Well, character encoding and decoding sometimes frustrates me a lot.

So we know u'\u4f60\u597d' is the utf-8 encoding of 你好,

>>> print hellolist


>>> print hellolist[0]


Now what I really want to get from the output or write to a file is [u'你好'], but it's [u'\u4f60\u597d'] all the time, so how do you do it?


When you print (or write to a file) a list it internally calls the str() method of the list , but list internally calls repr() on its elements. repr() returns the ugly unicode representation that you are seeing .

Example of repr -

>>> h = u'\u4f60\u597d'

>>> print h


>>> print repr(h)


You would need to manually take the elements of the list and print them for them to print correctly.

Example -

>>> h1 = [h,u'\u4f77\u587f']

>>> print u'[' + u','.join([u"'" + unicode(i) + u"'" for i in h1]) + u']'

For lists containing sublists that may have unicode characters, you would need a recursive function , example -

>>> h1 = [h,(u'\u4f77\u587f',)]

>>> def listprinter(l):

... if isinstance(l, list):

... return u'[' + u','.join([listprinter(i) for i in l]) + u']'

... elif isinstance(l, tuple):

... return u'(' + u','.join([listprinter(i) for i in l]) + u')'

... elif isinstance(l, (str, unicode)):

... return u"'" + unicode(l) + u"'"




>>> print listprinter(h1)

To save them to file, use the same list comprehension or recursive function. Example -

with open('','w') as f:



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