weblogic
[root@Weblogic ~]#


Enter username to boot WebLogic server:renzhiyuan
Enter password to boot WebLogic server:
<2017-2-24 上午09时37分38秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时37分38秒 CST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002900> <Initializing self-tuning thread pool.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时37分39秒 CST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002942> <CMM memory level becomes 0. Setting standby thread pool size to 256.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时37分43秒 CST> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170019> <The server log file /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/renzhiyuan/logs/renzhiyuan.log is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时37分57秒 CST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090082> <Security initializing using security realm myrealm.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分09秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STANDBY.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分09秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING.>
二月 24, 2017 9:38:09 上午 weblogic.wsee.WseeCoreMessages logWseeServiceStarting
信息: 正在启动 Wsee 服务
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分24秒 CST> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170027> <The server has successfully established a connection with the Domain level Diagnostic Service.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分28秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to ADMIN.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分28秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RESUMING.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Warning> <Server> <BEA-002611> <The hostname "localhost", maps to multiple IP addresses:, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[1]" is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[2]" is now listening on fe80:0:0:0:20c:29ff:fea5:261f:7001 for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default" is now listening on for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <Server> <BEA-002613> <Channel "Default[3]" is now listening on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7001 for protocols iiop, t3, ldap, snmp, http.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000329> <Started the WebLogic Server Administration Server "renzhiyuan" for domain "base_domain" running in production mode.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <The server started in RUNNING mode.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING.>


[root@Weblogic ~]# ll /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/renzhiyuan/logs
总用量 52
-rw-r----- 1 weblogic weblogic     0 2月  24 09:38 access.log
-rw-r----- 1 weblogic weblogic  4047 2月  24 09:38 base_domain.log
drwxr-x--- 2 weblogic weblogic  4096 2月  23 15:01 diagnostic_images
-rw-r----- 1 weblogic weblogic 42007 2月  24 09:39 renzhiyuan.log
[root@Weblogic ~]# cd /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/renzhiyuan/logs
[root@Weblogic logs]# tail -f renzhiyuan.log
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Info> <Management> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309133> <BEA-141053> <The auto deployment poller has not started for the production server.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309201> <BEA-000360> <The server started in RUNNING mode.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309281> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Info> <EJB> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309531> <BEA-010009> <EJB deployed EJB with JNDI name ejb.mgmt.MEJB.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Info> <EJB> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309531> <BEA-014022> <javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome is bound with JNDI name java:app/mejb/Mejb!javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Info> <EJB> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309531> <BEA-014022> <javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome is bound with JNDI name java:global/mejb/Mejb!javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Info> <EJB> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309532> <BEA-014022> <javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome is bound with JNDI name java:module/Mejb!javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时38分29秒 CST> <Info> <EJB> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1487900309532> <BEA-014021> <The EJB Mejb(Application: mejb, EJBComponent: mejb.jar) has been successfully deployed. The following remote interfaces have been bound into JNDI with the specified JNDI names:>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时39分09秒 CST> <Info> <Health> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <weblogic.GCMonitor> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1487900349956> <BEA-310002> <45% of the total memory in the server is free.>
####<2017-2-24 上午09时39分09秒 CST> <Info> <Health> <Weblogic> <renzhiyuan> <weblogic.GCMonitor> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1487900349964> <BEA-310002> <71% of the total memory in the server is free.>


cd /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin
[weblogic@Weblogic bin]$ ./startManagedWebLogic.sh renzhiyuan1
JAVA Memory arguments: -Xms256m -Xmx512m  -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
*  To start WebLogic Server, use a username and   *
*  password assigned to an admin-level user.  For *
*  server administration, use the WebLogic Server *
*  console at http://hostname:port/console        *
starting weblogic with Java version:
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)
Starting WLS with line:
/usr/local/jdk1.8/bin/java -server   -Xms256m -Xmx512m  -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dweblogic.Name=renzhiyuan1 -Djava.security.policy=/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.policy  -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=true -Dweblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore=/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/wlserver/server/lib/cacerts   -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/jdk1.8/jre/lib/endorsed:/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/wlserver/../oracle_common/modules/endorsed  -da -Dwls.home=/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/wlserver/server -Dweblogic.home=/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/wlserver/server   -Dweblogic.management.server=http://localhost:7001  -Dweblogic.utils.cmm.lowertier.ServiceDisabled=true  weblogic.Server
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分03秒 CST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090905> <Disabling the CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check for better startup performance. To enable this check, specify -Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultJCEVerification=true.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分04秒 CST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090906> <Changing the default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ from ECDRBG128 to FIPS186PRNG. To disable this change, specify -Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultPRNG=true.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分05秒 CST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Version 25.121-b13 from Oracle Corporation.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分06秒 CST> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090065> <Getting boot identity from user.>
Enter username to boot WebLogic server:renzhiyuan
Enter password to boot WebLogic server:
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分17秒 CST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141107> <Version: WebLogic Server  Wed May 21 18:53:34 PDT 2014 1604337 >
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分20秒 CST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分20秒 CST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002900> <Initializing self-tuning thread pool.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分20秒 CST> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002942> <CMM memory level becomes 0. Setting standby thread pool size to 256.>
<2017-2-24 上午09时45分21秒 CST> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170019> <The server log file /home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/renzhiyuan1/logs/renzhiyuan1.log is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.>


[root@Weblogic ~]# netstat -atupn|grep --color -E "7001|7003"
tcp        0      0 fe80::20c:29ff:fea5:26:7001 :::*                        LISTEN      2986/java
tcp        0      0 ::1:7001                    :::*                        LISTEN      2986/java
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:   :::*                        LISTEN      2986/java
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:       :::*                        LISTEN      2986/java
tcp        0      0 ::1:7003                    :::*                        LISTEN      3205/java
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:   :::*                        LISTEN      3205/java
tcp        0      0 fe80::20c:29ff:fea5:26:7003 :::*                        LISTEN      3205/java
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:       :::*                        LISTEN      3205/java
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:   ::ffff:  ESTABLISHED 2986/java
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:  ::ffff:   ESTABLISHED 3205/java
[root@Weblogic ~]#






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