本文翻译自:How do you write multiline strings in Go?

Does Go have anything similar to Python's multiline strings: Go是否与Python的多行字符串相似?

"""line 1
line 2
line 3"""

If not, what is the preferred way of writing strings spanning multiple lines? 如果不是,编写跨多行字符串的首选方式是什么?




From String literals : 从字符串文字 :

  • raw string literal supports multiline (but escaped characters aren't interpreted) 原始字符串文字支持多行(但不解释转义字符)
  • interpreted string literal interpret escaped characters, like ' \\n '. 解释的字符串文字解释转义的字符,例如' \\n '。

But, if your multi-line string has to include a backquote (`), then you will have to use an interpreted string literal: 但是,如果多行字符串必须包含反引号(`),则必须使用解释后的字符串文字:

`line oneline two ` +
"`" + `line three
line four`

You cannot directly put a backquote (`) in a raw string literal (``xx \\ ). 您不能在原始字符串文字(``xx \\ )中直接添加反引号(`)。
You have to use (as explained in " how to put a backquote in a backquoted string? "): 您必须使用(如“ 如何在反引号中的字符串中加上反引号? ”中所述):

 + "`" + ...


You can put content with `` around it, like 您可以在内容周围加上``

var hi = `I am here,


Use raw string literals for multi-line strings: 对多行字符串使用原始字符串文字:

func main(){multiline := `line
by line
and line
after line`

Raw string literals 原始字符串文字

Raw string literals are character sequences between back quotes, as in `foo` . 原始字符串文字是反引号之间的字符序列,如`foo` Within the quotes, any character may appear except back quote. 在引号内,除反引号外,任何字符都可能出现。

A significant part is that is raw literal not just multi-line and to be multi-line is not the only purpose of it. 一个重要的部分是原始文字不只是多行,而且成为多行并不是其唯一目的。

The value of a raw string literal is the string composed of the uninterpreted (implicitly UTF-8-encoded) characters between the quotes; 原始字符串文字的值是由引号之间未解释(隐式为UTF-8编码)的字符组成的字符串。 in particular, backslashes have no special meaning... 特别是反斜杠没有特殊含义...

So escapes will not be interpreted and new lines between ticks will be real new lines . 因此,转义符将不会被解释, 刻度线之间的新行将是真正的新行

func main(){multiline := `line
by line \n
and line \n
after line`// \n will be just printed. // But new lines are there too.fmt.Print(multiline)

Concatenation 级联

Possibly you have long line which you want to break and you don't need new lines in it. 可能您有长行要中断,并且不需要新行。 In this case you could use string concatenation. 在这种情况下,您可以使用字符串连接。

func main(){multiline := "line " +"by line " +"and line " +"after line"fmt.Print(multiline) // No new lines here

Since " " is interpreted string literal escapes will be interpreted. 由于“”被解释为字符串,因此将解释字面量转义。

func main(){multiline := "line " +"by line \n" +"and line \n" +"after line"fmt.Print(multiline) // New lines as interpreted \n


You have to be very careful on formatting and line spacing in go, everything counts and here is a working sample, try it https://play.golang.org/p/c0zeXKYlmF 您必须非常注意格式和行间距,一切都很重要,这是一个有效的示例,请尝试一下https://play.golang.org/p/c0zeXKYlmF

package mainimport "fmt"func main() {testLine := `This is a test line 1
This is a test line 2`fmt.Println(testLine)


you can use raw literals. 您可以使用原始文字。 Example



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